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1NGLBSIDB FORM CHART CHARTSAN SAN FRANCISCO CAL April 29 Eightyfifth day Pacific Coast Jockey Club Winter Meeting Weather clear track fast Presiding Judge Jas H Rees Starter R Havey 7839 FIEST KACE 4 13 Furlongs Purse 400 2yearolds Allowances Wt St M V4 2i 4 StrFin Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 110 1 32 3 11 Snyder C J Thackor ThackorliHln 8 liHln 2a Freeman Geo Rose 2 85 35 22 2 38 Piggott Ed Corrigan 2 2 45 51 42 46 Carberry H Dimond Dimond4a 30 40 12 4a 61 5a Clawson E W Purser 452 7 7 61 Stevens A Nickells 20 30 10 7604 THYNE 107 7 887 Cameron E McCormick 40 50 15 7658 RED FOX 118 4 6 554 8 H Shields Lawless Porter 12 10 i 7422 OLD JACK 115 9 9 9 9 J Shields A Shields 12 12 5 5Disqnalified Disqnalified for foul Time 12 2454 5054 56 56Winner Winner B c by Preston Pans Bergn W WStart Start good All were driving at the end It was a bad lot Saticoy finished strong Truth ran a good race was a bit short Benecia is improving HQAf SECOND RACE 34 MilB Purse 400 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Horses Wt Si St M 54 StrFin Jockeys Op Cl PI 5685 CARDWELL 109 3 454 51 51 13 Ames W Earp 15 12 5 7450 MIKE RICE 106 6 23 11 12 21 Slaughter W H Stanfield 5 10 4 7556 OFLETA 109 7 5 42 43 31 Bergen M Henry 1 10 8 3 7703 DECISION 104 8 3 31 31 4a Clawson M T Donovan DonovanS 452 7818 JACK MARTIN 106 5 S 8 7 554 Stephens W H McLemore 5 7 24 6574 FRED GARDNER 112 15 12 9 8 61 F Gardner T H Boyle 15 20 8 7661 CAMELIA 109 4 61 6 6 7 Piggott Ed Corrigan 7 783 7698 MOLLIE R 107 2 7798 R Isom John Robbins 254 2 45 7762 NIC NAG 10810 10 11 10 9 Henneisy W F Roeder 5 4 85 7761 EASEL 104 11 11 12 12 10 Carberry W T Smith 2 20 20 8 7055 MYRON 109 1 IH 254 2n 11 Roullier C Touhey 2 20 30 10 7556 RIOT 106 12 13 13 13 12 Jenkins J McCarthy 2 25 30 10 5161 PREMATA 110 9 9 10 11 13 Shaw W Boots Son 8 N 10 4 7373 VEVA 104 13 14 14 14 14 Smith A H Brown 40 50 15 7761 SPRY LARK 104 14 15 15 15 15 J Wilson Zeberg Marsh 30 40 12 12Time Time 25fc 5054 1 0254 1 15 15Winner Winner Ch c 4 by Rathbone Victoria VictoriaStart Start good Won handily Cardwell was best It was too far for Mike Rice Decision was badly interfered with He finished strong Camelia was cut off at start Fred Gardner finished strong Watch him himOverweights Overweights NicNac454 pounds Premata 3 7841 THIRD RACE 4 13 Furlongs Purse 400 2yearolds Allowances Ind Horses Wt St 54 5 StrFin Jockeys Op Cl PI 7541 CHARLES LEBEL 113 4 43 U IB Freeman WOBMacdongh 4 6 7765 LOS PRIETOS 115 3 354 254 21 W Martin J O Reis 5 6 7765 CASTAKE 113 2 51 51 3 Ames Kerr Boyle 60 30 10 7765 SIVA 113 1 1ST 21 62 4 Slaughter Louis Ezell 2 254 1 1IH ST CALATINE 115 6 6EDDIE IH 41 51 R Isom J Williams 5 4 8 EDDIE JONES 118 8 87 62 Hennessy BurnsWaterhse 683 7696 TOM SPENCER 110 7 7 m 7 Snydor A Nickells 12 15 6 6PADRONE PADRONE 118 5 688 Bozeman W S Hobart 30 40 12 6933 EROICA 107 10 10 10 9 Piggott J N Burk 8 10 4 7788 PON GO 11G 9 99 10 G Wilson T E Latta 50 60 20 