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LATONIA ANTONIA FORM CHART CHARTMILLDALE MILLDALE MOLDABLE KY June 8 Twelfth Day Latonia Antonia Jockey Club Spring Meeting Weather clear track fair Presiding Judge L P Tarleton Carleton atarter starter Col Cool J J Chinn Chin O rT O Q FIRST KAOK KAO 78 Mile Purse 300 3yearolds and upward Allowances ind bind Horses Wt St M Y 3 StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L 86463K11T1E B 97 7 li Hill 12 TBurns Burns R H Bronaugh Baronage 85851 65 86612D OF MONTRSE MONTROSE II 105 8 885352ELSKET 71 41412 H Williams JR Ford 8 15 8 15 85352ELSKET 99 5 31 21 21 31 Nutt Mutt Tajbot Talbot Bros Brows 4645 46454n 8685 DAGO AGO 104 6 4n SB 31 43 HirsCh J L Black 7 10 6 7 8661 J P B 101 2 61 8 61 51 Conley Coney M Harney Barney 15 40 15 20 86013 BEN NAIAD 99 1 6 61 71 61 James BnrbankONeilS 855 8137 KOSCIO OSCO 104 9 9 51 51 71 Lawrence J C Mullen 40 100 30 50 2845 GATEWAY 104 4 21 7 8 8 Everett W H Moran 6 10 6 8 456 DR KELLOGG 99 3 8999 Higgins W H Wheeler 30 50 30 30 8478 MUSIC 97 10 10 10 10 10 Gilmore G W Thompson 60 100 50 50 Time 50Time 25 50 1 16 1 29 Winner MayPost Mayors 29Winner Ch f 4 by The Minstrel Minnie May Post 10 minutes Start fair Won easily next three driving hard Elsket Else tired Montrose finished strong Dago Dagon was a bit short Music was practically loft J P B was cut off on the far turn He was handled poorly but was closing at end Naiad is a rogue Scratched rogueScratched rogues Raffle Boy 99 Belle of Fordham Ford 97 Americus Americas 102 Overweights Overweighs 102Overweights Duke of Monrrose Montrose II 3 pounds 874O SECOND RACE 58 Mile Purse 300 2yearolds Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt St V4 M StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 8209 66338662CORILLA AZUCENA SAUCE 104 4 31 3 31 2 J Hill G J Long 6633 8662CORILLA 107 7 71 71 52 33 Nutt Mutt C Anderson 59 5 8 83473MISS C 107 3 4 6 61 41 C Reiff Riff Scoggan Slogan Bros Brows 5 10 5 6 8624 50LUCY HELVETIA HELVETICA 104 5 B 5 41 55 Gilmore Larkin Bros Brows 40 40 30 50 30YEMBA LUCY M 108 1 H 1 21 61 Sherrin Sheri Drake Co 20 60 20 30 YEMBA EMBAY 104 8 8887 James W W Lister Blister 40 30 20 20 8624 SCOTTIE D 104 6 6 41 7 8 Conley Coney J K Redmon Redman 40 100 40 50 S624 50S624 DANETTE ANNETTE 101 9 9 9 9 9 H WilliamsCutler Williams Miles 50 100 40 50 Time 50Time 25 50t 1 04i Winner BloomPost Bloodspot 04iWinner Ch f by ChancesLocust Chancellors Bloom Post 15 minutes Start fair Won cleverly second ridden ont Corilla Corolla ran the best race from racefrom racer where she got off Lucy showed a lot of early a need Danette Annette ran her race in the breaks Scottie was insane at the post Azucena Sauce ran an excellent race 1 18 Miles Purse 100 3yearolds and upward Selling 3A StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 104 6 51 4 4 42 IH Nutt Mutt Million Davis 115 2 2 2 87 5 61 61 51 2H 2i T Burns P J Miles 3433 106 2 4H 51 31 11 3 C Reiff Riff W E Kettlostring Kettles 85 85 65 65 8683 JOE CLARK 108 4 I K 2a 1 3 4 Everett WHMay Homey 10 12 10 10 72482DONNA RITA 102 1 21 IH 21 53 55 Hirsch T Licalzi Laical 10 20 10 12 8683 JAMES MUNROE MONROE 97 7 7 7 7 6 61 Pratt J Carroll 30 50 40 50 8646 PARSON 99 3 3 SB 6 7 7 Bibbs Bibs BG Thomas 40 100 10040 40 60 648 ENDURANCE 110 8 8 8 8 8 8 W Martin Ireland Bros Brows 20 3D 20 20 Time 20Time 24 49 1 14t 1 42 1 55 Winner 55Winner HowardPost Howard B c 4 by Bill Lotcher Blotchier Mary Howard Post 5 minutes Start good Won driving The action behind was sharp Banquo Banquet could not get through until well down the stretch Sharon stopped in the last hundred yards Rita was raced as if merely out for work Parson ran well for