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WINDSOR ENTRIES ENTRIESProbabilities Probabilities Weather cloudy track fast fastFirst First Race 12 Mile Mile2yearolds 2yearolds Allowances AllowancesInd Ind Horses Wgt Ind Horses Wgt 7824 Wehima 98 7834 B Burns 101 1017637Gabe 7637Gabe 105 7771 Pug 108 7771 Jim Armstrong 103 7445 Wid Tate 108 108Second Second Race 6 12 Furlonjrs Furlonjrs3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Selling SellingInd Ind Horses Wgt Ind Horses Wgrt 7826 Stark 5 97 7745 Alva 5 101 7826 Gladioli 4 93 7759 Canfleld 4 94 7775Rover 10 101 Q of 8cots3 92 92Third Third Race 34 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Horses Wgt Ind Horses Wgt 7836 Ashland 6 107 7827 Gil Fdham4 101 7745 SnmmerCoon 5101 7684 Ks Counsel 3 105 7772 Prima 3 100 7756 Confession 3 95 7602 Harvey Curry5lll Curry5lllFourth Fourth Race 5 12 Furlones Furlones3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Selling nd Horses Wgt Ind Horses Wgt 7717Imposition4lll 7744 MinnieClyde4101 7774 HartfordBoy5106 Out of Sight 5106 7827 Nover 4 113 7318 Roublo5 Ill IllFifth Fifth Race 58 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Allowances AllowancesInd Ind Horses Wgt Ind Horses Wgt 7835 Galgo 3 92 7835 Snag 3 92 7825 Belle Lonore3 90 7744 Her Exclncy390 7823MrsFeatherby390 7744 Oversight 3 97 7535 Hamlin 3 97 4715 Cersildo 3 97 7717 Bel Air 3 95 1556 Handcar 4 104 7827 Glendaga 5 99