Newport Form Chart., Daily Racing Form, 1897-05-12


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NEWPORT FORM CHART CHARTNEWPORT NEWPORT KY May 11 Thirtyfifth Thirty Day Queen City Jockey Club Spring Meeting Weather cloudy track slow good on outside very heavy on inside Presiding Judge J J Burke Starter H D Brown Q I K O FIRST RACE 5 12 Furlongs Purse 250 3yearolds Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt St Yt StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op Cl 8134 VENGEANCE 112 1 3u 2 21 12 Overton Overtone Ed Brown 4 6 85 8024 UNCLE SIMON 107 5 1 11 Itf If 2tf W Jones S M Sexton 75 35 out 8094 MYTH 112 7 77754MITCHELLL 6 5H 4V4 3tf C Sloan F Kelly 2 3 45 7754MITCHELLL II 112 8 7 4tf 5K 4K Sheedy Seedy T Licalzi Laical 15 20 8 8049 PEGGY 112 4 4 6 6lj M Furr Furor F W Cox 25 30 10 7625 LADY KEITH 107 3 5 7 7 6 Corner MrsIGThmpsn 25 30 10 7675 LITTLE NIGGER NIGER 107 6 8887 Milburn Melbourne C A Rose 25 30 10 7341 ANGELUS 112 2 21 Ss 3tf 8 Higgins J Bauer Co 30 30 10 10Time Time 24tf 49 1 03 1 10tf Winner B c by Falsetto Veronica VeronicaStart Veronicas Start good Won easily Vengeance was the best Uncle Simon stopped badly at the end Myth was pocketed first half mile Angelas Angels ran short Mitchell L II ran a good race Scratched raceScratched backscratcher Cherry Leaf 107 Harry Thoburn Hour 112 Elsina Messina 112 Corro Cornrow Gordo Gordon 112 8160 SEUO SEOUL SECOND RACK 4 12 Furlongs Purse 250 2yearolds Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt St YA V A StrFin Strafing Jockeys Op Cl PI 8047 BENNEVILLE BELLEVILLE 113 1 11 1 21 IN C Graham Mrs J Carson 32 21 45 8192TOM 458192TOM TOHER OTHER 113 2 35 32 1ft 22 C Sloan J E Cushing 12 35 out KATIE outKATIE outdate WELCH 105 4 4 42 31 3 Allen H G Owsley Wesley 20 100 30 8095 ELLA RAY 110 3 2 22 42 410 Randall F Kelly 3 4 85 85DINGLE DINGLE BEY BEVY 105 5 5555 Corner G W Innes Inanes 30 40 10 7529 GORELANTE GREATER ICO CO 6 6666 Nutt Mutt P J Miles 40 50 10 Time 10Time 25 50 58 Winner 58Winner B c by Ben Strome Stone Prudence PrudenceStart Prudence Start good Won ridden out Ella Rae stopped all over a furlong out Benneville Benevolent just got up in the last stride 8161 THiKD Hiked iiACE iliac 1 Mile and 70 Yds Yd Purse 250 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St 54 V M StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 7973 BANQUO BANQUET II 94 1 52 31 1 12 li Nutt Mutt P J Miles 85 2H 1 8018 ASTRADA AMSTRAD 100 3 61 62 4tf 3 21 James E A Meyers Meyer Co 5 7 24 7896 JOHN SULLIVAN 103 2 2 2 31 2tf 31 Randall FKelly Kelly 331 8099 SANDOVAL SNOBAL 114 4 7 7 5K 6 43 Sheedy Seedy T Licalzi Laical 25 30 10 8094EVEREST 103 5 41 IH 2V 42 56 Everett Chas Anderson 85 65 25 8094 CYNTHIA H 91 7 3n 41 65 52 6io Bender W M Singerly Gingerly 8 10 4 7960 DORETTE CORVETTE 105 6 12 5Vi 777 Palmer W Perkins 25 30 10 7289 SUSIE B 109 8 8 8 8 8 8 Caasin Casein M L Seddons Speedos 25 30 10 10Time Time 24M 50 l03Kj 117 131H l452 151 Winner Ch c 3 byPirate of Penzance Penance Thrifty ThriftyStart Thrifts Start good Won easily There was a lot of crowding at start Everest ran a bad race Sul Saul ¬ livan ivan was pinched and jammed all the way He was the best Susie B was practically left 8162 FOURTH RACE 34 Mile Purse 250 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St Vi StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op PI Cl 7897 SIMPLE JACK 99 5 5DONATUS 53 41 Wt 11 Nutt Mutt Chaa Casa Lebel Label 4 5 75 DONATUS DONATES 102 4 61 65 51 23 Everett IrelandFergusonlO 8 a 7922 BUCK FONSO FONTS 90 3 4 3n 31 3 Higgins CLBlackbrnCo6 3 7738 MARIE DUDLEY 101 2 22 21 2Vt 45 Randall Talbot Bros Brows 5 6 8049 DUES 85 6 3n 51 61 5 Chenault Health Scoggan Slogan Bros Brows 562 664 BELFRY 101 7 7776 James W M Martin 12 15 6 4452 ROYAL DEER 96 8 8887 Stowers Towers John Regan Egan 3fl 40 12 7970 ALBONTON SALOMON 102 1 12 y 41 8 BeauchampH Beach B Durham 45 1 out outTime outline Time 25 50 1 03J 117H Winner Br g 4 by Jim Gore Schottka Scott SchottkaStart Scoutmaster Start good Won handily Donatus Donates came strong in the end He will do in better company Albonton Albino bled Marie Dudley stopped stoppedScratched stopped Scratched Masquerade 93 Croesus Cress 94 Sidney Bender 94 Pebble 95 Overweights Overweighs Royal Doer 5 pounds Q J O O FIFTH RACE KAUE KRAUSE 12 Mile Purse 250 2yearolds Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt St StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners OD Cl PI 7855 HARDLY 105 3 38095L 31 IH Nutt Mutt H E Leigh 85 75 12 8095L OF THE WEST 107 2 41 42 22 Everett C D Chenault Health 1 65 25 8095 LAURETTA LAURENT B 105 1 12 m 32 Stockwell Stock J T Weaver Co 6 15 6 7963 ADA ADAM RUSSELL 105 5 4 BeauchampHolloway Bros Brows 7 8 8095 VINETTA VENDETTA 105 6 5 4 James John Huffman 10 15 8050 GORILLA 105 4 6 W Jones S K Hughes Co 7 8 7963 FONLANTE FONDANT 105 7 7TRAITTRIS 777 7 W Hicks M MFMartin Immigrating F Martin 15 15 6 6TRAITTRIS TRAITTRIS TRAITORS J09 9 888 8 CWilliams Williams J JRHughes RHughes Hughes 15 20 8 8AMELIA AMELIA GERST GERMS 105 8 999 9 Sheedy Seedy F H HCurran Currant Curran Currant 20 20 8 8Time Time 25 50 PerhapsStart Perhaps Winner Br f by Candlemas Candelas Perhaps Start good The first three were hard ridden Russell and Lauretta Laurent stopped at the end Hardly ran a fine race Corilla Corolla is of little account Scratched Patty Whack 105 Lady Henley 105 Overweights Overweighs Traittrisa Traitors 4 pounds

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Local Identifier: drf1897051201_2_2
Library of Congress Record: