Oakland Form Chart., Daily Racing Form, 1897-04-10


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OAKLAND FORM CHART CHARTOAKLAND OAKLAND CAL April 9 Sixtyeighth Day California Jockey Club Winter Meeting Weather clear track good Presiding Judge Capt Bees Starter James B Ferguson 7393 JIES FIRST RACE 78 Mile Purse 350 3yearolds and upward selling Ind Horses Wt St Vt StrFin Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 7365 INGLESIDE 90 3 3 554 31 32 11 H Brown B Schreiber 44 85 7375 HOTSPUR 4 2 II 26 H Martin W H McLemore 2 7365 CHKRIDAH 31 4 53 32 J Woods G Fletcher 30 60 20 7375 GOV BUDD 101 2 6 11 10 41 4 Reidy T H Boyle 40 50 15 7371 BIG CHIEF 106 6 1 154 1 21 56 Thorpe C Parker 4 4 85 7375 SOOLADAIN 99 10 11 8 654 61 6 Mitchell D J Boland 20 15 6 7373 SIR EDWARD 104 5 554 7 7 7 7 J Powell D Dennison 40 60 20 7346 VOLT 104 7 8 9 8 8 8 E Jones J Williams 683 6989 JEROME S 102 4 44 6 9 9 9 Snyder Chas Weber 50 60 20 6 97 KAl MOI 104 8 10 10 11 11 10 Bozeman H Peterson 12 8 3 7240 WOODCHOPPER 112 1 254 2 x 55410 11 Shaw J C Humphrey 3485 3485Time 3154Winner Time 2654 5254 11854 1 3154 Winner AmeriqueStart B g 3 by Bishop Amerique Start good Won handily Ingleside was best Hotspur became good with a start Ha likes a route Budd was off very slowly and finished strong He will do next time Chief quit to nothing Woodchopper is no good at all SECOND RACE 13 Mile Purse 350 2yearolds Selling Ind Horses Wt St 1A y StrFin Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 17372IBL1SS RUCKER 106 2 154 I2 Hj Thorpe BurnsSVarerhse 3 4 75 7372 TORS1DA 102 4 254 32 21 H Martin E F Smith Co 3 3 45 7262 THE CHEAT 110 3 454 254 33 Hennessy Louis Ezell 65 1 out 7372 MARVELOUS 103 7 7CIMA 554 41 43 Snyder W Boots Son 50 50 20 CIMA 103 6 354 52 5 AMcIntyre E J Baldwin 20 30 10 7161 BAR SCHREIBER 103 1 17324OUTLAY 654 654 654 Slaughter W M Murry 8 10 4 7324OUTLAY 110 11 10 8 7 W Martin P Dunne 5 10 4 7360 MORINEL 107 9 778 Macklin J G Brown 50 60 20 7363 DAL ION 101 8 999 R Isom Goo Rose 50 60 20 7360 PONGO 106 5 8 10 10 Peoples J Williams 60 60 20 7360 XOPOS 106 10 11 11 11 J Powell J G Rhodes 60 60 20 Time 20Time 12 24 3654 49 49Winner Winner B c by Salvatpr Iris IrisStart Start good Won driving Ruckor was best Torsida is a good filly The Cheat has gone shortScratched back Marvelous finished strong Outlay was practically loft Cima was short Scratched Flushington 93 Extempore 95 Fodic 106 Glenower 103 Tom Spencer 101 Miss Remsen 103 7395 T THIRD RACE 1 Mile Purse 350 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Horses Wt St 54 S StrFin Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 7362 BERNARDILLO 99 2 IH 11 12 1154 E Jonos EJBaldwin 254 254 35 357364ALVARADO 7364ALVARADO 108 4 26 2 2 216 fj Martin S C Hildreth 710 710 out 4749 SANTUZZA 107 1 55 41 33 Bozeman THBoyle 100 200 40 7365 WIDOW JONES 91 5 4 3 354 43 Reidy D J Tobin 50 60 20 7362 GREYHURST 93 3 354 454 5 5 H Brown H T Griffin 24 3 45 45Time Time 26K 5254 1 17J 1 42 42Winner Winner B g 3 by Emperor of Norfolk Jennie B BStart Start perfect Won easily Bernardillo was best Alvarado was short of a race Watch him backScratched Santuzza will win soon The Widow finished strong Greyhurst has gone back Scratched Applause 107 107Overweights Overweights Bernardillo 3 pounds rrOQ FOURTH RACE 1 18 Miles Purse 350 4yearolds and upward Selling Ind Horses Wt St J4 54 5s StrFin Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 7id99 HAZARD 100 8 51 2i 154 I3 I2 R Isom PDunne 3 354 65 7299 MORTE FONSE 107 3 454 6V4 52 53 254 Thorpe Louis Ezoll 65 65 25 7346 OAKLAND 104 2 S 8 6 61 33 H Martiu E F Smith 8 15 6 7386 DOYLE 