Newport Form Chart., Daily Racing Form, 1897-04-10


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NEWPORT FORM CHART CHARTNEWPORT NEWPORT KY April 9 Eighth day Queen City Jockey Club Spring Meeting Weather cloudy track muddy Presiding Judge J J Burke Starter H D Brown r7 7399 O f f FIEST KAOE 34 Mile Purse S300 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Horses Wt St M Yi StrFin Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 7341 MARGARET LYNE 87 8 21 H 11 1 Knight P Keating Co 8 12 5 7380 ADALID 87 9 3il 41 41 22 Chonault G D Wilson 4455 7337 TIDINESS is 6 4 33 22 35 Shepard E T McConnell 8 8 3 7288 ASSASSIN 104 1 U 2 32 41 Fowler Con Leighton 3 3 65 7321 SIMPLE JACK 103 11 11 8 6 52 J Hill C L Laven 2 3 1 4653 ROYAL DANCE 89 12 10 10 7 6 Dickerson J R Hughes Co 20 30 10 7321 NELL FLAHERTY 98 7 9997 Swegles F Wall 30 40 12 7019 SHUFFLEBOARD 95 4 7 7 10 8 FWilliams H McCarren Jr 562 4625 PETE KELLY 103 2 61 51 5tf 9 J Jackson M Lynch 12 10 4 7358 MISS ALICE P6 3 8 11 11 10 Milbum WTCrossthwaitelO 12 5 7337 ADO 93 10 12 12 12 11 Bibbs Terrell MarderslO IF 6 7289 FUERO 106 5 2tfTime 5V 6 8 12 J Perkins C E Brossman 6 7 2tf Time 25 52 105 121 Winner 121Winner B f 3 by Onondaga La Belle Helene HeleneStart Start good Won handily second and third driving Assassin stopped badly last furlong He was short Watch him Royal Dance ran away a half mile before the race He was off badly strongScratched and ran a winning race Adalid was pocketed first live furlongs finished strong Scratched Kennie Thatcher 98 Herminia 101 Overweights 101Overweights Assassin 3 pounds 740O SECOND KACE 4 12 Furlongs Purse 300 2yearolds Selling Ind Horses Wt St V StrFin Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 7223JLIL RUSSELL 99 3 V 21 2 IB BeauchampW C Feesenden 75 1 out out7378LADYOFTHEWEST101 7378LADYOFTHEWEST101 2 2 1 Wt 2 C Reiff C D Chenault 3 3 45 7340 MARY CAVALIER 99 4 58 41 3 33 Sbepard W A McConnell 1Q 25 8 7340 BEEWELL 101 1 3s 3 42 4S HWilliams J W Chinn 15 25 8 7308 VIRGINIA W 95 5 42 52 51 51 Schwartz W Riley 30 60 20 7319 GORELANTE 93 7 7766 Hall P J Miles 40 50 15 7287 CADDIE C 109 6 6677 Bibbs I J Thomas 672 672Time Time 26 5254 1 00 Winner 00Winner BallardStart B fby Forester Lady Ballard Start good Won in a long hard drive of two Russell was taken wide at head of the stretch She is a real game filly and likes the mud Berwell was short was at home in the going Cavalier also fieldScratched liked the going Lady of the West can win her next out from the same kind of a field Scratched Blossoms Last 103 7401 THIRD RACE l 18 Miles Purse 300 3yearolds and upward Allowances Ind Horses Wt St M H M StrFin Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 7222 BEWAEDEE 106 2 2 IH 16 16 i J Hill W J Spiers 3 2 710 7380 BANQUO II 95 3 4 = 22 22 22 26 Hueston P J Miles 45 1 out 7288 SWOBDSMAN 91 4 SB 35 310310315 Shepard E T McConnell 5 10 3 7309 JOHN CONBOY 91 1 510 510 5V4 41 42 Chenault H McCarren Jr 4585 7356 JULIUS MAEKS 86 5 In 42 41 52 51 Green Lee Christie 15 20 8 7309 ELYBIA 91 6 6 6 6 6 6 McCann HntchWillmsn25 30 10 Time 10Time 25V4 51 101 117 t32tf I47y2 203 203Winner Winner EsmeraldaStart B c 4 by Hindoo La Esmeralda Start good Won eased up second and third also rather handily Eewarder reveled in the going He is real good just now Swordsman likes mud best John Conroy had an easy race Overweights raceOverweights Banqno II 4 pounds 7402 F FOURTH RACE 34 Mile Purse 300 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Horses Wt St K StrFin Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 6758 L1ZZETTA 107 3 23 25 12 1 BeauchampW J Spiers 75 35 out 7339 THE SCULPTOR 103 4 42 45 3 21 JJackson E SWarner Co12 15 7270 MISS ROWETT 104 7 6 6 52 3 Scherrer LillyMeadeStkCo 6 8 7341 CARLOTTA C 96 1 IK 11 22 4 Milburn F H Curran 3 3Kz I 3199 ANNA GARTH 101 5 5 51 6 52 H Willms GravesLucasterlS 20 8 7380 EVEREST 92 8 8776 Graves Chas Anderson 15 20 8 4539 DICK DENE ATH 103 2 31 SH 41 7 Bibbs E AMeyers Co12 20 8 3897 WILL WALLACE 101 6 7 8 8 8 J Hill Hollaway Bros 30 40 12 12Time 121Winner Time 255451 106 121 Winner DunbarStart B m 8 by Sir Modred Lizzie Dunbar Start Rood Won in a gallop Carlotta C stopped badly when the pinch came Miss Rowett was off poorly Her race was good It was Lizzettas going and she was herself today Dick Deueath showed some speed The Sculptor finished strong Scratched strongScratched Inverlike 98 Mattie Lee 98 Rockwall 101 apt Drane 103 Sauteur 106 Cochise 109 74O3 FIFTH RACE Mile Purse 300 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Horses Wt St yz 3 StrFin Jockeys Owners Op Cl Pi 7322 CH1COT 110 2 2ft 1 15 12 13 J Hill C J Kelly 65 75 out 6861 DAVE PULSIFER 110 4 48 420 3 310 2 Milburn Chas Pyle 45 45 out 7322 LOYALTY 102 1 IH 25 23 2i 310 Swegles P Keating Co 20 80 15 7290 ARRACK 102 5 35 3 41 42 42 Fowler W T Schulte 20 15 4 1907 TEMPEST 107 3 5 5 5 5 5 Corner L T Moss 30 40 8 Time 26 51V4 1 05 1 18 1 3i 1 49 SouciStart Winner 49Winner Br h 5 by Eolus Sans Souci Start good Won ridden out second and third under full sail Chicot was a good horse today Loyalty tired en the end Dave Pulsifer had no early speed but finished strong His race was not up to the notch

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Local Identifier: drf1897041001_3_1
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