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NEWPORT FORM CHART CHARTNEWPORT NEWPORT KY May 17 Fortieth Day Queen City Jockey Jlnb Lb Spring Meeting Weather clear track fast Presiding Judge J J Burke Starter H D Brown FIRST RACE 6 12 Furlongs Purse 250 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St fc Yt M StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op Ol PI 8105 ANNIE M 105 4 I Yt Wi Wt Randall H C Cook 6 8214 FRONTMAN FONTANA 103 2 41 4t 41 2 2t t James E F Sellers 8 10 4 8188 MISS BOWETT BOWEL 107 5 31 318162SIMPLE 31 31 3 A BeauchampLillyMedeStkCo10 20 8 8162SIMPLE JACK 105 7 6V 6H 6 51 4 Graham Chas Lebel Label 20 30 10 8263 M1N MURPHY 103 1 22 21 21 51 W Jones W J Donahue Danaher 452 8265 MISS ROSS 105 8 9 9996 W Hicks W R Griffin 3 2 45 8019 SWORDSMAN 93 6 7 7777 Nutt Mutt E T McConnell 10 12 5 4574 CYCLONE II 109 9 8 8888 Shoedy Shoed W A Smith 2y3 2Vi 1 8265 MITCHELL 100 10 10 10LAZZARRE 10 10 9 Everett Ireland Bros Brows 10 12 5 I LAZZARRE LAZAR 100 3 5 i K 5 6 10 Shaw F H Hazenfeld Hastened 40 50 15 15S158 S158 LITTLE NIGGER NIGER 9411 11 11 11 11 Milburn Melbourne CARose ARose 8 lu 4 Time 24a 493 102J4 115V4 1215 Winner B m 5 by Lisbon Isis IsisStart Swissair Start good Won handily next five driving The best won Murphy quit when it came to the asking point although cleverly ridden Jack ran a better race than previous showing would warrant It was an extravagant price against Rowett Rowe Miss Ross did not run up to the mark Scratched Nannie Nannies D 105 8293 SEC SECOND RACE 4 12 Furlongs Purse 250 2yearolds Allowances Vt 5 Strbin String Jockeys Owners Op Cl P 7963 MAKG MACK EAST1N 105 3 11 11 Vi Milburn Melbourne J B Respess Repress Co 5 5 2 76 = 3 BONITO 105 5 51 51 IVi IV Thompson H E Leigh 348 8163 FONLANTE FONDANT 105 7 41 42 SH w Hicks M F Martin 15 30 10 8215 LAURETTA LAURENT B 105 1 3 3 44 Stockwell Stock JT Weaver Co 8 10 4 8242 VtRGIE Tribe COOK 105 2 2EFFIE 22 2yt 5 Corner J B Ward EFFIE EFFUSE CL1NE 105 10 986 Graham Scoggan Slogan Bros Brows 8215 FA1RLAND 105 4 777 Beauchampruruey Co 8163 AMELIA GERST GERMS 105 11 Everett W H Curran Currant 15 20 8 7739 LADY HENLY HENLEY 105 6 Randall 8Randall A G Weston 562 562Nutt 8212 GORILLA 105 8 8 10 10 Nutt Mutt S K Hughes Co 8 6 2 2Watson 8163 ADA ADAM RUSSELL 105 9 11 11 11 Wats Watts Watson Holloway Hollow Bros Brows 25 30 10 10Sheedy 10JOSEPHINE JOSEPHINE 1 8 12 12 12 12 Sheedy Seedy T Licalzi Laical 12 20 8 8Time Time 24 49 56 FayStart Daystar Winner B f by Hindoo Indoor Fay Start fair All the first six were ridden out Bonito was pocketed to last furlong when she came fast Cook stopped in the last furlong Cline ran an impressive race Henly Henley showed a bit of winniug winning speed early in the race Eastin Easton was the best Overweights Overweighs Josephine 3 pounds 8294 THIRD HACEG ACE 13 Furlongs Purse 250 3yearolds and upward Selling Lnd Lund Horses i Wt St 54 Yt M StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op Cl PJ 8161 JOHN SULLIVAN 99 7 7 4n 41 IH Nntt Nanette F Kelly 6485 8265 EVEREST 101 6 61 63 5 21 BeauchampChas Anderson 883 883H 8241 ROBINSON 111 2 H m IH 32 Everntt Everett J B Respess Repress Co 3 5 85 8265 KALITAN KALIAN 106 5 52 3a 26 41 Sheedy Seedy GHBrown Hebron Co 2H 65 25 8134 GOODING GOADING 111 3 3 5 6 51 W Jones J Huffman 8 10 4 7796 RASENDYLL RESEND 100 8 8776 Stockwell Stock Geo Geol Ellis 40 50 15 7764 MIDLO MILO 103 4 21 21 3 7 Thompson H E Leigh 562 8213 VICE REGAL 105 1 4 8 8 8 Randall W J Smith 12 15 6 6Time Time 24V 495 1 02 1 15 1 21 21Winner Winner Ch g 3 by Salvator Salvatore Mabel Abel MabelStart Maelstrom Start good The first two were ridden out Regal stopped on account of his bad log Ever ¬ est and Sullivan came fast from behind while the first three into the stretch were stopping after a fast pace paceScratched backscratcher Scratched Ollean Orleans 97 Tit for Tat 105 Carrie Lylo Lyle 105 Lizetta Cliental 109 8295 FOURTH RACE 58 Mile Purse 250 2yearolds Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt St M Vt H StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 8132JDAC1AN 107 1 21 23 25 I W Martin P Dunne 13 25 out 8242 85J GOODRICH 103 3 41 4i 32 23 Everett W H Laudeman Laundryman 7 7 85 J WILLIAMS 107 2 15 15 12 38 Randall W J Smith Co 5 5 65 8266 NATHANSON NATHAN 103 4 3u 32 4 4tf ATuompsnJ Atoms E Gushing 20 30 8 8266 BON JOUR 104 5 5555 BeauchampJ Beach Huffman 6 S 2 2Time Time 13 23 36 4S 1015H Winner Ch c by Hindoo Indoor Miss Moore MooreStart Mores Start good Won ridden out Goodrich ran a creditable race Johnny Williams was raced to pieces nrst unrest three furlongs He is a speedy youngator youngster O61Qr FIFTH RACE l Mile Purse f250 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St U Yi 5 StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 7895CH1COT 121 2 U 12 H IV iy Knapp CJKelly Jekyll 35 35 out 8214 CAR DONDER DANDER 121 1 SH 22 25 26 28 BeauchampL Bacchanal Meade Stk St Co 6 8 2 8214 SANDOVAL SNOBAL 121 4 5 5 42 3 38 Sheedy Seedy T Licalzi Laical 22 35 8238 ST PAT 118 3 2 3 SH 41 4 Fowler CLBlackburnColO 12 5 8021 COL COLE BARRETT BARRETTE 117 5 42 43 5 5 5 Reneker Renee F Hazenfeld Hastened 25 30 10 8214 1XION 121 Left at the post James W H Rasberry Raspberry 20 30 10 10Time l30Kl43fcWinner Time 24J 50 1029 116 l30Kl43fc Winner B h 5 by Eolus Bolus Sans Souci Sourcing SouciStart Slouchiest Start good Won in a long hard drive of two Chicot Chic was best ridden Carroll Donder Dander was perhaps the best bestScratched Scratched Miss Frances 112