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NEWPORT FORM CHART CHARTNEWPORT NEWPORT KY April 6 Fifth day Queen City Jockey Club Spring Meeting Weather cloudy track good Presiding Judge J J Burke Starter II D Brown O pf pT FIE3T RACE 7 15J Furlongs Purse 300 3yearolds and upward Allowances Ind Horses Wt St M StrFin Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 5372 SKATE 106 5 21 2 IH IH 12 H Williams T A Tiernoy 10 6 2 7289 BANQDO II 98 3 6 4i 410 420 2 C Beiff P J Miles 3 4 85 8572S8JWINKER 72S8JWINKER 102 1 41 32 2 2 3 J Hill R McMillen 85 2 45 7318 J H C 98 4 IH 11 31 32 420 BeauchampW H May 2 254 1 7288 THE GAINER 98 2 51 5Vi 51 52 52 Chonault G F Dickinson 30 40 12 MINNIS 95 7 7 7 6 6 6 Moore Chas Anderson 30 40 12 3848 INVEELIKE 104 6 31 6 7 7 7 J Jackson S C Wagner 15 20 8 8Time Time 25M 51 1041 jieA 130136 Winner B g 4 by Minting Glide GlideStart Start good Won handily next two in a hard drive Banquo was taken into the heavy going next postScratched to rail He ran a winning race Skate was badly injured by a kick at post Scratched Bona Schoenfeld 112 Rewarder 116 7356 SECOND UACE 34 Mile Purse 300 3yearolds Selling Ind Horses Wt St Vi YA StrFin Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 4068 ROOKWALL 102 3 3 2i iJi li W Hicks E Lee Bird 5411 JULIUS MARKS 105 7 7 5 3ft 2 BeauchampLeo Christy Christyli 7320 PLUTARCH 105 4 li 1ft 12 32 Fowler Jos Gibbs 7321 IMPECUNIOUS 102 5 41 31 41 42 Chenanlt C D Chenault 4579 CLARA JEWEL 100 6 6 6 6 51 HWilliamsJ S Wallace Wallace2n 1888 RISQUE 102 2 2 2n 41 5 6 J Jackson J Bauer Co 3 3 65 7311 COTTON QUEEN 100 1 5777 Randall J W Chinn 6 7 2K Time 2KTime ime 26 51H 51ftl04 1 04 1 l17ft 17 17Winner Winner B c by Audrain Brune BruneStart Start excellent Won handily Plutarch was taken into the deep going last quarter The winner turned wide into the straight Marks was slow to get in motion but ran a good race 7357 THIRD RACE 58 Mile Purse 300 2yearolds Allowances ind Horses Wt St 54 ft M StrFin Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 7338 NEKAENIS 108 3 41 3ft 1ft 12 C Eeitf Baker Gentry 2 135 1 VOLZETTE 110 7 5ft 41 51 23 Corner P J Miles 10 12 5 7286 SKILJbMAN 105 2 1 11 2ft 32 BeauchampJas Smith 10 15 5 7286 EU1Z 102 1 2 2 4ft VA Eandall J H Shropshire 5 6 2 7310 CAMPERDOWN 110 5 31 5ft 31 52 Perkins Lee Christy 2 2 45 7319 AUE1 FERGUS 105 6 7766 Gatewood Scoggan Bros 5 3 1 7286 ALBERT L 105 4 6 6 7 7 J Hill R McMillan 6 6Time Time 253 5154 104 104Winner Winner Ch c by Fonso Flower Dellis DellisStart Start excellent Won easily Ruiz and Skillman were both short Camperdown Camperdownracing is a poor racing tool and a worse betting medium Nekarnis likes a long route Yolzette ran a winning race Will do next time in same class 7358 FOURTH RACE 34 Mile Purse 3UO 3yearoldg Selling Ind Horses Wt St V4 M StrFin Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 5411 ARGUS 105 3 3ft 32 3 la C Eeiff WdfordBuckner 452 452IH 7309 THEEE BAES 107 1 IH IH IB 2 J Perkins W J Douahue 32 2 45 7320 ELGITHA 103 2 2BOOKEE 22 22 21 32 Scherrer Talbot Bros 65 85 35 BOOKEE BUENS 102 7 6 5ft 51 46 J Sill Terrell Marders 10 12 5 5412 LOVEJOY 102 5 5ft 6 6 5 Swegles P Keating Co 25 30 10 5412 MISS ALICE 105 4 4INVITATION 41 4 42 6 Hart W M Lockett 683 INVITATION 100 6 7777 HWilliamsJ J R Hughes 12 15 6 Times 24 49 102 115 J Winner Cb c by Argyle Lake Breeze BreezeStart Start good The first three were driving hard Argus came fast at the end Reiff outrode J Perkins on Three Bars Ovarweigbts Miss Alice 5 pounds Elgitha 3 Three Bars 2 rrO TQ FIFTH EACE 1 Mile Purse 300 4yearolds and upward Selling Ind Horses Wt St M V M StrFin Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 7322 PARSON 109 3 31 2 1 12 i Perkins B G Thomas 85 2 2a 1 7312 TOOTS 104 1 6 7 3 42 2 Corner P J Miles 2 2 45 7290 LIBERATI 97 4 4 4 6 2Y3 3z Chenault Million Davis 10 0 10 4 729 MATTIE LEE 95 2 U li 21 3lz 42 Huston Baker Gentry 45 452 7290 TARIFF REFORM 107 9 7 52 Si 52 52 J Perkins M McGuire 10 0 12 5 7322 STAKBEAM 92 6 2 31 7 6 6 Sheppard E T McConnell 10 0 12 5 4S53 LEAFLET 102 8 5 6 4 51 7 Gatowood Talbot Bros 6 7 21A 7063 MARTIN 103 7 9 8 8 8 8 J Jackson Scott Williams 8 10 4904 OLD NASSAU 100 5 8 9 9 9 9 HUilliamsE T Sims 10 12 5 Time 245K 50 1 03 1164 1 3U4 1 44 HimyarStart Winner B g 4 by Paramatta Sis Himyar Start excellent Won in a gallop Toots was very poorly handled and allowed to swerve all about in the stretch Leaflet ran short Liberati was cut off on the stretch turn Mattie Leos race was below the mark markScratched Scratched Arrack 100 Elano 101 101Overweights Overweights Toots 2 pounds Tariff Reform 3 Old Nassau 3