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MORRIS PARK FORM GHART HART GHARTMOEEIS HARMONIES MOEEIS METES PAEK PEAK N Y May 25 Eighth Day Westchester Esthete Eacing Acing Association Spring Meeting Weather wet track heavy Presiding Judge Ei W Simmons Starter C H Pettingill Petting 8440 FIEST FIST EACE ACE 34 Mile Purse 450 3yearolds and upward Selling Wt St V StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners OD Cl PI 88 8 Wi 3 1 1 Makin Akin PSPRandolph Soprano 10 5 2 2O O 105 6 31 4 42 23 Hothersall Others T Welch 85 95 35 105 3 2 21 2 36 Kelly W Laimbeer Limber 352 100 2 11 1 3tf 41 Millet WCDaly Cuddly 431 110 5 5 5 6W 52 Charleton Charleston J E Madden 10 15 6 91 7 7 7 5V 6 Mitchell C Littlefield Littered Jr 15 20 8 5393HANLON 122 7 W3 61 7 7 Hicks Bromley Brome Co 8 10 4 4N 8349 LOUISE N 103 4 8888 Swan I M Parr Jr 12 15 6 6Time25tf Time25tf 51 1 03 1 17 17Winner Winner B c 3 by Britannic Mamie Mammies Russell RussellStart Russell Start good Won driving Dolando Orlando was a lot the best and should have won The boy hin chin ¬ dered deed instead of helping him Xmas got poor handling also There was a heavy play on Eussler Kessler Hanlon Hanson got a nice work out outScratched outstretched Scratched Beaufort 105 Eton Jacket 97 Leedsville Leeds 93 Sunup 109 Hi Daddy 105 Juno 103 Azure 93 93Overweights Overweights Overweighs Timour Timor 1 pound 8441 SECOND EACE ACE 78 Mile Purse 500 3yearolds Fillies Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt St M V StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 8409D1V1DE 116 1 H iyt it 1 26 U Taral Aral Kensico Keens Stable 35 12 out 8416 EUPHEMIA EUPHEMISM L 109 2 22 23 2 1 2 Thorpe M F Stephenson 10 4 out 5218MIS3 PEIM PIM 116 3 3 3 3 3 3 Littlefield Littered MrsCLittlefld Jr 2tf 4tf out outTime outline 2JiWinner Time 26 52tf l04Vi 1W4 l 2Ji Winner Ch f by Eqssington Designation Unite UniteStart Unites Start good Won driving Divide was the best Euphemia Euphemism L tiled on the end Miss Prim is far from a race THIED TIED EACE ACE Last 12 Mile Eclipse Course The Fashion Stakes 2yearolds Fillies Allowances Purse 13000 Ind Indo Horses Wt St M Vt X StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 8154 LALODETTE CLAUDETTE TTE TATE 115 4 2K IK 11 Griffin LSWPThompsn85 1120 out 8351SAGACITY 115 7 3 3 2K TSloan Sloan LSWPThompn85 1120 out 8407 KEN I1OEE QUEEN115 3 4K 41 3 Perkins Graves Co 10 10 4 7541 MISS BOWENA BOWEN 115 1 IK 2 42 Hennessy Hennas BnrnsWaterhuse 2 2K 710 8407 LADY COOPEE COOPERED 115 2 6K 61 51 Thorpe C D McCoy Co 7 10 4 8351 ABUNDANT 115 6 776 Littlefield Littered EWWaldenSon 683 8154 MEKALLAH 115 5 887 Taral Aral Marcus Daly Dally 8 10 4 8154 FAYIDA FYI 115 S 5K 5 8 Scherrer Sherrie W A Chanler Chandler 15 20 8 8Coupled Coupled in batting Time UK 23 353 47 Winner B f by Kinglike Juliette Juliet JulietteStart Juliet Start good Won easily LAlonette Latinate is a good filly and won without help from Griffin who is in wretched riding form Sagacitys Sagacity second was due to Sloan Eowena Owen had great speed and ii nearly ready Kenmore Queen had a lot of speed FOUBTH FOURTH EACE ACE Withers