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NEWPORT FORM CHART CHARTNEWPORT NEWPORT KY May 5 Thirtieth Day Queen City Jockey Club Spring Meeting Weather cloudy track heavy Presiding Judge J J Burke Starter H D Brown QO I FIRST RACE 34 Mile Puree 250 3yearolds and upward Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt SI St 34 K 3 StrFin Strafing Jockeys Op Cl PI 7964 CYNTHIA H 100 5 31 33 12 i Nutt Mutt W MSingerly Singer 4 4 85 7962 RED 105 7 52 4V4 4 22 J Hill Scoggan Slogan Bros Brows R n A 7960 ASAPH ASAP 107 2 23 23 32 32 JJackson Jackson W F Shulte Shutter 7801 HARBINGER 110 4 IK ShulteIK Sheltie 1 21 4J4 BeauchampH Beach C Duffy 75 65 25 7960 ST PAT 107 1 4 51 51 5io L Soden Sodden C LBlackburnCo8 10 4 7742 COL COLE BARRETT BARRETTE 112 8 8886 W Daly Dally F Hazenfelt Haze 50 60 20 7962 KATIE L 100 6 7777 Higgins Anderson Co 30 40 12 6046 CERRO CERO GORDO GORDON 110 3 6668 Tubbs Tubs JBEnshawBrolO 12 5 Time 25tf 52 120K GirlStart Gibraltar Winner 120KWinner Ch f 3 by Sir Dixon Faro Girl Start good Won in a gallop Asaph Asap and Arbinger Harbinger racedjthemselves into the ground the first half Red closed fast under a vigorous ride rideScratched Scratched All Bok Book 102 J Walter 105 Elizbert Elizabeth 110 Overweights Overweighs 110Overweights Col Cool Barrett Barrette 5 pounds 8022 SECOND 5EC RACE 12 Mile Purse 250 2yearolds Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St 34 Vi M BtrFin Brian Jockeys Owners Op Cl P 789S ELLA RAE 105 3 3 3K IH Nutt Mutt F Kelly 2 2 35 7739 PURE GOLD 105 1 52 53 21 J Bender M Murphy 20 40 10 7563 FAIRLAND FAIRYLAND 105 2 42 4 3 J Hill Tierney Etienne Co 45 12 out 7963 ONEANTE DONATE 105 4 21 2 45 W Jones P Keating Eating Co 25 30 8 7963 PATTY WHACK 105 5 IH U 5 Randall T B Jones 30 40 10 FANNIE FONSO FONTS 108 6 666 Sanders JWilliams Williams 8 10 85 85Time Time 26S4 53 Winner MaurineStart Marietta Ch f by Chorister Maurine Marine Start good Won ridden out Patty stopped to nothing last furlong It was a poor ride on Oiioante Opinionate Fairland Fairyland was always outrun outrunScratched outruns Scratched Hardly 105 Allie Sallie Belle 105 Amelia Gerst Gears 105 8023 THIRD RACE l Mile Purse 250 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St 34 StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 7962OLLEAN 99 4 15 12 12 154 iya ia James W F Dair Dairy 4 5 75 7896ONDAGUE 109 2 2 31 22 2 2io J Hill G H Brown 45 45 out 7899 AIMEE GOODWIN GODWIN 107 1 3 55 53 53 SH W Jones W Tarr Tarry 582 7964 ROCKWALL ROCKWELL 99 3 41 4 41 41 41 Randall R Lee Bird 15 12 4 7974 KENSTON KENTON 97 5 6 6 6 6 52 Higgins C A Hose 10 12 4 7652JNAT P 114 6 5 2 32 3 6 BeauchampE Bacchante C Headley Headily 45 2 45 Time 45Time 259K 52M 1 06 1 21 1 493 Winner SparkleStart Sparkles B f 3 by Kallicrates Allocates Sparkle Start good Won in a hard drive Ondagno Bondman was staggering and very tired at the end Those behind him were stopping too Ollean Orleans had all the speed Nat P quit as if short It wasnt wasn't his race Scratched WhatorLou Waterloo 102 Swordsman 96 Rallc All Line 112 8024 FOURTH RACE 34 Mile Purse 250 3yearolds and upward Allowances Ind Indo Horses i Wt St 34 K StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 7894 FRED BARR 110 2 2 13 13 16 BeauchampSmith Shuman Human 8 12 4 5182 NIMROD IMO 110 4 41 21 22 21 J Mathews H B Durham 85 85 35 7894 UNCLE SIMON 105 3 32 3 3 35 J Jackson S M Sexton 2 2 45 2676IRBY B 105 5 5 Wt 55 42 J Hill H T Griffin 3 3 1 5443 LET FLY 100 1 15451 Milburn Melbourne Terrell There'll Marders Madders 10 12 4 7803 BEN NAIAD 107 6 6666 W Jones E C Headley Headily 30 50 12 4761LA SALLE SALE 110 7 7777 Randall WJ Speirs Piers 5 Time 25 525 105 120 RoseStart Rosetta Winner 120Winner B c 4 by Exile May Rose Start good Won in a gallop Barr was a good thing and played though the price here did not show it Let Fly showed speed for three furlongs Nimrod Imo ran a good race La Salle Sale was pulled up at finish finishScratched finishes Scratched Umbrella 110 8O25 FIFTH RACE 5x Mile Purse 250 2yearolds Allowances Ind Indo Horses 3S StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op 01 PI 7676DAN RICE 108 2 11 13 13 li J Hill S K Hughes Co 12 45 out 7921 THE DOCTOR 105 3 2 2 21 2 Randall W Kehoe Keyhole 2 65 out 7795 ST RAYMOND 103 1 35 35 38 310 Nntt Nanette R W Coble Cobble 25 8 85 7795 CLINTON PARK 100 4 41 41 4 4 J Jackson P J Miles 30 40 8 ELIDAD ELIDED 108 5 5555 Sanders J Williams 50 60 12 12Time Time 26 53 10634 Winner Ch c by Hanover Jess Jesstitrt Jester titrt titer good Won in a gallop Rice was much the best He id more than fair colt The Doctor is not much