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WINDSOR FORM GHART HART GHARTWINDSOR WINDSOR ONT May 5 Fourteenth day Windsor Racing Association Spring Meeting Weather clear track heavy Presiding Judge George W Morgan Starter J P Chinn Chin 8008 FIRST RACE 58 Mile Purse 200 3yearolds Selling 3 Wt St 34 M StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 7874 PRIMA 102 1 1 1 li 16 L Smith D R Levy 1 45 out ANNIE W 97 4 22 2 2 2 Mulligan P M Civill Civilly 10 30 10 7936POP DIXON 107 6 6 6 51 31 WWilliamsW Williams H Laird 85 4 75 7996 GRAE RAE FIN 102 2 32 3 32 41 McDowell Ed Fee 25 30 10 7936 OVERSIGHT 97 5 by 51 4 53 A Barrett Barrette W S Trevy Trey 8 10 4 7032 EARTH 102 7 7776 Dunn FEGardner Degrader 4 2 i5 7993 HAMLIN CHAMPLAIN 101 3 4 4a 6 7 Harrington J E Madden 60 75 20 Time 20Time 26 53J 107 BadouraStart Adjuratory Winner 107Winner B f by Pardee Parsee Badoura Andorra Start good Won easily next four driving Earth is of no present account Dixon was away poorly Annie W ran a good race raceOverweights Overweights Overweighs Hamlin Haling 4 pounds SECOND RACE 5 12 Furlongs Purse 200 3yearolds and upward Selling Wt St M H StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 1 POMMERY POMMEL SEC 107 2 11 12 12 n Sullivan J W Levy 75 75 25 4 RAPALATCHIE APPALACHIA 103 1 2n 21 21 22 Morrison Orison E 25E J Hopson Hobson 45 45 out 9 KING GALONG ALONG 102 4 41 41 33 35 Mulligan PM Civill Civilly 20 60 10 3 LANC LAN WiTCH 103 5 3 31A 4 4 Dyment Doyen John Dyment Doyen 60 100 20 7 EDITH 103 3 5 51 52 5 R Smith J B Berry 15 20 5 2 THE GAL SLAVE 106 6 6666 CorderTime Cordierite Corder Order F 5F W Bauman Busman 15 12 2 Time 25 53 11234 Winner B c 3 by Blazes Alice AliceStart Leicester Start Scratched good Brown Won handily Girl 97 The Slave had no speed at all He is likely to do later though Overweights Overweighs The Galley Slave 4 pounds 8O10 THIRD RACE 12 Mile Purse 200 2yearolds Selling fatrFin farina Jockeys Op Cl PI 7934 JIM ARMSTRONG 106 1 17934GABE 1 12 12 L Smith A W Wallace 45 45 7934GABE 106 2 28 2 28 Snell Smell out Cooper Mikel Mike 7872 PUG 65 65 25 103 3 4 332 Harrington W H 7824 DICK BRYANT 95 4 4LUGANO 3 = 46 46 Cningham Cunningham P J Chinn Chin Roller 20 30 25 8 25 8 LUGANO LOGAN 95 5 51 51 52 Guitiors Guitars 5SEDRICK SJCharles Scales SEDRICK SERI 12 15 5 98 6 666 Cleaver J D McMillan Macmillan 30 40 12 Time 25tf 3834 52 Winner 52Winner Blk Balk c by Tremont Fremont Desperation Start good Won easily The first two were off running Sedrick Redbrick half ran a in a false break Q I FOURTH RAOE5 12 Furlongs J Purse 200 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St 34 StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners On Cl PI i f m r r 7716 NERO 101 4 52 6 5 41 J Healy M H Healy 40 30 10 7682 BELVA BELAY 97 5 6 41 3 52 Zeno Zen B 7835 QN KATHERINE 97 6 2 3 6 6 Sullivan J B Viley Vile Berry 40 40 100 60 15 30 Time 25 52 11334 MollyStart Molly Winner 11334Winner Ch h by Gqv GHQ Bowie Molly Start good Won driving second and third also hard at it Wilson tired in the Curry ran well Rover stretch finishScratched finishes was very tired at the finish Scratched Scandland Candled 102 8012 FIFTH RACE 34 Mile Purse 200 4yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses StrFin Strafing Jockeys Op Cl PI 7936 SUMMER COON 106 1 1 12 13 14 Dunn ONeil Neil OMalley Tomalley 662 7935 PETE KELLY 1065 41 4 2 21 Wilson W P Kennedy 6 3 45 7996 ASHLAND 106 6 6 6 6 31 Lendrum Lender C Kennedy 12 45 out 7938GLENDAGA 106 3 31 31 3 4 L Scott VV Nesbitt Hesitate 7936 COM FRANK 107 4 5 6 2 5 5 51 5 Yancy Nancy H W Newman 4794 LENA II 106 2 21 21 41 6 Valentino D Newman 12 8 15 10 4 5 Time 28 52 12134 Winner Br g 5 by Black Dean Elsie Gaylord Start GaylordStart Gaylord good The first five all were driving Ashland showing a lot of speed was badly ridden Lena quit after