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LATONIA ANTONIA FORM CHART CHARTMILLDALE MILLDALE MOLDABLE KY June 5 Tenth Day Latonia Antonia Jockey Club Spring Meeting Weather clear track fast Presiding Judge L P Tarleton Carleton Starter Capt Caput J T Williams 8681 n FIEST FIST HACK 78 Mile Purse 300 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St K 4 5i StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners OD Cl P b4 MISS ROSS 97 4 5 5 44 4 14 Everett VV R Gnihn Nihon 5 8 J 8627 PERCITA PEORIA 99 6 61 61 5431 24 Nutt Mutt Rhodes Maiders Madders 4 6 2 8475 McFARLAND II 96 5 71 71 71 41431 HWilliams Williams V Cromwell 8623 LA GASCOGNE GASCONADE 105 3 21414 14 U 414 Hirach Hirsch Geo Geol J Long 8564 McAvoy8405CARKIE WHITE OAK 104 2 3 44 61 61 51 J Hill J H McAvoy Cavy 4 34 65 8405CARKIE F 87 8 44 34 34 54 61 W Bell J Thomas 883 883Ireland 8599 YELVINGTON ELLINGTON 104 7 8 s 8 8 s 8 s 7 W Jon Jones Ireland Bros Brows 30 40 12 8475 HARRY THOBURN TOBIN 9549 99998 Tubbs Tubs JBErnshwBro40 30 10 8651 SEDAN 91 1 1 2144 73 9 T Burns J J Marklein Marlin 3 34 65 8535 GREY GRAY ECLIPSE 96 10 10 10 10 10 10 Dale F King 15 20 8 8Time 1294Winner Time 245 534 11654 1294 Winner Ch f 4 by Rossington Crossing Virginia Dare DareStart Arrester Start good Won cleverly Sedan and La Gascogne Gasconade raced each other s heads off first five fur ¬ longs The latter is not a good betting proposition Percita Peoria came with a rush at the finish McFarland II was in a pocket on back stretch Miss Ross race was above the notch Overweights Overweighs notchOverweights Yelvincton Helicon 2 pounds Harry Tboburn Bourn 24 8682 SEU SUE SECOND RACE 58 Mile Purse 300 2yearolds Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt St J StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 8538 MAC IVOR IVORY 108 4 2a 22 U4 J Gardner J G Smith 2 11 115 45 8626 HIGH JINKS 108 2 14 H425 A Clayton W M Wallace 3 4 85 S603 OPPONENT 103 5 3431 314C Reiff Riff Baker Gentry 10 10 8626 PROVOLOI PROVOLONE 100 6 9 7 4 Everett A L Ferguson 8 10 8603 858560BON BRAZILIAN 112 7 54 544454 44 54 Murray J Brennau Renault 34 4 85 8560BON JOUR 105 8 8 88 8 61 Nntt Nanette John Huffman 6 662 6 6I 8344 PACEMAKER 110 10 11 I 10 7 Hart E O Pepper 30 20 8 8324 STANHOPE TAHOE 103 1 71 61 81 W Jones M M Young 25 K30 10 8538 DOM1NIS 115 9 64 9 9 Bibbs Bibs B G Thomas 30 30 10 8560 RATHMORE AUTHORED 100 3 44 52 10 Higgins J Bauer Co 30 30 10 10Time Time 24 491014 HarebellStart Harebells Winner 491014Winner B c by Pirate of Penzance Penance Harebell Start fair Won easily Mac Ivor Ivory came away in final furlong like a real good colt Jinks tired after going a half Brazilian and Pacemaker were off poorly and could never get up Rath Wrath more stopped to nothing Bon Jour ran a bad race Overweights Overweighs raceOverweights Pacemaker 2 pounds OOO THIRD RACE 1 Mile and a 0 Yds Yd Purse 350 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Vt St M 4 StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 8648 GASTON 99 6 51 54 41 21411 T Burns D W ldo lido 4485 xS380DUNOIS 104 2 31 3 52 34 2 J Hill Scoggan Slogan Bros Brows 331 8602 SHARON 107 7 61 41 3 41 33 Clerico Cleric W E Kettlestring Kettles 3 24 1 84991JOE CLARK 108 3 21 21 2 44 4 BeanchampW Beach H May 3on 6 7 24 8537 JAM ES MUNROE MONROE 99 4 7 7 6 6 53 Everett Jffhorhton 10 12 5 8540 FRED BARR 108 1 1 1 IH 51461 A Clayton Smith Shuman Human 783 8499 SAN JUAN 91 5 41 61 7 7 7 Dnpee Dane Graves Gorman 12 15 6 44J4Winner Time 244 49Ji 1 15 1 42 1 44J4 Winner Ch c 3 by Sayre