Mile The Pocantico Oceanic Handicap 2000 Guaranteed 8443 Ind Indo Horses Wt 8t X K X StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op Cl Pi S352RENSSELAEE 118 3 3 2 2 21 1 12 Doggett Doge J E McDonald 862 8314 AEBUCKLE 111 1 6 6 42 1 23 22 T Sloan E W Heffner Jeffery 3 2K 1 2192 DON DOEO DOE 124 7 2 4K 3 SB 41 SB 3K Simms Sims August Belmont 2K 2 45 457729BUDDHA 7729BUDDHA 119 2 1 11 Wt 3 4K 41 Littlefield Littered E C Hall 3 3K 65 2192 OEESTES EGESTS 109 5 41 7 6 6 5 53 Thorpe WOBMdonough20 30 10 8354 BASTION 114 6 7 5K 51 5K 5tf 6 6 Griffin LSWPThompson 462 8352 KEBO KEBOB 110 4 5V4 3 7 7 7 7 Perkins Hazelwood Stbl Stable 30 40 12 12Time Time 25tf 50J 103 116 144 144Winner Winner Ch c 3 by Hayden Edwards The Belle BelleStart Belles Start good Won easily Eensselaer Ensilage was well placed all the route and came away without much urging Arbnckle Carbuncle is good now He could never get through until the stretch was reached Buddha was a bit short Don dOro Dora tired Orestes Foresters is not near a race raceScratched backscratcher Scratched Octagon 126 Algol 125 Balvado Bravado 111 Loch Ness 111 Geo Geol Kessler 123 Sava Salvia rin Erin 107 107Overweights Overweights Overweighs Kebo Kebob 3 pounds ft A A A FIFTH BACE ACE 58 Mile Eclipse Course Purse 450 2yearolds Sellinc Selling ind bind Horses Wt St y 3k StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 8223 NOSEY 104 2 31A Zyt Yet 23 U Corbley Cobble L S V P Thompn45 85 35 8223 LADY ASHLEY 110K1 IK IK I 25 Doggett Doge C D McCoy Co 85 75 12 122K 8269 TANTEIS ANTES 105 6 2K 3 3K 31 OLeary O'Leary F E THitchcckl5 10 4 8223 BABIECA BARBIE 116 5 6 41 4K 42 Eeiff Eiffel Duke Wishard Wished 6 7 2K 8070 GENAEO GENE 97 3 41 6 5 51 McGann Megan A H D H Morris 462 462SB 7815 DELICATE 97 4 4TOEII SB 5K 6 6 Stanhope Tahoe E W WaldenSonS Walden 12 5 TOEII TOE 102 7 7777 Scherrer Sherrie Edward Kelly 12 15 6 Time UK 23K 48 100 Winner B c by Meddler Zicka Zincked Start good Won easily Nosey just galloped over the Lady at the finish He is a good colt Lady Ashley may have been short shortScratched sportscast Scratched Demagogue 112 Previous 109 Laudeman Laundryman 106 Overweights Overweighs Lady Ashley IVi IV pounds Q A A K SIXTH BACE ACE 1 Mile Purse 600 3yearolds and upward Handicap Over OttttO the Hill Ind Indo Horses Wt St M 14 5 StrFin Strafing Jockeys Op Cl PI 8350 WOLHUEST WOOLLIEST 101 2 5 5 3 1 1H T Sloan LSWPThompsn Sweatshops 2 75 12 8 70 CBOMWELL CROMWELL 110 4 21 2 21 3 2 Thorpe A J Joyner Joiner Co 4 135 1 7786 BEISK OBELISK 112 3 IK 1 U 235 Simms Sims GAnderson Anderson 5 10 4 8408 MAUEICE MAURICE 126 1 4tf 41 42 41 4 Perkins W M Barrick Baric 2 3 1 4586 JUDGE BAKEE BAKE 106 5 3 3H 5 5 5 Scherror Scherzo Bromley Brome Co 6 10 4 Time 25tf 51 1 03 1 17 1 43J Winner B g 3 by Ventilator Nutbrown Neutron NutbrownStart Neutrons Start good Won easily Cromwell ran much improved race It was a sudden reversal of form Brisk was choked to death first part Maurice needs a lot of work Judge Baker had some early speed Scratched Ben Eder Edger 126 The Swain 115 St Acrnaa Accra 1W 1WOverweights Overweights Overweighs Judge Baker 4 pounds