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IRON HILL FORM CHART CHARTIRON IRON HILL MD March 12 Winter Moetiiig Keystone Racing Association Weather clear track heavy Q O O FIRST RAGE 58 Mile Purse 15u 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Horses Wt St M Vi StrFin Jockeys Owners Op Ol PI 6S76OXIA 103 1 166H41INQUIRENDO 14 15 12 IH Kuhn Homowood btable iVi 354 65 66H41INQUIRENDO 120 2 21 22 21 26 W Morris J Skeono 6N72 HECK JR 120 3 36276JBESSIE 31 31 32 3 Ellis E Collins 6276JBESSIE ABBOTT 115 8 8 6 5 43 Brophy Manilla Stable 6732 HENRY HIGGINS 120 7 5 Wi 4 5 Nelson Gordon Stable 20 30 10 6335 ILL DO 120 5 56696CHARLIE 6566 Gormley Wm Fay 10 12 5 56696CHARLIE 6696CHARLIE B 120 4 468S1 4i2 7 7 7 Delong J W Jones 862 86268S1 68S1 PALMYRA 115 6 7 8 8 8 J Moore W M Bott 8 10 4 4Time Time 27 54 109 109Winner Winner Ch f 3 by Miser Queen of Hearts HeartsStart Start good Won driving Inquirendo was the best and should have won Kuhn outrode outrodeMorris Morris at the end It was a threehorse race Higgins had a little speed but not much muchScratched Scratched Startling 115 Leonidas 120 raJKia JOQO SECOND RACE 4 1S Furlongs Purse 150 4yearolds and upward Selling 3 StrFin Jockeys Op Cl PI 6917 MARGUERITE II 110 1 IH zVt 4 1 R Brown S D Jackson 3 4 6722 ARCHIE 115 3 31 1 11 2H C Hueston J B Gililand 15 25 6874 IRISH LASS 110 5 5 5 3 K 3 McCloskey P J McDermott 10 15 6872 JACK DIVER 115 2 26872MEADOWS 2 3 2 41 Brophy C Elkinton 4 4 6872MEADOWS 115 4 4JOE 41 42 5 5 Neary Hartford Stable 95 1 JOE MACK 115 6 6666 Mclntyre P W Diestal 10 15 6 6722 UNCLE LEW US 7 7690DLORETTA 7777 Bloss D Bennett 8 10 4 4690DLORETTA 690DLORETTA 110 8 8888 J Moore Marlborough Stbl 6 8 3 6879 ENTHUSIAST 115 9 9DENO 9999 W Moore M Kelly 8 10 4 DENO 110 10 10 10 10 10 Ellis G C Gray 10 15 6 6Time Time 26 53 J4 101 101Winner Winner Ch m 7 by Algerin0 Money Box BoxStart Start good Won in a hard drive of four horses Archie hung on the end and Irish Lass came strong She was really the best and should have won McCloskey was outridden Overweights Marguerite II 4 pounds 694O THIRD RACE 58 Mile Purse 150 4yearolds and upward Selling Ind Horses Wt St M StrFin Jockeys Op Cl PJ 12 13 u 12 JMoore W J Deistal 6902 KIRKOVER 120 6 6 3 2 2a Ellis Pleasant Val Stbl 683 6877 MOHAWK 120 4 4 5 41 31 Brooks P J McManus 5 6 6873 DUTCH BLUSTER 120 1 2 21 31 42 Colemau JButler 880 6903 STOREKEEPER 120 7 7865 Hancock Omaha Stable 4 5 85 6901 WAH JIM 120 8 8686 Merrick Columbia Stable 8 10 4 6882 APPLES 115 5 5 4 5 7 Watson Chelsea Stable 12 15 6 6902 LOTTIE F 115 9 9 10 10 8 Brophy Prospect Stable 683 6913 IDA 103 10 10 9 9 9 C Hueston W Delong 341 6877 MISS BOWSER 115 3 3 4 7 10 A Moore J M Triplett 8 10 4 4Time Time 27 55 110 110Winner Winner Br f 4 by Oaondaga Laura Stne StneStart Start fair Won easily next three driving Kirkover was closing Pinkprton was far the faster though Bluster stopped under pressure