seven furlongs Clark will do at a mile in the near future futureScratched futures Scratched Frontman Fontana 99 99Overweights Overweights Overweighs Endurance 3 pounds Sharon 2 Q T A O FOURTH RACE 5 12 Furlongs 2yearolds Allowances O 0 rdb db The Covington Coving Spring Stakes 1250 guaranteed Ind Indo Horses Wt St M Yt 5 StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 86822HIGH JINKS 100 1 1 18 15 is Hirsch V M Wallace 3434 8603 158626RASTUS LI HUNG CHANG 98 4 51 41 32 21 T Burns SimmsAndorson 12 15 10 15 8626RASTUS 106 5 42 21 26 35 Nutt Mutt T H Coleman 1 1 35 710 F649AFAMADA 710F649AFAMADA 110 2 2 3 41 42 W Martin MiddltuJgbth4 544 8477 20BVJB TUSCULUM 102 6 6 6 6 5 J Hill E F McLean CLean 15 15 10 20 BVJB iwnri7AY 99 3 3u 51516 James RutledgeStevenslS 15 10 15 08tWinner Time 15Time 24 19 1 08t Winner B c by Himyar Shimmy Alta Blue BluePost Bleeps Post 10 minutes Start poor Won easily second handily Jinks was sent away running Tusculum Truculent slow to get in motion was closing at end Chmg Chg finished strong Rastus Roasts got an easy finish easyfinish Assyrians after being vigorously ridden in the races early stages Scratched Lady of the West 97 97Overweights Overweights Overweighs McCleary Cochlear 4 pounds Orrl Corral O FIFTH KAOE KAO 34 Mile Purse 300 3yearolds and upward Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt St M H StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 6478 GEYSER 97 6 311 2 21 la T Burns E Corrigan 6 7 2 3 I 8602 IMP 106 1 186843ORIMAR H li 1 22 Nutt Mutt D R Harness 65 75 6 5 75 86843ORIMAR 97 3 37495DUNCAN 41 4n 4i 33 Everett W H Laudeman Laundryman 3322 7495DUNCAN BELL 103 2 2 31 3 4 J Hill Clay Bros Brows 20 30 20 30 83 33SHUrTLECOCK 106 4 51 61 62 58 James W H Suadley Sadly 5 20 5 10 7914 IDA M 106 5 777 61 Hirsch J C Cooper 50 100 20 30 8683 15LADY FRED BARR 116 7 7I 61 5 5 7 A Clayton Smith Shuman Human 10 15 10 15 I LADY BAER BEAR 92 8 8888 Higgins Tarr Tarry Baer Baker 50 100 40 50 Time 50Time 24 49 114 SpringsPost Springs Winner 114Winner Br c 3 by Ben Ali Hot Springs Post 10 minutes Start good Won driving The best won Burns outfinished untarnished Nutt Mutt Imp ran his race and showed great speed Duncan ran well to stretch Shuttlecock ran less than her race Barr had no speed at all allScratched Scratched Katie L 92 Legatee 97 Incetatus Dictates 100 Judith C 100 Sierra Gordo Gordon 92 Overweights Overweighs 92Overweights Duncan Bell 3 pounds 8744 Q n A A SIXTH RACE 78 Mile Purse 30D 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St V Vt 3A StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 8C51 ETHEHNDA ATHENA 100 3 22 2 2 1 H Nutt Mutt Anderson Co 6 10 6 10 8416 MOTILLA AMONTILLADO ICO CO 2 4H 32 33 32 21 J Hill E F McLea McLean Clean 2i 3 95 95 95EM 8646 LA WANDA 97 5 3i 4H4 4H 3J ShacklefrdE Shackler EM M Hilton 30 50 30 50 50W 8540 WALDINE WALDEN 100 1 15 13 12 23 4i James W J Speirs Piers 3433 3433AHDH 8630 HONOR 102 4 52 51 51 61 55 Hirsch AHDH ACHED Morris6 645 8238 LEASEMAN LEADSMAN 102 7 7 6 6 5 6 Murray Smith Sh Shuman Human 15 20 15 20 8627 MISS ROWETT ROWE 102 6 6 7 7 7 7 T Burns Jay Hardy Co 5747 86012TENOCHTITLAN 101 8 8 8 8 8 8 Everett M T Danaher 7 12 6 10 Time 10Time 24t 50t 116 129 Winner 129Winner Ch f 4 by Favor Helova Hello HelovaPost Elevators Post 10 minutes Start good Won cleverly the next four were driving La Wanda swervjd swerved to the inside rail at the sixteenth pole Motilla Amontillado finished strong She left her notions in the stall today Waldine Walden quit at the quarter pole Tenochtitlan Enchilada ran a villainous race Scratched raceScratched backscratcher Hilda 97 Islin Insulin 104 Santa Maria 99 Jamboree 104 Jake Zimmerman 107