St. Louis Form Chart., Daily Racing Form, 1897-06-10


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ST LOUIS FORM GHART HART GHARTST HARTS ST LOUIS MO June 9 Twentyfirst Twenty day St Louis Fair Association Spring Meeting Weather clear track fast Presiding Judge Jos Jose A Murphy Starter C P Maxwell 8773 FIRST RACE 6 12 Furlongs Purse 400 3yearolds and upward Selling Lnd Lund Horses Wt S St M y X StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 8653 ROSNY ROSY 98 8 10 4 32 11 Rebo Reebok F T Wood 10 12 10 10 8514 GLAD EYES 101 1 8 71 4 21 C SlaughterLeigh Slaughter Co 3434 8617 SILVER SET 98 9 31 22 li 3 Peterman Letterman G W Curtis 20 30 10 12 8491 QUEEN SAFIE SAFE 98 6 11 6 61 4 O Martin J D Lucas 3 4 3 4 8491 CAN 1 SEE EM 96 10 71 8 51 5i Hall H L Simms Sims 12 12 10 12 8721 KOENIGEN KENNING 96 4 In 11 21 62 Combs C Young 2 2 75 5 8379 DEW DROP 107 5 4n 52 82 7 W Dean M P Mattingly Matting 20 25 20 25 8593 PLANTATION 100 3 5 9 11 8 J Mathews D Smith Co 15 20 12 15 8721 BOB CLANCY 102 11 9 10 9 9 E Jones W A Kirwan Iran 12 12 8 10 8377 JIM HEAD 111 2 6 11 10 10 Tnberville Tubercle E R Rogers 4868 8664 GOVERNOR JOHN 109 7 23 32 7 11 Webster Chas Kavanaugh Cavanaugh 10 12 10 10 8580 QUICKSTEP 111 13 12 12 12 12 Irven Irvin C A Dukes 15 25 15 20 8451 HOAX 109 14 1484792BANDALA 13 13 13 13 Dunn A Faulkner 30 30 25 30 84792BANDALA 107 12 14 14 14 14 Hinkey Hinkle J H Abbott 8 10 8 10 Time 10Time 24 48 1 15 1 22 22Winner Winner Ch g 3 by Ben dOr doer Buttress ButtressPost Buttress Post 1 minute Start good Won easily second rather handily Koenigen Kenning tired in the stretch So did Silver Set The pair set a lively pace De DeQueen Sequent Queen Safle Sale was badly messed about So was Bob Clancy Rosnys Rosins race was above the mark He was a speed marvel today Scratched Cass 114 114Overweieht Overweieht Overweight Queen Safie Safe 2 pounds Plantation 2 Bob Clancy 4 A SECOND RACE G 13 Furlongs Purse 400 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt SI K 5 StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 8716 TRAVIS 112 9 987212ELSIE 8 2 li I W Dean LazarusHanley Lazarus 10 15 8 15 87212ELSIE BARNES 100 6 2 22 22 22 J Mathews O G Parke Parker 2 3 2 135 8669 HIGH TEST 111 1 18657JTHE 6 7 4 3 Rowe Rowe Clarkson Carson 4848 8657JTHE KITTEN 109 4 7 9 51 4 C SlanjrhterB Slaughter Schreiber 85 2 85 2 86882 REVENUE m 2 3 31 3 52 R Jones H R Rice 10 12 6 10 86533 METAIRIE METEORITE 109 7 9 8 8 6 Hinkey Hinkle C B Campbell 40 50 25 40 8342 EARL BUG 112 8 10 10 10 78 Tuberville Tubercle J D Patton 8 20 8 20 8356 DAZIAMOOR 93 11 118S55JSWIFTY 41 5 6 8 Neal Stubbs Stubs Bros Brows 60 100 60 100 8S55JSWIFTY 1008S55JSWIFTY 109 5 5 4 7 92 Reidy Reid W A Barton 40 100 25 100 8379 NELLIE H III 109 10 11 11 11 10 Dunn H F Etches 40 50 25 40 8852 DISTURBANCE 114 3 It 12 9 11 Vandusen Bandsmen W L Cramer Crammer 15 15 12 15 8578 GOLD TOP 101 Li Left 6856Time at the post E Jones F H Hickok Hick 6856 Time 24 49 1 02 1 15i 1 22 22Winner Winner B c 4 by Favor Crescent CrescentPott