Ayres Esther G GStart Start Start good Won cleverly second driving hard Gaston was the best Sharon swung wide into the stretch He might Lave won Dunois Dubois came again in the last hundred yards Burns saved homeScratched homestretches Gaston until the final furlong Barr and Clark blew up in the run home Scratched LaMooro Clamor 99 Domingo 104 Mararin Margarine 101 0301 FOURTH RACE 1 Mile 3yearolds Allowances The Ripple Stakes 1500 OOO4t Guaranteed Ind Indo Horses Wt St M 4 StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 8562TILLO 8562TILLO8599JPANMURE 122 3 3n 3431 31 U4 RWilliamsTurney Brilliantine Bros Brows 2 75 12 8599JPANMURE 8599JPANMURE8375ORIMAR 111 7 8 7 8 51 21 WJones Jones WMWallace 15 15 6 8375ORIMAR 111 8 61 8 71 71 3 WMartin Martin W H Laudeman Laundryman 452 86251J H C 117 9 7 61 51 6 44 BeauchampW Beach H May Son 15 20 8 8498 LOU BRAMBLE 103 4 5 4 44 4 52 C Reiff Riff Baker Gentry 34 4 85 8647JCAVALERO 114 6 24 24 14 14 6 Overton Overtone Fields Vance 20 15 5 86041SERRANO 111 1 11414 21 24 7 J Hill J K Redmon Redman 8648 EDDIE BURKE 111 2 4 51 61 A Clayton M Doyle Co 15 12 8647 HENRY LAUNT AUNT 111 10 10 10 9 9 9 Nutt Mutt J P McCann Mecca M56CLIFFORD JR 102 5 9 9 10 10 10 Hirsch C Porter Co 25 30 10 Added starter Time 24 49 1144 141 141Winner Winner B c by Leonatus Lents Puritan Lass LassStart Assistant Start good Won easily next four driving Clifford was cut off first turn Tillowentto Kilowatt the front when ready Panmure Manure ran an excellent race He was closing fast in the stretch Orimar Primary finished strong Bramble was outfooted hotfooted entire route routeScratched outstretched Scratched Suydam Sudan 111 Protus Pontus 103 The Planter 117 8685 FIFTH RACE 78 Mile Purse 300 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St 4 M StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 1C9 5 314343421 H W Martin CBReid Cried 85H7 BLANTON BATON 11046 4n 44 41 34 23 Overton Overtone Goo Ashbrooke Cashbook 862 8475 SUYDAM SUDAN 102 7 21 21 1 14 314 HWilliams Williams Fields Vance 10 12 5 8559 J WALTER 96 1 114142144444 TBnrns Banns J P McCaun Meccano 3465 8383 NAT P 102 4 6J4 6 52 52 52 James E C Headley Headily 883 8399 DAGO AGO 100 2 51 54 61 65 610 Hirsch J L Black 20 30 10 8625 REPRIEVE 101 3 7 7 7 7 72 W Hughes E F McLean CLean 8 i 85 8539 JUDITH C 103 9 9 9 8 8 8 W Jones Goo Bering 20 30 10 5330 ADOWA DOA 97 8 8 10Time 8 9 9 9 C Smith Byron McClelland20 30 10 Time 244494115 128 128Winner Winner Br h 6 by Grenada Blonde BlondeStart Blondest Start good Won easily Balk Line outclassed his lot and came away when pleased Walter and Suydam Sudan stopped in the final eighth Dago Dagon had an easy race Blanton Baton finished strong Nat P had no speed to cause comment Scratched Ollean Orleans 97 97Overweights Overweights Overweighs Blanton Baton 24 pounds 8686 SIXTH RACE About 1 12 Miles Steeplechase Handicap 350 added Ind Indo Horses Wt St 4 1m VA Str Star Fin Jockeys Owners Op Cl P1 8260 BOB NEELY EELY 157 2 14 1s I20 I50 lmO Elmo Brown A N Orpen Open 65 75 out 8218 ZALDIVAR SALIVARY 140 1 3 3 3 32 CJdhnson HC Brown Co 3 24 out 8628 UNCLE JIM 145 3 2 2 2 2 3 Boyd T Hums 24 2 out 8523 COL COLE BARRETT BARRETTE 135 4 4 4 4 4 4 Higgins F Hazenfield 6 6 out Time outTime outline 3 23 23Winner BradleyBob Bradley Winner B g 6 by Silver Mine Minnie Bradley Bob Neely Nelly was the only horse to go over the course He won by thr thru equarters quarters of a mile The others after much trouble went the route half a mile apart All but Neely Nelly refused the fourth jump