Morris Park Form Chart., Daily Racing Form, 1897-05-12


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MORRIS PARK FORM CHART CHARTMORRIS CHARMER MORRIS PARK N Y May 11 Second Day Westchester Esthete Racing Association Spring Meeting Weather clear track fast Presiding Judge R W Simmons Starter C H Pettingm Petting 8152 O 1 Sf O FIRST HACK G liaFurlongs lifelong Purse 500 3yearolds and upward Selling Yi 3 StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 8106 BILLALI BILLABLE 100 9 888 3 OConnor O'Connor WCDaly Cuddly 20 25 8 4096 REGULATOR 110 4 SVi Vi 7 7 4 Hamilton JR FPKeene Pokeweed 12 15 6 4X28 BRANDYWINE BRANDYING 126 5 31 3 61 51 Griffln Griffin O H P Belmont 672 4050 HAPHAZARD 103 6 61 9 9 62 T Sloan CFlschmnnSon 8 8 2a 7928 HORL WHORL 100 7 7 61 2 7 Hothorsall Shorthorns M F Stephonson Stephenson EO 60 20 POETESS 98 10 10 10 1U 8 Maher Stockwell Stock Stable 20 15 5 2230 SURROGATE 111 8 9 5H 3 9 Coyle Cole B L Knowlton Kowtow 40 50 15 8106 KATHRO KATH 113 2 12Time 2Kz 21 4 10 L Reiff Riff Duke Wishard Wished 40 40 12 09Winner Time 12J 25 50H 1 02Kz 1 09 VioletStart Violets Winner Br g 5 by Himyar Shimmy Violet Start fair Won easily Harry Reed was much the best Bonaparte came strong at the fin ¬ ish dish Billali Billable got away badly and ran a splendid race Brandywine Brandying showed some speed So did Kathro Kath KathroScratched Scratched Marsian Marian 128 The Swain 114 Domitor Dormitory 103 Overweights Overweighs 103Overweights Kathro Kath 4 pounds O I T O SECOND RACE 1 Mile Purse 150 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St M V StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 8045 DECLARE 111 2 2 i bVi Vi 51 52 1 Simms Sims P J Dwyer 6 4679 SIR VA3SAR 106 9 8 8 4V4 2 21 T Sloan CFleischmnSon Flemish 5 8111 RONDO 109 4 61 61 7 7 3 Scherrer Sherrie Bromley Brome Co 3 8043 DOLANDO ORLANDO 109 3 3 3Yi 2 6tf 61 41 Perkins P Welch 8 7726 ATLANTUS ATLANTIS 90 7 7 7 8 8 52 Maher WJennings Jennings 25 30 10 1740 TALISMAN 104 5 IH IH 3 4W 6 Walker MrsCLittrfidJr40 10MrsCLittrfidJr40 50 15 8107 MIRAGE 113jlO 99997 L Reiff Riff W Oliver 12 15 6 2301 NAY NAY 83 6 ilA Gila 41 2n 1 8 Powers C F Fox 8 3K 65 48i9 XMAS 109 1 5tf SH IH 3 9 Coylie Collie W Lambeer Lambert 8 10 4 5311 TRAYANT TERMAGANT 100 8 10 10 10 10 10 Hewitt F L Parker 12 15 6 7926 HORNPIPE 1C9 11 11 11 11 11 11 Hamilton W Lakeland 2 3 1 Time26H52l17K l42 Winner ClaraStart Clearwater Br h 6 by Stratford Clara Start good Won driving The next four were hard at it Declare closed strong Ho was well ridden Rondo had a stormy passage He was crowded out at five furlong pole and had to go around his field Sir Vassar ran the best race Nay Nay quit to nothing Xmas had some speed outrunScratched outruns Hornpipe was always outrun Scratched 85Overweights Harrington 110 Juno 105 Loch Glyn Lyn 89 Petrel 86 Her Own 85 Overweights Overweighs Declare 2 pounds Rondo 1 Dolando Orlando 2 Mirase Morasses 4V4 Trayant Rayon 2 154 RACK 4 12 Furlongs 2yearolds Allowances The Gaiety Stakes Purse 2500 nd Horses Wt St Yi Si StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 8108 KITE FOOT 119 4 4LALOUETTE I 3a 1 McCafferty J J McCafferty 683 LALOUETTE AFLUTTER 2 119 7 5 H tf Griffin L S WPTbompn6 10 4 8110 LADY MARIAN AN 119 6 67877JUDA 6 52 3Yi 34 Simms Sims August Belmont 3 3lt 3 1 7877JUDA 119 1 3 71 4H Prkins Perkins R W Walden Son 6 10 7611LADY ASHLEY 119 5 2t 102t zyt yet 52 OLeary O'Leary C D McCoy Co 12 10 8110 783CALCULATION MEKALLAH 119 11 11 11 6 Taral Aral Marcus Daly Dally 7 783 8 CALCULATION 119 2 767 Scherror Scherzo AHDH ACHED Morns 462 SARATOGA 462SARATOGA 119 9 888 Bank J J McCafferty 683 683JILTED JILTED 119 10 9 9 9 T Sloan CFlschmannSon6 8 3 S5FAYIDA ABUNDANT 119 8 41 4n 10 Littlefield Littered RWWaldenSon 6 4 S5 FAYIDA FYI 11914 12 12 11 Hamilton W Astor Chanler Chandler 10 12 5 B OF HOLMDEL WHOLEMEAL 119 12 13 10 12 Doggett Doge John Daly Dally 8 10 4 RESTOVER RESTORER 119 3 10 13 13 L Reiff Riff Duke Wishard Wished 10 12 5 8110INSPECTION 119 13 14 14 14 Neumeyer Mummery CFlschmannSonS 10 