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OAKLAND ENTRIES Probabilities Weather clear track fast fastFirst fascist First Race 34 Mile 3yearolds and upward Allowances AllowancesInd Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt Ind Indo Horses Wg 8014 Hueneme Username 5 114 7421 Hymn 6 Ill Ill6770HazelD 6770HazelD 4 102 7608 Hotspur Hotspurs II 109 7058 D J Tobin 3 97 7760 JasPorteous3 95 794 Mary Nieres Nerves 4102 7297 Philip H 3 97 7980 Alma 3 95 7887 Claudiana Claudia 3 90 7887 Tempestuous 3 97 6042 Marcie A S 95 7790 Blue Bell 5 104 8058 Billy Vice 3 95 7945 St Aignon Mignon 4 104 7884 J Richelieu a109 7980 Hallelujah 3 90 78s4 Mike Rice 4 104 7760Flambeauette3 90 6160 Jack Atkin Akin 4 109 8057 RCarrnthersGJ Carpenters 95 95Second Second Race 58 Mile Mile2yearolds 2yearolds Maidens Allowances Allowancesfnd Allowances fnd fend Horses Wgt Wt Ind Indo Horses Wsrt West 7975 Zapata 105 8060 Twinkler Winkler 101 7183 Ban Carlos 109 7975 Mirth 102 7905 Eroica Erotica 98 7839 Old Jack 98 7978 Los Prietos Prestos 98 7975 Benecia Seneca 98 7975 Texarkana Tearaway Ill 8060 George Leo 107 7372 Juan del Rio 107 7975 Lord Marmion109 7975 St Calatinel06 Milesio Miles 113 8016 Saticoy Attic 105 8016 Fallen Pcess Cess 98 8016 Lona Leona Marie 98 8016 Africo Africa 109 109Third Third Race 7 12 Eurlongs Furlongs 3yearolds and upward Selling ind bind Horses Wgt Wt Lnd Lund Horses Wgt Wt 7884 Jack Martin4 109 7945 Frk Fork Janbert4109 7902 Inflammator3 100 7383 Rnfalba Renal 3 95 7505 Fortunate 3 100 7502 Chendah Cheddar 3 95 79SO Lady Hurst 3 95 8057 Cogent 3 100 7980 Lena 3 95 7660 Santnzza Stanton 4 107 7218 Rapido Rapid 5 Ill 78841Japonic 4 107 7450 Yucatan II 4 107 7818 Miss Ruth 5 109 7901Alazan 3 97 97Fourth Fourth Race 58 Mile All Ages Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt Ind Indo Horses Wurt Writ 7946 ReySalazar2 81 7494 Salisbury lt4122 7947 Zamar Zamia II 3 107 7946Torsida 2 81 8018 Dunboy Dumb 3 107 8018Tea Rose 3 105 1057977Yemen 7977Yemen 8 122 6931Bourbon 4 119 7500 Quicksilver 6 125 8014Taranto 3 110 7455 Fly 7 122 122Fifth Fifth Kace Ace 1 14 Miles Miles3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Selling SellingInd Selling Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt Ind Indo Horses Wet Wet7945Daylight 7945Daylight 4 104 8017 Peter II 5 104 8020 Judee Jude Denny4107 7945 Collins 5 100 7393 Volt 6 104 8062 Unity 4 96 8017 BMcOloskey4 94 7540 Oakland 7 93 93Sixth Sixth Race 1 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Allowances AllowancesInd Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt Ind Indo Horaes Chorales Wjrt Writ Wjrt7947Col 7947Col Wheeler3 96 7793Trance 6 104 7885 W of Fortune 5 1104 7S19 Bernardillo Bernardino 3 93 7948 Vinctor Victor 5 116 7948 Satsuma 5 116 116Silver Silver King 86 8059 Sir Philip 4 105 105Seventh Seventh Race 7 12 Furlongs Furlongs3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Selling SellingInd Selling Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt Wgt79SO 79SO Fashn Ashen Plate3 95 8059 SeaSpray5lll 8017 Hermanita Herman 5109 017 Earl Cochranl4K5 8017 Midas 5X 114 7494 Morven Moreno 6 Ill 7979 May R 3 95 7976Rienzi 3 100 7976 Geo Geol Palmer 3 97 7949 Refugee 4 109 790 Fannie S 3 95 7e40 Cardwell Caldwell 5 112 8062 Walter J i112 7949 Rnssella Russell 3 95 7663 Sly 3 95 7S93SantaPaula3 95 7944 Veragua Vera 4 109