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MONTANA RACING OF 1897 Entries Close April i 1897 with Ed A Tipton Mngr Anaconda Montana FIFTYFOUR DAYS CONTIGUOUS RAC1NQ TEN THOROUGHBRED STAKES 11000 GUARANTEED IN VALUE 150000 FOR THE WINNERS DAYS AT ANACONDA hfl DAYS AT BUTTE ANACONDA RACING ASSN WEST SIDE RACING ASSN JUNE 26 TO JULY 24th JULY 27 TO AUGUST 28th ANACONDA AND BUTTE ARE BUT TWENTYSEVEN MILES APART THE COPPER CITY HANDICAP 1500 two days before race Winners after weights THE BUTTE HANDICAP 1000 value 1500 of which 250 to second and 150 to toA A handicap f or ail ages Entrance 10 50 ad are announced to carry 5 Ibs penalty Losers A handicap for all ages Entrance 10 30 third horse Weights to bo announced throe throeditional ditional for horses not declared by 5 pm of the after weights are announced allowed 3 Ibs To additional for horses not declared by 5 pm of days before race Winders after weights are areday day before the race Guaranteed value 1500 be run at Anaconda Mile the day before the race Guaranteed value announced to carry Iba penalty To be run at atof of which 250 to second and 150 to third horse THE OGDEN STAKES 1000 1000 of which 200 to second and 100 to third ntte l Miles MilesWeights Weights to be announced three days before the V 7 J horse Weights to be announced two days For 2yearolds Entrance 10 au additional THE WEST SIDE HANDICAP lrt 1000 1000carry nnn nnnrace race Winners after weights are announced to before race Winners after weichts are an carry 5 Ibs penalty To be run at Anaconda to start Guaranteed value 1000 of which 200 nonnced to carry 5 Ibs penalty Starters after A handicap for all ages Entrance 10 30 154 Miles to second and 100 to third hprse Winners of announcement of weights not running one two additional for horses not declared by 5 p m of ofTUC a stake race of the value of 1000 to carry 3 Ibs allowed31bs To be run at Butte 1 116 Miles the day before the race Guaranteed value TUC valueTHE AMA Kr A AKrv THE ANACONDA HANDICAP A 1000 nnn twoof any value or one of 2000 5 Ibs three of 1000 of which 200 to second and 100 to third thirdA A handicap for all ages Entrance 10 30 any value Tibs extra Maidens allowed 3 Ibs THE NORTH WESTERN HANDICAP horse Weights to be announced two days daysadditional additional for horses not declared by 5 pm of beaten maidens 5 Ibs those that have started ti nnn before race Winners after weights are an anthe the day before the race Guaranteed value wlce ad D9eD Placed 7 Ibs To be run at nounced to carry 5 Ibs penalty To be run at 1000 of which 200 to second and 100 to third Anaconda inilo A handicap for 2yearolds Entrance 10 30 Butte 114 Miles Mileshnrso hnrso Voi Vifo tn v nnnmrnnri fnrr rinvo nnn additional for horses not declared by 5 pm oi the thebefore before race Winners affer wehThts are an THE DEER LODGE STAKES 1000 day before the race Guaranteed vajue 1000 THE SILVER BOW STAKES 1000 1000nounced nounced to carry 5 Ibs penalty To bo run at For 2yearolds Entrance 10 30 additional of which 200 to second and 100 to third horse For 2year olds Entrance lo 10 additional additionalAnaconda Anaconda 1 Mile to whichto start Guaranteed value 1000 of which 200 Weights to be announced two days before race for starters Guaranteed vilue ntO f which to second and 100 to third horse Winners of a Winners after weights are announced to carry 200 to second and 100 to third horse Winners WinnersTHE THE SMELTERMENS HANDICAP stake race of the value of 1000 to cam 3 Ibs 5 Ibs penalty Starters after weights are an Of a stake or winners of two races f any value ThosefclUUU i nnn IVT extra two of any value 5 Ibs extra three of nounced that fail to be placed one two three albs extra of three races 5 Ibs extra Those beatenA fclUUU any value 7 Ibs extra Beaten maidens allowed allowed 5 Ibs To bo run at Butte M Mile not having won a stake allowed 5 Ibs beaten A handicap for 3jearolds and upward En 5 Ibs those that have started and not been maidens 8 Ibs maidens that have started at H Q VFR rTV MANnirAP fc1 ROD trance10 30 additional for horses not declared placed allowed 7 Ibs those that have started nt ILVtK Ul I Y rlAlNUiOAr iouu the Anaconda or Butte meetings and have not by 5 pm of the day bpfore the race Guaran twice at the Anaconda meeting and not been A handicap for 3jearolfls and upward Ku been placed 10 Ibs To be run at Butte 5 teed value 1000 of which 200 to second and placed allowed 10 Ibs To be run at Anaconda trance 10 5 i additional for horses not declared furlongs 100 to third horse Weights to be announced 4V4 Furlongs by 5 p m of the day before race Guaranteed GuaranteedTHE 1000For THE RAVALLI STAKES 1000 THE YELLOWSTONE HANDICAP 1000 For threeyearolds Entrance 10 3U additional to start Guaranteed value 1000 of which A handicap for throeyearolds and under Entrance 10 30 additional for horses not de 200 to second and 100 to third Colts to carry 122 Ibs geldings 119 Ibs fillies 117 Ibs Those clared by 5 p m of day before race Guaranteed value 1000 of which 200 to secontT and 100 to tothat that have not won a threeyear old race allowed 3 Ibs maidens 5 Ibs beaten maidens 8 Ibs third Weights to be announced two days before race Winners after weights are announced to tomaidens maidens that have started twice as threeyearoldsand have not been placed 12 Ibs To be run carry 5 Ibs penalty To be run at Butte 1 mile at Anaconda 1 miles milesPlenty Plenty of New and Modern Stables flarvelous Water and a Track Soft Enough to Suit Thoroughbreds Perfectly Entries Close April i 1897 with Ed A Tipton Mngr Anaconda flontana