untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1897-04-06


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1897 T H r Tr TIT fe UlPfc BELLE STUD and I vyt Leaf by Imr Australian BRAMBLE J Tler Clifford and Ben Brush 300 Book Full KINGSTON s rift Imp Kapanga 0 Book Full FORESTER srj The IllUsed Woodbine Book Full Filled by Owner Q W JOHNSON JOHNSONBURLINGTON Iroquois Bonnie Scotland Brunette by 50 Imp BURLINGTON Powhattan Imp Invercauld by St Blaise 50 THE LA BELLiE MATEON BAND is one of refinement All are winners or the dams of winners Look at the list Arrowgrass flam of Zancno Boabdilla dam of Carnage and Yours Truly Bally ho Balance Caledonia Jotho Dauj Woodruff Eleanor Estello Forethought dam of Fischer and Provident Indigo India Lady Wayward dam of Carlsbad Lady Ballard dam of Lady Looram LaBelle Lucy Johnson MaBelle North Anna dam of George F Smith Treasure Trove Useful dam of Laura Ford and Constant Knickknack dam of Gew Gaw Park Ridge Elva Hypatia Paola Lola A Libbie L dam of Arrezzo MicMac Queen Rag na Ella Reed Little Minnie Perhaps dam of Reckon Florence E Seabright Shadow Skadi Acclaim Reina Sunshine dam of Sunny Miss Dixon Mary M dam of Lincoln II Ella Blackburn Zingara Bettie Prather Zantippa My Gyip Rotta dam of Brametta Ella Shipman and others othersStallions Stallions Broodmares Yearlings Horses in Training Winners for sale at all times timesI I HAVE SOLD SUCH GRAND RACE HORSES AS ASCLIFFORD CLIFFORD DUCAT LAZZARONE LAZZARONECHANT CHANT PESARRA HANDSPUN URANIA BEN BRUSH BRUSHAND AND MANY OTHERS OTHERSThe The Public and Visitors to Kentucky are welcome to La Belle at any time SUNDAYS ESPECIALLY mm mmH H EUGENE LEIGH LEIGHLEXINGTON LEXINGTON KENTUCKY

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1890s/drf1897040601/drf1897040601_4_2
Local Identifier: drf1897040601_4_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800