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MORRIS PARK FORM CHART CHARTMORRIS CHARMER MORRIS PARK N Y May 8 First Day Westchester Esthete Racing Association Spring Meeting Weather clear track fast Presiding Judge R W Simmons Starter C H Pettmgill 8106 FIRST RACE 58 Mile Pnrfe Pre 500 3yearolds and upward Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt S St M Y StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 2955 LITHOS LITHO 122 5 55129CHIC 1 Itf If 1 HH Simms Sims STrowbridgeCo 5 6 5129CHIC 105 4 52 41 42 21 Walters MrsCLittlefid Jr 2 2 45 5433 THE SWAIN 121 9 10 7 7 3 Van Kuren Karen Covington Coving Kent 8 10 4 4776 SET FAST 110 7 77647M1SS 2x 3tf 2 41 Doggett Doge C Jacobs 21A 3 1 7647M1SS LYNAH LYNDA 116 8 31 2 3tf 52 OLaary Larry C D McCoy Co 8 6 2 3267ST BARTHLMEW119 119 2 9666 Taral Aral A Bolmont Belmont 5 6 7728 BILLALI BILLABLE 109 6 7977 Mosier Mossier WODaly Modally 10 8 2818 KAISER LUDWIG 110 1 8888 Scherrer Sherrie A Joyner Joiner Co 6 8 3 7925 EUPHEMIA EUPHEMISM L 10510 4 51 5 9 Maher M FStephenson Stephenson 10 8 3 KATHRO KATH 116 3 61 10 10 10 L Reiff Riff Duke Wishard Wished 10 12 5 OOViWinner Time 11 24 48J4 1 OOVi Ovid Winner Blk Balk c 3 by Britannic Medusa MedusaStart Medusas Start good Won driving Lithos Litho won all the way He was backed down at post time from 10 Chic came strong at finish The Swain was bad tempered at post and got off badly He ran a splendid race and finished strong Overweights Overweighs strongOverweights Billali Billable 2 pounds O I f r7 SECOND RACE 78 Mile Purse J450 3yearolds and upward Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt t 3t fc K Vi i X StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners OD Cl PI 7955 HARRINGTON 111 Ill 3 3tf m 3 3 37987OOR 2 11 H Simms Sims C F Dwyer 7987OOR JOHNNY 108 5 9 8 8 7 2 Neumeyer Mummery J A Sykes Dykes 2634 THOMAS CAT 109 2 5V4 51 7 77569HALTON 61 31 Littlefleld Littered B T Littlefield Littered 7569HALTON 111 1 11 11 2 28027PETREL 21 H 41 OLeary O'Leary H Vingnt Vincent 8027PETREL 95 7 61 7 61 6tf 8 52 Powers A J Joyner Joiner C 5006 AMEER AIMEE 114 6 41 4 5 5tf 3 62 Taral Aral F L Parker 2 2 45 7880 EASTERTIDE 98 11 8 61 4 41 5 5tf 7 Hewitt J Rupport Rapport Jr 15 12 7862 DB JIM 90 9 10 10 10 10 8 Coylie Collie WCDaly Cuddly 8 10 7991 MIRAGE 114 8 7 9 9 95419CANEWOOI 9 9 Doggett Doge W Oliver 12 15 6 5419CANEWOOI 111 10 11 11 11 11 10 Scherrer Sherrie Chas Hughes 8 10 4 7864 SCHULTZ 108 4 2 2 IH 4 11 Coyle Cole J E Madden 10 10 4 Time 24 19J 1 02K 1 15 1 29 Winner Ch g 6 by Miser Gertrude GertrudeStart Gertrude Start good Won driving Harrington changed his mind today and ran a very game race Our Johnny came from far back last quarter Shultz Schultz tired on the end Ameer Ammeter is not ready Scratched Sir Yassar Vassar 113 THIRD RACE 58 Mile 2yearolds Allowances Juvenile Stakes 5000 gnar gnarl anteed anted Ind Indo Horses Vt VA StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners OD Cl J FIREARM FIREARMFROHMAN FIREARM 2iyl H IH Doggott Doggo A Belmont 852 FROHMANVARUS ROMANCERS FROHMAN FROGMAN 61 62 31 2H Sloan D Gideon 6485 VARUS ARGUS VARUSHANDBALL 41 5tf 41 3H Littlefield Littered A H D H Morris2 95 35 HANDBALLURIEL HANDBALL HANDBALL 31 4H 2 42 Simms Sims P J Dwyer 683 683Vt URIEL MURIEL URIELGEO MURIEL Vt 2i 61 51 Hamilton J R F P Keene 6 10 4 GEO GE KEENE KEENEREPRISAL REPRISAL REPRISALGLORIAN REPRISAL 85GLORIAN 118 9 9987 Griffin LSWP LISP Thmpsnto Thompson 4 85 GLORIAN GLORIA GLORIANKITEFOOT 118 12 11 10 10 8 Taral Aral Marcus Daly Dally 6 7 2 KITEFOOT KITE 115 2 10 8 9 9 Banks J J McCafferty i5 8 3 7535JCHERRY PICKER 118 11 5tf 7 5 10 Scherror Scherzo A H D H Morris 2 95 35 35BLARNEYSTONE BLARNEYSTONE BLARNEYS 85CORELLI 118 6 8 11 11 11 L Reiff Riff LSWP LISP Thmpsnto Thompson 4 85 CORELLI CORNELL 118 10 12 12 12 12 McCafferty J J McCafferty J5 8 3 tJ Coupled in betting Time 23J4 36 47H 100 100Winner Winner Bc by Rayon dOr doer Fides FidesStart Fiesta Start good Won driving The best won Firearm ran a highclass highlands game race Ho was heavily played at post time Frohman Frogman has a lot of speed The