7698 SOCIALIST 115 11 11 11 11 Bergen H Henry 12 15 6 6St St Carlo Calatine filly Time 1254 25 50J4 563 Winner B c by St Carlo Maiden Belle BelleStart Start good Won driving Chas Lobel was best today Los Prietos was poorly riddon He is promising Castake finished strong He too is promising Siva was badly handled andjn terfered with St Calatine was short but show die finished strong Looked to be easily ridden first part partScratched Scratched Cassandra II 107 FOURTH RACE 1 116 Miles Purse 400 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Horses StrFin Jockeys Op Cl PI 7706 REY DEL TIERRA 91 3 2J4 2 U 12 11 Clawson E W Purser 95 2 45 7763UABR1LLO 110 6 41 43 4 31 2 WMartin P Dunne G5 32 12 7763 MORTE FONSE 110 1 6 6 51 53 3 Bozeman Louis Ezell 6 12 4 7493 ALVARADO 103 4 11 154 31 42 42 Slaughter S J Hildreth 662 7706 HORATIO 91 2 354 31 254 2 510 H Brown Matt Storm 25 30 10 7763 SAN MARCO 106 5 5 53 6 6 6 R Isom Ed Blazer 672 672Time Time 25K51 116M 14B 14854 14854Winner Winner B c 3 by Prince of Norfolk Eda EdaStart Start good Won driving Cabriilo stumbled to his knees at the start Alvarado was short As he was it was too far for him Hell win his next Horatio ran a good race 7843 FIFTH RACF 34 Mile Purse 3400 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Horses Wt St 54 V StrFin Jockeys Owners Op Gl PI 7762 OLIVE 107 2 32 454 41 12 Slaughter A B Spreckels 6 6 85 7764 PALMERSTON 114 6 610 61 654 22 Macklin J H Shields 12 7 754 WM PINKERTON 106 1 11 11 11 354 Thompson S C Hildreth 5 10 7455 MAINSTAY 120 5 41 31 32 JH W Martin A C Ahlers 1 45 out 7792 RANSOM 92 4 5 51 6 82 Piggott C F Sanders Co20 25 8 822J421 7762 EMMA D 107 3 22J421 22 620 Bozeman J Dennison 10 8 254 7704 RED GLEN 109 7 7777 Clawson E W Purser 12 16 6 6Time Time 24H 50 l02fc l15tf l15tfWinner Winner VirgieStart B m 5 by Apache Virgie Start good Won driving Olive was probably the best although she had good raoing luck Palmerston was off badly but finished strong Wm Pinkerton is rounding to Mainstay acts stale Emma D was killed off early She belongs in a cheaper class classScratchedCandor ScratchedCandor 107 Earl Cochran 106 Perhaps 118 Wm OB 112 Codd 108 Blue Belle 107 La Mascbta 104 Veragua 114 Ricardo 109 Continued on 2nd page SIXTH RACE 1 Mile Purse 500 3yearolds and upward Handicap Wt St M V 3 StrFin Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 7 06 SALVABLE 114 2 22 2 2K1K Ifc W Martin P Dunne 710 45 out 7792 REFUGEE 108 1 li li 23 23C Clawson W B Sink 8 10 2 7462 SATSUMA 109 4 5 4 4 31 Piggott H E Rowell 6 5 75 7704LOBENGULA 103 3 32 3 32 31 41 Bergen G B Morris 5 4 45 7791 VINCTOR 108 5 4tf 4 5 5 5 R Isom W Boots Son 12 10 2 Time 25t 51 1 17 1 42 42Winner Winner LydiaStart B c 4 by Salvator Lydia Start good Won driving The leading four were hard at it It was a clinking race The best won Refugee ran a good game race Lobengula is a coward Satsuma was closing Vine tor fell on the stretch turn turnScratched Scratched Ostler Joe 114 Wheel of Fortune 112 Strathrol 100 Yemen 98