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OAKLAND ENTRIES Probabilities Weather clear track good goodFirst First Race 3 12 Furlongs Furlongs2yearolds 2yearolds Maidens Allowances AllowancesInd Ind Horses Wgt Ind Horses Wgfc WgfcAllie Allie Belle 110 Uncle True 110 110Pongo Pongo 113 6990 Andrea 110 110Morinol Morinol 110 MissGenevieve 110 110Africo Africo 113 6570 May Boy 110 110Iron Iron Heels 110 6724 Tom Spencer 113 7324 Mel Burnham113 6990 Xopos 113 6474 Benecia 110 7210 Deademoba 100 100Bonita Bonita R 110 7210 Glenower 110 110Second Second Race 34 Mile Mile4yearolds 4yearolds and upward Selling SellingInd Ind Horses Wgt Ind Horses Wart 6551 Alvero 4 108 6957 Carrie U 4 106 7060 Nervoso 5 111 7240 Favory 4 114 7244 Our Climate 4108 7267 Encino 4 Ill 7060 Midas 5 114 7325 Perhaps 4 108 7164 Derfargilla 8 109 7218 Bueno 5 Ill 6142 LaMascotta4106 7106 Easel 4 106 7130 Edgemonnt 4 108 7218 Model 5 109 6076 DrMcAlsteralll 6867 Cherrystone 5114 7218 Hotspur 11 114 114Third Third Race 1 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds Allowances AllowancesAnd And Horses Wgt Ind Horses Wgt 6825 Alma 107 7301 St Distaff 112 7326 Nebula 107 7212 Greyhurst 109 7140 Bernardillo 109 7301 Quantrell 112 7221 True Blue 109 109Fourth Fourth Race 3 12 Furlongs Furlongs2yearolds 2yearolds Maidens Allowances AllowancesInd Ind Horses Wgt Ind Horses Wgt 6933 Midglen 113 7296 Rosormonde 100 7057 Roxey Murphy 108 6884 San DurangollO 6926 Jim Brownell 11 Miss Dividead110 Dividead110Katie Katie Blake 110 7217 Approbation 103 7324 Front de Boeuf 103 6926 Dalion 113 6299 Nel McDonald 110 6990 Don Luis 108 7262 Flushingtonl08 6990 Potetite UK UK7161Charles 7161Charles Lebel103 7210Socialist 100 100Elsmore Elsmore 113 Fodic 113 113Macdonoughs Macdonoughs eutry eutryFifth Fifth Race 78 Mile 3yearolds and upward Soiling Ind Horses Wgt Ind Horses Wgt 7299 MeadwLark5101 7011 Col Wheeler 3100 7135 Fr Jaubert 4 98 7008 Ricardo 6 101 7164 Clissie B i4101 7219 JudgeDenny4106 7110 Cabrillo 5 108 7243B Murphy 5 104 8988 Howard 6 106 6452 Kowalsky 4 106 1066927Hermanita 6927Hermanita 5104 7300 Midlo 4 93 6220 Alvarado 4 105 7085Perseus 4 110 101 MollieR 5 104 7182 AdmAndrew3 100 7163 Sea Spray f 101 SenMahney4103 SenMahney4103Sixth Sixth Race 34 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds Selling SellingInd Ind Horses Wgt Tnd Horses Viet 7239 Claudiana 100 7141 Ingleside 102 7265 Chappie 105 7041 Argestes 100 6982 Cheridah 100 7216 Jas Poiteous 105 7007 Lena 100 7056 Widow Jones 112 7216 FannioS 100 7038 Cogent 105 7007 Red Fork 100 7216 Da Cnpo 102 7325 Hop Carruthers117 7060 Flambeauette 101 7068 Viking 117 7069 Altanera 112 6558 Braxey 100 7239 Schwitzer 102 7007 Yerba BuenalOO