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FOBSYTH ENTRIES Probabilities Weather clear track fast fastFirst First Race 58 Mile 3yearolds and upward Selling ind Horses Wgt Ind Horses Wgt 7778 Belle of Niles3 89 7776 Pisa 5 99 7756 Hessvillo 3 91 7754 Wells Street5101 7708 Cochina 4 91 7776 Sadie K 4 101 7754 Mrs Murray 3 93 7506 Sis Florence6104 7778 T Anderson H 94 770S Mary L 6 104 7718 DrNewman 3 94 7642 Lucy Belle 5 104 7517 Patsy Cook 3 90 7708 Mabel T 5 104 7781 Hi Silver 3 89 7754 Spitfire 5 104 7670 Charley Daly 4 98 7642 Leinad 5 101 7754 His Brother 4 98 7521 Dominico 5 104 104Second Second Race 12 Mile Mile2yearolds 2yearolds Allowances AllowancesInd Ind Horses Wgt Ind Horses W t 7755 Little Alarm 100 Moline 100 7755 Dinah Wat 100 7709 Algareta 104 7755 Waukesha 100 7545DofHighlnd8l04 7643 McGuigan 100 7777 The Professor 107 7755 Bouquet 100 7780Peter McCuo107 7755 Gilt Edge 100 7777Knowles 110 7777 MissGussie 100 100Third Third Race 53 Mile Mile3yearolds SellingInd 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Horses Wgt Ind Horses Wtrt 7711 Irish Lady 4 98 7520 Bridget 5 105 4940 Ferryman 114100 7618 J ZimTman6106 7778 Uncas 4 100 7520 Abuse 4 109 7781 Anna Mayes 6 101 Fourth Racy 1 116 Miles Miles3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Selling SellingInd Ind Horses Wgt Ind Horses Wet 7711 HShannon4 101 2100 Rudolph 6 102 7711 Ben Waddell6102 7779 Dorian6 105 7779Simmons7102 1057779Simmons7102 7779Simmons7102Fifth Fifth Race 58 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Selling SellingInd Ind Horses Wgt Ind HOIOS W t 7644 Cora Havill 4 96 7754 Floreanna 6 102 7778 Harry Gwynn3 97 7672 M Wdlands5104 7712 Little Sadie 4 101 7754 Jim Head 8 106 7712 E Penzanco4101 7778 Ida M 6 107 7778 Woodlake4 101 7674 Dago 8 109 7759 Wilmah G 4 101 7480 The Deuce 5 115 7754 Glenoid 8 101