Lexington Form Chart., Daily Racing Form, 1897-05-09


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LEXINGTON FORM CHART CHARTLEXINGTON CHARTERING LEXINGTON KY May 8 Sixth Day New Kentucky Association Spring Meeting Weather clear track fast Presiding Judge M M Young Starter J P Chinu Chin O 1 f I FIRST RACE 34 Mile Purse 200 3yearolds and upward Selling nd Horses Wt St Yi Vt 3A StrFin Strafing Jockeys Op Cl PI 5140 SANGAMON SEAGRAM 110 2 22 U 1 lio Clio O Lewis T C McDowell 3 85 35 8036 THREE BARS 9843 Wt 41 41 21 HWilliams Williams W P Givin Giving 5585 8075 RHEINSTROM RHINESTONE 99 5 31 33 31 3 Bibbs Bibs Smith Ferguson 362 7985JO1LY 3627985JO1LY GAMMON 104 1 545 5 4 0 Bayless Payless L Newman Co 4 4 85 7966 NANCE NUANCE 102 4 1 21421 53 J Gardner SC Lyne Lynne 34 34 1 7273AMANDA V 103 6 6666 Wilhite Iolite J E Madden 8 10 4 4Time Time 24 49 11414 11414Winner MaryStart Aerostat Winner Br c 3 by Fonso Fonts Miss Mary Start good Won easily Oily Gammon had no speed Nance Nuance quit badly at the end Rhein Rein strom astron exhibitionScratched exhibitions and Amanda V got easy races Oily Gammons was a vile exhibition Scratched Adalid Adelaide 85 Mattie Lee 91 91Overweights Overweights Overweighs Three Bars 24 pounds 8102 SE SECOND RACE 1 Mile Purse 200 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses 3 3 StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI S075 ROBERT BONNER BONER 97 6 6 6 54341 Wilhito Twilit J E Madden 662 6628005PARSON 8005PARSON 96 1 1 IH 14 11 23 Bibbs Bibs B G Thomas 2 2 45 7678 258076THE SUYDAM SUDAN 100 3 3 3 Wt 2n 3 HWilliamsFields Williams Vance 1 65 25 8076THE IRONMTRESSIOO 4 44 41 3n 54 44 Bayless Payless M Simpson 40 50 15 8005 ADALID ADELAIDE 80 2 21421421 4454 Chenault Health GDWilson Godwits 15 12 4 7966ADONIS 103 5 51 5 6 t 6 J Gardner W M Davis 24 95 35 35Time Time 25 49 1 164 1 42 Winner NanturaStart Naturals 42Winner Ch g 3 by Rpssington Passing Belle of Nantura Mantua Start good Won driving The Ironmistrcss Ironist will do in her own company Adonis was taken takenwide statewide wide in the stretch Bonnor Bono outgamed untamed Parson His race was above the notch Suydam Sudan ran a fair race raceScratched backscratcher Scratched Adonis 2 pounds 8103 T THIRD RACE 58 Mile 2yearolds Melbourne Stakes 500 added Ind Indo Horses Wt St M Vt StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI S04UDOMINI3 118 2 H 1 12 12 A Isom Ism B G Thomas 65 65 out 7942 PACEMAKER 118 1 2 3 3 2V Knapp E O Popper 710 710 out 8040 BANISHED 118 3 31 2a 21 3 J Gardner W M Wallace 3 3 out 7968 PROVOLO PROVOLONE 118 4 4444 Wilhite Iolite A L Ferguson 5 6 out outTime outline Time 2550 103 AguesStart Vaguest Winner 103Winner Blk Balk c by Himyar Shimmy Lady Agues Start good Won handily Dominis Dominos is a good colt Banished ran an improved race Provolo Provolone was not ridden out outScratched outstretched Scratched High Jinks 118 Moncure Manicure US 8104 FOURTH RACE 4 13 Furlongs Purse 200 2yearolds Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt St M ft StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI LILLIAN BELL 115 3 22 11 11 J Gardner J D Smith 75 1 out LOCUST outLOCUST Toulouse BLSSOM LISSOME 115 4 3 36 2io A Isom Ism J Bauer Co 3 3 out 8007 TIGERINE TIGER 115 1 lK2tf 33 Knapp P Keating Eating Co 1 1 out 7943 LUCY DINNELLI DONNELLEY 105 2 444 HWilliamsW Williams Bain Basin 7 8 out Time outTime outline 25M 50 57 WinneryB Winery 57WinneryB f by Bermuda Satolla Atoll SatollaStart Atolls Start fair Won easily Tigerine Triggering ran away a half at false start in early break She was eased up near finish Blossom was insane at the post but ran a eood rood race The most docile won 8105 FIFTH RACE 34 Mile Purse250 3yearolds and upward Selling H StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 23 23 24 I1 4 Bayless Payless H C Cook 2 65 25 25F 52 34 35 26 C Smith F King 12 10 4 4J 14 I2 H 38 Chenault Health J Thomas 75 65 25 25Graves 34 4 43 43 Steele Graves E Barr 8 10 4 4MGibson 6 6 51 5 HWilliams Williams MGibson Gibson 783 7766 Campbell George J Long 12 15 6 44 5 7 7 J Gardner T G Calvert Culvert 8 10 4 8888 E Jackson Ed Smith 12 15 6 8004 TUTT TUTTLE MARTIN 104 6 9999 Bibbs Bibs ONeill O'Neill Riley 15 20 8 Time 24 50 115M Winner 115MWinner B f 5 by Lisbon Isis IsisStart Swissair Start fair Won handily Annie M was best Eclipse finished strong Carrie F tired in the final sixteenth The others not of much account Scratched accountScratched accounts Bleakmore Bleak 100 100Overweights Overweights Overweighs Aunt Belle 4 pounds

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1890s/drf1897050901/drf1897050901_3_1
Local Identifier: drf1897050901_3_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800