first four were driving hard Cherry Picker was smothered and could never get up Scratched Laudeman Laundryman 118 FOURTH RACE Withers Mile 3yearolds and upward Allowances Metro politan polite Handicap Value S5GOO Ind Indo Horses Vt St 54 H 4 StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners 4829 VOTER 99 3 11 12 13 H IH Lamley Langley J R Keene 12 8 3 4830 THE WINNER 115 1 3tf 4 51 4 23 T Sloan G E Smith 5 4 S5 5129 CASSEOPIA CASSIOPEIA 95 5 6X 61 2 2H 3 Powers AH DH Morris 10 10 4 2193 HASTINGS 124 6 4W SH 3 Wt 4l Taral Aral A Belmont 85 95 710 4785 SEMPER SIMPER EGO 107 8 7 51 9 9 52 Scherrer Sherrie L B Ringgold Reinhold 883 4747 BEN EDER EIDER 112 7 8 8 7 6J4 61 Simms Sims M F Dwyer 5485 5433 HANWELL HANDEL 102 2 21 2tf 41 5K 7 VanKuien Venusian M F Stephenson 25 30 10 4572 ROUNDSMAN ROUNDS 108 9 9 9 8 7 8 Coyle Cole J A Bennett 20 30 10 7480 GOTHAM GOTH 120 4 5tf 7 6 8 9 McCafferty Foster Bros Brows 20 25 10 322 SIR WALTER 115 10 10 10 10 10 1C Dogeett Dogteeth Oneck Neck Stable 8 10 4 4Time l40tfWinner Time 113 24 36tf 49M 1 13tf 125K l40tf Winner Ch c 3 by Friars Balsam Mavourneen Averment MavourneenStart Averment Start good Won driving Voter just managed to last The Winner hung a bit right at the end or he would have won Ben Eder Edger found the pace too hot The weight stopped Hastings Sir Walter sulked Hanwell Handel was crushed by the contention of the class around him Roundsman Rounds wasnt wasn't ready Semper Simper Ego ran a grand race and had a stormy passage Scratched passageScratched passages Belmar Bellman 121 First Mate 119 Brandywine Brandying 106 Bastion 95 O I T r FIFTH RACE 12 Mile Purse 1600 2yearolds Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt St 5 StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI MARPLOT 112 2 3 2 13 Littlefield Littered RWWaldenSonlO 20 8 86H 7924 PREVIOUS 122 6 6MEKALLAH 6H 42 2n Coyle Cole M F Dwyer 10 5JO 8 MEKALLAH 109 7 7GREAT 7 5H 31 Taral Aral Marcus Daly Dally 862 GREAT BEND 112 8 8FIRST 8 61 41 Scherror Scherzo O H P Belmont 562 FIRST FRUIT 112 4 4LADY 9 7 5tf L Roiff Riff C Littlefield Littered Jr 8 12 5 LADY MARIAN 109 9 9INSPECTION 10 8 6 Hewitt A Belmont 2tf 1 out outT out INSPECTION 109 10 10CLOCKWORK 1W 1 7 T Sloai Sloan Slain Fleischman Freshman Son 683 CLOCKWORK 112 3 3PRINCESS McCafferty J J McCafferty 6 8 3 PRINCESS INDIA 109 1 5K10 9 Thorpe Lew Blew Elmore Elmo 12 15 6 8026 SENSATIONAL 109 5 5DINSMORE 41 5 10 Mosier Mossier W C Daly Dally 12 IS 6 6DINSMORE DINSMORE INSHORE 112 11 11HAIRPIN 11 11 11 Banks J J McCafferty 6 8 3 3HAIRPIN HAIRPIN 112 12 12JULIUS 12 12 12 Simms Sims P J Dwjer Dower 562 562JULIUS JULIUS CAESAR 112 13 13Conpled 13 13 13 Walter Mrs C LittlefieldJrS Littered 10 4 4Coupled Conpled Coupled Compiled in betting Time 12 24 36M 48 48Winner MarjoryStart Majors Winner B c by Rossington Crossing Marjory Major speedMokallah Speedo Start good Won easily Marplot was much the best Clockwork showed some speed Mokallah closed a lot of ground in the stretch Previous ran a good race Inspection had a lot of speed but was too much used first three furlongs 8111 SKTJ SIXTH SKIT RACE l 110 Miles Purse 500 3yearolds and upward Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt St M V StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 7729 DEEHSLAYER 119 6 7 7 7 6 I Doggett Doge WRollins Woolliness 3 3 1 1Kensico 4684 DIVIDE 94 7 2 iVt Vt IH H 2 Maher Kensico Keens SI Stable 34 5 4688 CROMWELL A J Joyner Joiner Co 10 30 10 4S32 TOM CROMWELL 116 3 6 5K GVi Vi 52 41 Simms Sims M F Dwyer 85 95 35 5136RONDO 116 2 4tf 41 3 3K 52 Scherrer Sherrie Bromley Brome Co 562 7955 LANSDALE LANDLER 116 4 51 SH 41 7 6 Reiff Riff W M Oliver 25 30 10 2649 TIMOUR TIMOR 96 5 31 3 52 41 7 Mitchell JRFPKeene 40 50 15 4832 CASSETTE 111 8 8 8 8 8 8 Taral Aral A Clason Carson 8 7 2tf 2tfTime Time 25K 51 103 1 16J 142K 151 151Winner Winner B c 4 by Midlothian Militia Doe DoeStart Descartes Start good Won driving Deerslayer Deerstalker came strong at the finish Divide ran a good race He likes a distance Tom Cromwell is high in flesh Rondo was outrun and overweighted overweighed