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Turf ExchangeAt Exchange Exchange At Roby Robby Ind Indo IndFULL Mindfully FULL REPORTS Received by Wire on All Allv All v Racing Events COMBINATION ODDS OFFERED SPECIAL TRAIN on PITT8BDEG FORT WAYNE EE leaves Union Depot 112 pm stop ing King at Archer ATO NATO 31st St 41st St and Englewood Beturning Returning leaves Boby Bobby at 6 pm pmare mare are round trip 25 cents centsThe cents The P F W C B B regular train leaves Union Depot at 2 pm stopping at Eoby Robby at 250 ILLINOIS CENTEAL CENTRAL Trains leave foot of Randolph St every 40 minutes after 940 am Making connection with Electric Cars at Ninetythird Ninety St LAKE SHOEE SHOE regular train leaves at 12 05 pm Returning Lake Snore trains leave Eoby Robby at 4 30 6 36 and 1 12 pm TAKE ELECTRIC CARS