and Bowser was bumped out of it on turn 6941 FOURTH RACE 34 Mile Purse 150 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Horses Wt 31 M StrFin Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 115 5 3 38 Vn 1 Alford E M Phillips 6917 SAM FARMER 115 6 12 15 11 2 Evans Iowa Stable 3485 6735 HAZEL 110 1 22 22 3 310 Coudrier Ashton Stable 10 12 5 6902 HA HA 110 2 4 4 41 42 Brophy Trio Stable 452 6664 ROLLA 115 10 8655 Houlahan Avoca Stable 683 6625 KING HERO 115 3 5566 Dorsoy M S Smith 10 12 5 6719 JOHN MULLEN 115 4 6777 Nelson Famous Stable 10 12 5 6340 SILVER QUEEN 110 7 7888 Watson Hill Top Stable 12 15 5 6717 ILLUME 115 9 10 9 9 9 Ellis G McCormack 8 10 4 6717 1ANTHE 110 8 9 10 10 10 F Hueston Camden Stable 10 12 5 5Time Time 28 57 126 126Winner Winner B g 4 by Lord Clifden Laura Walker WalkerStart Start fair Won haodily next pair driving Clifden was far the best He got and boat Farmer when he chose He was heavily backed Hazel finished strong Illume sulked JQ1 O FIFTH RACE 58 Mile Purse 150 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Horses Wt St M K StrFin Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 6695 QDILLA 115 6 2 31 21 1 Andrews Wm Lewis 2 65 out 6719 FOXGLOVE 120 1 H 1 12 2 Nelson West Lynn Stable 562 6862 FREE SILVER 120 7 6 5 3 36 Newell Wm Kinkle 10 5 85 6902 SCHOOLMARM 115 3 5764 Houlahan E M Phillips 12 15 6 6K75 JOHN RUDDEN 120 10 10 9 7 5 Rasure A Brooks 8 10 4 6882 PEARL BROCK 108 4 4 41 4 6 Kuhn P Wiley 4465 6882 SLOPE 108 2 3 2 5 7 Coudrier Ashton Stable 3465 6093 MIKE iGREEN 120 8 8 8 8 Coleman LBecker 15 25 10 6395 HERA 115 5 7699 Brophy L Tully 562 6626 LIZZIE M 106 9 9 10 10 10 C Hueston Geo Cuenin 683 Time 683Time 28M 56 l12 Winnor l12Winnor Ch m 5 by Spend thrif t Escellenza EscellenzaStart Start fair Won driving next two as hard ridden It was a twohorse race to near the end Free endFree Silver was best He would ihave won in a few aumps more Slope had early speed but stopped stoppedOverweights Overweights Lizzie M 3 pounds 6943 J O A Q SIXTH RACE 4 13 Furlongs Purse 150 3yearolds and upward Allowances Ind Horses Wt St i StrFin Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 6900 PEARLINE 107 1 1 1 12 Wt Ellis T Brennan 562 6880 KDNA BENNETT 104 4 3 3 22 2 Patton A ftlullauey 75 85 35 8 0 GLOVER VENDIG 109 2 56 i 6 38 Brophy H B Anderson 4 5 85 6906 PRINCESS JULIA 92 3 2 21 3 41 R Bender J Castle 3 2 45 6MO 456MO VALLEY GIRL 92 6 6 4 5 5 E Jones W H House 8 10 4 6880 HELEN T 95V45 4 5 6 6 J Keefe T Welch 8 10 4 4249 STOCKBRIDGE l01i27 7777 CunnmghmH Fulford 34 S5 Time S5Time 273 58 103 Winner B f 4 by Hi Ban Pearl J JStart Start fair Won ridden out third and fourth were under pressure too PearUne ran Julia to pieces and then came on and finished strong Vendig finished stoutly Scratched stoutlyScratched By A Neck 109j The Alien 97 Mary Larson 92 92Overweights Overweights Pearlino 3 pounds Helen T 354 Stockbridge 4W