Aqueduct Form Chart., Daily Racing Form, 1897-05-07


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AQUEDUCT FORM CHART CHARTAQUEDUCT CHARTA AQUEDUCT L I May 6 Ninth Day Queens County Jockey Club Spring Meeting Weather clear track good Presiding Judge Clarence McDowell Starter C H Pettmgill 8041 FIRST RACE 5x Mile Purse 300 2yearolds Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt St Ji H StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 7990 SURMOUNT 112 5 42 41 3ft 12 Littlefield Littered R W Walden Son 85 2ft 1 7730 BRENTON RENTON WOOD 112 3 2 22 2 21 Simms Sims T F Emmons Demons 65 75 12 7956 OV1ATT 112 2 U 11 11 3 Coylie Collie R McKeever McKee 25 10 4 795t5 SWEET SOUND 1G9 1 3 3 4 42 Powell L W P Thompn Thom 8 10 4 7956 BARDELLA BORDELLO 109 6 6 5ft 52 5ift OLeary O'Leary Mackey Mickey McCue McClure 10 12 5 7959 TOFANA TOSCANA 109 4 51 6 6 6 Scherrer Sherrie T J Healy 662 Time 662Time 12ft 25 38 50ft 1 02J Winner CorbettStart Cornets B c by Britannic Mary Corbett Corvette Start good Won handily Breutonwood Breton was taken wide on the stretch turn He was very poorly handled Oviatt Obviate ran an improved race QC dO SECOND RACE 1 Mile Purse 300 3yearolds Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt St h ft 3 BtrFin Brian Jockeys Owners OD Cl f 7989ARABIAN 116 1 1ft I1 I1 I1 UK Mosier Mossier W 0 Daly Dally 4 5 35 out 80291PARMESAN out80291PARMESAN 116 3 21 22 22 22 210 Scherrer Sherrie AHDHMorris Admirers 75 95 out 5432 PURSE PROUD 110 2 3 3 3 3 3 Doggett Doge H Theobald Theo 6 10 out Time outTime outline 26J4 52 l18ft l43ft Winner l43ftWinner Br c by Galore Abaca AbacaStart Abacas Start good Won easily Arabian was never in trouble He is a sweet colt just now Scratched nowScratched cowcatcher Passover 116 Our Johnny 1C9 Mahoney 104 Kinnikinnick 119 Squan Sequa 106 Overweights Overweighs 106Overweights Purse Proud 1 pound THIRD RACE About 78 Mile Purse 5CO 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St M ft StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 7928 KINNIKINNICK 98 3 Yt 1 H 11 Powers AJKemp Oaken 75 65 25 5433 TINGE 119 2 21 2 3 38 210 Scherrer Sherrie J McLear CLear 2 95 35 5408DOLANDO 110 1 32 3 2 2a 33 Simms Sims PWelch Welch 2585 7991 EMOTIONAL 101 4 4 4 4 4 4 Connor W C Daly Dally 10 12 4 Time 25 50ft 1 15 1 26ft FlibbertigibbetStart Flibbertigibbets Winner 26ftWinner Br c 3 by Candlemas Candelas Flibbertigibbet flesh Start gooJ goo Won handily The weight stopped Tinge in the finaljdrivo final Dolando Orlando is high in 8044 FOURTH RACE S8 Mile Purse 500 2yearolds Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St J4 ft StrFin Strafing Jockeys Op Cl PI 7959 MA PETITE 23 6 1 1 Harrison E Fleischmann Freshman 2ft 2 45 79E9 GLENOINE GENUINE 4ft 454ft 31 3ft 21 Littlefleld Littered A H D H Morris 3 4 75 7959 ORTHOrf Other 12 1 22 36 Colby L 8WP Thompsn6 8 2 7959 TORSTENSON TORTES 66 5ft 41 Doggott Doggo J A McLaughlin 431 7959 PERCY F 100 5 3 41 41 52 Powers F Reagan 852 45 7938 IONIA 95 3 51 5ft 6 6 Coylio Collie Ed Kelly 12 15 5 Time 12 25 50J4 1 02 Winner 02Winner B f by Tom Ochiltree Ichnite Little Woman Start WomanStart Woman good Won handily Ma Petite was much the best Torstenson Tortes ran a bad race Percy F has trained off Orthos Orators had a lot of speed 8045 FI FIFTH RACE I J 18 Miles Purse 300 3yearolds and upward Allowances ina Gina uorses curses wt Bt ft ft X HtrFin Trine Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 7729 VOLLEY 107 4 1ft li 13 12 lift Scherrer Sherrie WCDaly Cuddly 5 115 45 8027 PREMIER 110 2 4 4 4 4 2 Doggett Doge J A McLaughlin 2 95 35 7958 SUE KITTIE KITTIES 105 1 21 2ft 2ft 21 38 OLeary O'Leary E Steed 2ft 2 45 7864 DECLARE 110 3 31 32 32 3t 4 Simms Sims P J Dwyer 46 85 Time 85Time 26 51 11654 142J 155J4 Vestabelladtartgood Winner 155J4Winner Br g 4 by The Sailor Prince Vestabella Establish dtartgood tattooed Won easily Volley is in good shape Premier seems stale Sue Kittie Kitties will not do at all

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Local Identifier: drf1897050701_3_4
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