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THE CORBIGAN CORRIGAN PLAN One learns that Ed Corrigan is in Chicago and very bitter about racing prohibition and legis leis ¬ lation elation that is not enacted from the daily press What rot I Such information is pinheadry pinhead a disease that broadly affects present Chicago sporting newspaperdom newspaper It is what one gets morning and afternoon The oldfashioued re ¬ liable newspaper man is out of fashion in these days of pennyism pennies As a matter of fact Ed Cor Cora ¬ rigan riga is in Chicago in a general frame of mind He doesnt doesn't care to even indicate the lines of a racing measure to tho thou state legislature So far as Corrigan is concerned not one dollar will be spent at Springfield Mr Corrigan would rather see a bad racing bill beaten than become a law There always has been education in the doings of a day or of a term of days The Corrigan horses are at Hawthorne for a rest on their na ¬ tive tie heath They will go either to Latonia Antonia or tho thou Metropolitan tracks