101 6 2 32 41 42 454 Slaughter F Brown 15 8 3 7373 AD BUCHANAN 105 1 154 154 2 254 53 Hennessy H T Griffln 583 7375 PETER II 107 7 3 554 354 31 610 Snydor W Boots Son 10 15 6 7299 COLLINS 104 5 7 4u 8 7 7 E Jones Ed Gaines 8 10 4 7382 VERAGUA 100 4 6 7 7 8 8 H Brown A Nickells 10 15 6 7375 MARY NIEVES 98 9 9 9 9 9 9 Ruiz Hermit Stable 75 100 40 7371 B McCLOSKEY 103 10 10 10 10 10 10 Bozeman SoldanelsMiner 75 100 40 Time 26S 52 1 1754 1 4254 1 57 57Winner Winner Ch g 4 by Strathmore Zoo Zoo ZooStart Start good Won easily Hazard was the best horse today Morte Fonso was very unlucky in the race Oakland finished strong Addio likes mud and less weight She likes a route routeScratched Scratched Foremost 104 Leonville 104 rT O Q rr FIFTH RACE 78 Mile Purse 350 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Horses Wt St V StrFin Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 7376 SONIRO 98 5 454 454 454 454 1H E Jones Ed Corriga 15 12 5 7343 CHARLEMAGNE 93 3 354 31 11 Wt 254 Slaughter B Schreiber 8 10 4 7371 NERVOriO 104 10 554 5 354 254 3 Snyder W Boots Son 683 7220 OLIVE 107 4 154 I1 254 354 4 Thorpe A B Sprockets 254 254 1 6900 OFLETA 9911 11 11 65452 51 R Isom M Bergen 30 80 20 6927HERMANITA 107 6 8 7 7 61 61 H Martin J G Follanabeo 254 2 45 7263 ELMER F 109 12 9 9 8 7 7 Shaw N S Hall 15 15 6 7325 CODA 104 1 6 6 9 8 8 Bozeman J N Burk 30 50 20 7373 TOANO 108 2 254 2 5 9 9 Hennossy WJBloombaugh 10 15 6 7373 RICARDO 109 7 10 10 10 10 10 Sliepard Capps Howard 15 20 8 7342 OAVALLO 98 8 7 8 11 11 11 H Brown McNghtonMuir 10 8 3 6957 ABI P 97 9 12 12 12 12 12 J Ward G Pacheco 30 60 20 7348 COUSIN JOE 10513 13 13 18 13 18 Peoples Theo Winters 100 60 20 20Time Time 2SiBfc 117 13054 BlazeawayStart Winner B g 3 by Emperor imperor of Norfolk Blazeaway Start good Won cleverly Nervoso svtas best today Soniro was lucky though ha finished strong Charlemagne ran a good race Hermanita was cut off many times OFlete showed speed Cavallo got a very bad ride Is roady to win winScratched Scratched Edgemount 96 Little Scot 102 Roy Carruthers 88 Overweights 88Overweights Cousin Joe 4 pounds Continued on 2nd page SIXTH RACE 5 12 Furlongs Purse 350 3yearolds Selling Ind Horses Wt S St V Yt S StrFin Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 7348DUNBOY 110 1 13 1 13 VYi H Martin W M Murry 331 7376 SUISUN 102 4 31 2 2V4 21 Thompson H E Leigh 85 95 35 347 SANTA PAULA 102 8 2H 31 3 3t t 3 3a Ruiz S Jones JonesR 60 100 40 6991 QUEEN NUBIA 102 7 77342ELSIE 41 4H 61 41 R Isom E Corrigan 30 50 20 202K CorriganThorpe 7342ELSIE SMITH lOb 6 51 51 41 53 Thorpe H T Griffin GriffinShaw 2K 2y 1 7348 MEROUTIO 110 2 7 77 7 51 61 Shaw G H Peters PetersSlaughter 15 15 6 7265 SWEET WILLIAM 107 5 8687 Slaughl Slaughter B Scbreibor ScbreiborE 10 15 6 7348 SCOTCH ROSE 108 3 6 6878 8 7 8 E Jone Jones A J Stemler StemlerPeoples 562 7342 GANG DOR 110 10 10 10 10 9 Peoples Hermit Stable StableH 60 75 25 7056 ROLTAIRE 107 9 9THE 9 9 9 10 H Brown W L Stanfleld StanfleldBozoman 30 50 20 20THE THE PLUNGER 107 11 11 11 11 11 Bozoman P Archibald 60 75 25 25Timo Timo 2554 50H 102K3 109 109Winner Winner SprayStart Ch g by Loyalist Spray Start fair Won with a bit to spare next three driving Dunboy had all the speed Suisun is not as good as she was She is a bad bettine tool at her best Elsie Smith could never get through speedScratched Sweet William had no speed Scratched Reel 102 Hallelujah 102 Chappie 107 Loulou R 102 Apto 102 Halsoy 107

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1890s/drf1897041001/drf1897041001_1_12
Local Identifier: drf1897041001_1_12
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800