4 Added Starters Time 11 24M 36 48fc 53 LongshoreStart Alongshore Winner 53Winner Ch f by Buchanan Longshore Alongshore Start good Won driving Kitefoot Bitterroot beautifully ridden by McCafferty just got up in time She was the best but McCafferty seemed to draw it very fine LAlouetta Calcutta should have won Griffin thought he had the race won and went to sleep Marian and Juda Judah ran grand races Scratched Miss Tenny Teeny 119 8155 O T C er l FOURTH RACE 4 12 Furlongs Purse 500 2yearolds Maiden Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St M V StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op Cl P 1C9 6 6V4 3yt U Perkins J Bauer fe Co 6 3 61 104 2 1 1 22 T Sloan LSWP LISP 61LSWP Thompson 8 2tf I MIRTHFUL LittlefieldMIDIAN 107 7 7 62 3V4 3H Littlefielc Littlefield Littleneck Littered A HDH HUD Morris 662 ScherrerCOME Sherrie MIDIAN INDIAN 108 4 3 2 41 Scherrer Sherrie Marcus 662Marcus Daly Dally 12 15 6 COME QUICK 104 8 51 51 52 Lamley Langley J 6J RF P Keene 6 7 2y 81 10 FIRST FRUIT 107 3 2a 4 61 Yi Hewitt C 2yC Littlefleld Littered Jr 8 10 4 CHECKERS DoggettJINGLE Dogtrotting 104 1 41 7 7 Doggett Doge Oneck Neck 4Oneck Stable 15 20 8 JINGLE OLearyHENCHMAN BELL 104 9 988 OLeary O'Leary KKTHchcock 8KKTHchcock 40 50 15 HENCHMAN BanksKILT Banks 107 10 10 10 9 Banks J 15J J McCafferty 15 20 8 KILT GarriganSTRATHMAC 104 5 8 9 10 Garrigan Arian Goughacre Doughface 8Goughacre Stable 40 60 20 STRATHMAC STRATUM 107 12 12 12 11 Mahur Maher LewElmoro 15 20 8 110 SimmsJUNIOR Swimsuit HAIRPIN 110 11 11 11 12 Simms Sims P 8P J Dwyer 15 20 8 JUNIOR 107 13 WalkerTime Walker 13 13 13 Walker C 8C Littletield Littered Jr 40 50 15 Time 12 2iyt 37 48Ki 54M Winner B c by Onondaga Bessie Hinckley Hickey Start good Won handily The winner was much the best Sagacity hung on very gamely First Fruit bad a lot of speed Mirthful finished strong Overweights Overweighs strongOverweights George Keene 2 pounds Midian Indian 1 Hairpin 8156 FIFTH RACK 78 Mile Purse 5500 3yearolds Maidens Allowances Ind Indo Horses WtSt Watt VA yt 5 StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI RENSSELAER DRESSMAKER 111 7 4 W 41 41 11 Doggett Doge J E McDonald 3 75 12 3101 WOLHURST 108 3 I 1 IH 1 210 Powell Brookdale Boodle Stable 10 15 6 3269 CONCORD 111 8 5 52 61 62 3 T Sloan J Ruppert Rupert Jr 548 7881 OCEANA OCEAN OCEANADIVERSION 106 6 3a 3 SB 3tf 42 Hamilton Jas Jabs R Keene 331 DIVERSION 108 11 11 11 8 7 51 Hewitt A Bolmont Belmont 6 7 2 8111 TIMOUR TIMOR 108 9 7 7 7 8 6 Littlefleld Littered W H Forbes 8 10 4 S660 SIR FREDERICK 113 2 6 61 5V4 51 7 Reiff Riff Goughacre Doughface Stbl Stable 10 12 3266 KING BON 108 10 10 10 9 9 g VanKuren Anuran F W Parker IMPERATOR 111 1 Wt 2y 21 Jas Jabs Galway 7987 SPING PING WHEEL 106 4 8 8 10 10 10 Perkins W Cloyd Clod Co 12 20 8 3102 FORTUNE 111 5 9 9 11 11 11 Coyle Cole A Clason Carson 12 15 6 Time 24H 49Ji 1 02 1 15M 1 29 Winner 29Winner Ch c by Hayden Edwards The Belle BelleStart Belles Start good Won driving second and third also hard at it Rensselaer Reseller came away rather gamely under punishment Imperator had some speed Concord came strong at the end Overweights Overweighs endOverweights Sir Frederick 2 pounds 8157 rr SIXTH RACE 1 12 Miles Purse 1000 St Nicholas Handicap Over 6 Hurdles Ind Indo Horses Wt St VA Vt 5 StrFin Strafing JockeysOwners Jockeys Op Cl PI 146 1 13 13 is n 12 English FRTHHitchck75 910 out 620KILKENNY 143 2 21 22 21 2io 23 Veitch Vetch Mr Cliambelt Claimable 5 5 75 SSig Assign 75SSig BROWN RED 1BO 4 41 42 42 3 32 Mara M Kearney 341 7685 BEAUMONT 130 6 6 6 5 5 42 Slack Jas Jabs Blute Lute 10 12 4 TRIPOLI 133 5 3 31 32 4 5 Callahan JWColt JCL 683 MONACO 683MONACO 140 3 51 52 6 3Time 6 6 Gill CraigWWadswth 7 8 3 Time 250 Winner 250Winner B m 6 by Exile Forever ForeverStart Forever Start good Won easily It was a mere gallop for Forget She had all the speed and fenced perfectly Brown Red is not ready Scratched April Fool 147

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Local Identifier: drf1897051201_3_2
Library of Congress Record: