Floreanna Scores At 100 To 1., Daily Racing Form, 1897-06-02


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FLOREANNA FORAMINA SCORES AT 1OO TO 1 Long shots bad an inning at Ingalls Finals Park yesterday Lillian Wilkes at 50 to 1 and Flore Flores anna at 100 to 1 were the longest priced ones to score while the other three races were won by outsiders ranging from 354 to 10 to 1 1Floreannas Floreannas Foramens win was the greatest surprise of the meeting as she beat such good ones as Preston Cossack Uncas Uncaps and Diggs Digs Preston was looked upon as the surest thing of the day and opening at 3 to 1 was backed almost oil the boards The Leigh sprinter seemed to have all of his speed and at the head of the stretch looked like a winner but about the eighth pole along came Floreanna Foramina and outgaming outgoing Preston in the closing drive won by a scant length Cos Coos ¬ sack was third and Uncas Uncaps and Diggs Digs nowhere nowhereLillian nowhere Lillian Wilkes was a natural 50 to 1 shot for the first race and her owner never gave her a thought but his wife and a few of her friends bet on her Out of Sight was the favorite and heavily played but whatever chance she had was spoiled by the vile handling she got from Master Barrett Barrette BarrettPeter Barrette Peter McCue McClure made his second appearance and again favorite he was beaten off The colt did not race anywhere near the notch and has evidently gone wrong Several owners say he it sick and has been since his arrival from St Louis Lizzie Tizzies Cavalier won the race and won like a real lady He laz laze t race would bo hard to explain although her owner claims he bet 300 on her that day dayNewsgatherer Newsgatherer Newscaster came to light very sudden and won the mile race and Belle of Nilea Ilea captured the last after a fierce drive through the stretch with Ed Overlook OverlookJ Overlook J E Cushiug Cushing yesterday shipped his good youngter youngster Knowles Snowless to St Louis to start in the Kindergarten stakes

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1890s/drf1897060201/drf1897060201_1_2
Local Identifier: drf1897060201_1_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800