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NOTES OF THE TURF The twoyearold toehold daughter of Joe Hooker and Marion Vera Reina Regina died of lung fever at Sac ¬ ramento raiment some days ago She was a full sister to Yo Tambien Ambient and half sister to Emperor of Norfolk and El Rio Rey Frey That excellent turf journal the Breeder and Sportsman of San Fran ¬ cisco in commenting on the fillys fills death says By a strange fataity fatality all the daughters of Ma ¬ rion Orion have met tragic deaths Yo Tambien Ambient ran into a fence and did from lockjaw while turned out into a paddock in Kentucky Duchess of Norfolk who ran two miles and a quarter in 35SV4 as a threeyearold was killed by running into a fence at Sacramento while Vera fell in a race at Sheepshead Shepherd Bay and broke a blood ves Yves ¬ sel seal Theodore Winters predicted that Vora Vera Rpina Pima would come to a sudden end endOld enfold Old Toano Tango a fast horse who used to be used as a sampler for speed purposes at Rancho del Paso was almost burned to death in a San Fran ¬ cisco fire some dnys dens ago and shot to end his suffering Toano Tango uncovered Salvator Salvatore after the colt had been passed up as unworthy of a place in the select Haggin Haggling string Toano Tango was eleven years old by Longfellow Salara Sahara by the English Salvador SalvadorThe Salvador The Atkin Akin Lottridge Outride racing confederacy of California will bring a strong stable east this year It will include Scarborough Scarf Pin Buckwa Buck Manchester and Double Quick and ight bight RaLcho Rancho del Paso bred youngsters as follows Maximore Maxim Latinus Latinos Briar Hill Spin well Milesio Miles and three unnamed