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INGALLiS Finalist PARK ENTRIES Probabilities Weather clear track fast fastFirst fascist First Race 34 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Maidens Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt Ind Indo Horses Wet 4604 Tenole Ennoble 3 97 7869 Ed Overlook3 97 7867 Dads Dghtr4 100 476S Fonrich Formic 3 100 7829 J of Searts Seats 3 100 8112 Anna W 3 95 2156 Laredo 3 97 8391 Ben Van 3 97 8389 Soon Over 5 102 8391 PirtePrince3100 8396 Vitrola Vitriol 3 95 8370 Mr Dayton4102 8389 Phil Becker 5 104 5221 Mace 3 100 8389 WarDanceJr5107 4034 Miss Motor 3 95 8393 Hamlin Haling 3 97 7829 TonyHoning3100 7912 Stroller 3 97 8394 MaudValker3 97 97Second Second Race 4 12 Furloncs Furlongs Furloncs2yearolds 2yearolds Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt tnd tend Horses Wet 8395 Lucay Lucy no 97 8390 Presbyterian 107 1078332Algareta 8332Algareta 107 8395 The Cheat 107 7709 Cherry BoncoII107 S031 Pug 110 8310 Trickster 107 7913 Waukesha 97 97Third Third Kace Ace 1 Mile SellingInd Selling 3yearolds Selling Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt 8398 The Plutocrat 106 5036 Lillian Wilkes 101 8393 Tom Anderson 106 8368 Carrie H 101 8393 Admetus Adepts 103 8398lNewsgatheror 105 8343 Little Music 106 106Fourth Fourth Race 1 116 Miles Miles3yearolds SellingIn Selling 3yearolds and upward Selling In Horses Wet Ind Indo Horses Wet 8459 Sunburst 5 Ill x8378 Evanatus Vanuatu 7 108 1088392BabeMrphy5106 8392BabeMrphy5106 8428 Olivia L 3 89 8392 Eagle Bird 7 Ill 8427Mandolina 5106 8398 Sackville Backfilled 3 94 94Fifth Fifth Race34 Mile 3yearolds and upward Allowances AllowancesInd Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt Ind Indo Horses Wet 8457 Hry Harry Gwynne3 95 5336 Ldy Lady Callhan390 8333 Weola Ebola 5 109 4054 CountTenor5109 8457 Freddie L T 6 109 8428LewHoppr4H2 8389 Cerita Caritas 5 104 5716 Tonica Tonic 4 102 2325 Laeniappe Lagniappe 5 106 S345 Paul Griggs Rigs 3 95 8391KingsCnsl3100