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WINDSOR ENTRIES Probabilities Weather clear track fast First Race 34 Mile MileAllowances Misalliances Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt Blucher 102 Clara Foley 101 101Harvey Harvey Curry 106 The Diplomat 102 102Big Big Joe 106 SirErrol Shirker 102 102Moondine Moondine Moonshine 99 Gitty Gritty 97 97Miriam Miriam M 97 Belle Lenore Lenora 97 97Ninde Ninde Nine 97 Ray B 97 97Braxey Braxey Brae 97 Hickory 103 103Uinberto Uinberto Inert 99 Bender 103 103Mr Mr Featherby Feathery 97 Cheatham Chatham 99 99Second Second Race 12 Mile MileAllowances Misalliances Allowances AllowancesInd Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt Ind Indo Horses W t tLaura Laura Laura May 98 Lord Farandole Farad 101 101Gil Gil Gail Ray 108 Geo Geol Carstensl01 Carstensl01Corderll Corderll Cornell 108 Frenchford Frankford 1C6 1C6GallantTom GallantTom Gallant 101 Lady Dorothy 108 108Col Col Cool Rowles Roles 108 Third Race 5 12 Furlongs FurlongsSelling Furlongs Selling SellingInd Selling Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt Ind Indo Hones Nellie Bland 97 Tonica Tonic TonicaTagliona Tagliona Stallion 97 Ruth Mary Lou 69 Lucullus Lucille LucullusIn Lucille In Command 99 Summer C CPete Pete Coo CooPete Compete Coon 101 Pete Kelly 101 Favorita Favorite FavoritaLittle Favorite Little Matt 104 104Fourth Fourth Kwcu KW 1 Mile Selling SellingMyth Selling Myth 99 HelenHII Elenchi HelenHIIThe Hellenist The Planet 102 Baal Gad Lansdale Landler 105 Gladioli Homer 103 Alamo Fifth Race 78 Milo MiloSelling Misspelling Selling 1 Horses Wgt Wt Ind Indo Horses HorsesTimberland Timberland 114 Nero Ingomar Kingdom 116 Paladin II IIIrksome Irksome 114 Marion Star StarRapalatchie Rapalatchie Appalachia 114 KG Mr Dunlap Dunlop 116