Crescent Pott Potts 27 minutes Start fair Won driving second driving also Disturbance pulled np lame Revenue had no speed Travis had a stormy passage and ran a good race The Kitten too had a rongh rough yetScratched road High Test is getting good Earl Bug isnt isn't ready yet Scratched Nina Louise 98 Scribe 101 Nannie Nannies Lord 109 OrerweiRhti Overweight Elsie Barnes 4 pounds 775 urseJlUO mussel 2yearolds Maidens Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt S St y K StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 113 3 31 2 12 12 Garner G C Bennett 34 45 35 35 4 41 21 21 R Jones E Richardson 12 25 8 25 7905 SIVA 108 1 2 7 1C 3 C Slaughters Schreiber 3534 8856 LIDA IDA STUART 110 2 f 3 52 42 E Jones J C Cahn Can 5 10 6 10 861933CHOOL GIRL 105 7 61 6 4 52 Hinkey Hinkle Browning Co 10 10 8 10 8866 CAKE WALK 105 8 8 9 62 6 Peterman Letterman W A Powell 40 10040 60 8658 BALANCE ALL 105 9 9 10 7 72 Anderson C M Barry 100 100 60 100 8594 KING OSCAR 108 12 10 11 9 82 Tuberville Tubercle J Huffman 12 15 12 12 8819 ELENAY ELENA 105 10 11 12 11 93 W Jones J B Gerard 60 100 60 100 8357 JUDICIOUS 110 4 H 12 35 108 andusen Andersen F M Daily 12 12 6 6 WOLFORD WOLFED 110 11 7 8 8 11 W Dean T B Watts 25 30 25 30 8619 ESTHER HAWE8 105 6 13 13 12 12 Hall C Pieper Pepper 100200100100 8686 HIGH PRIESTESS 105 12 200Time 12 52 13 13 Clifden Clifton W G LaRue Argue k Co 100 200 100 200 Time 12 25 37 51 103 103Winner Winner B c by Volante Volant Bertha BerthaPost Bertha Post 9 minutes Start fair Won easily second cleverly Lida Linda Stuart was badly bumped on the first turn Siva was also interfered with Afra Affray ran a good race Judicious bad a lot of speed and will bear watching watchingScratched watching Scratched Celia B 105 Mavourneen Averment 105 Loving Cup 110 Easy Stride 110 Marietta II 110 Q T r7 J FOURTH HACK 34 Mile Purse 400 3yearolds and upward Gentlemen J O I I O Jockeys Ind Indo Horses Wt St M K 3 StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 8716 SAN BLAS LAS 160 1 15 H 12 IK Wickham Wick Larrissey Arise Barry6 1046 8665 KING ELM 160 4 33 310 21 22 LWickhm Lich A Hedden Eden 852 1 85 7806 DENVER 160 6 2 2 38 31 Turner BensonArthnrCo4 53 3 8654 EMMA MAC 160 3 43 5 4 43 Wolsey Wools B Smith 10 12 6 8 86642ZEPHYRUS 163 5 5 42 510 52 Newman B Schreiber 85 3 85 3 8493 COURTESY 160 2 6666 Robinson M Byrnes Byres 40 80 40 60 Time 60Time 25 51 1 C4 1 18 18Winner VirgilPost Virgil Winner B h 7 by Volante Volant Blossom by Virgil Post 33 minutes Start good Woa Whoa ridden out second driving Zephyrus Zephyrs and Denver acted badly at the post San Bias beat the gate The saddle slipped on King Elm He should have won Courtesy was never in it itOverweights introverting Overweights Overweighs Zepbyrus Zephyrs 3 pounds FIFTH RACE 1 Mile Purse 400 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St M tf M StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 8620 ACE 108 4 41 43 42 33 12 T Murphy J as Murphy 6585651310 Murphy86892H 86892H H GARDNER 102 1 31 2 21 IB 2 E Jones W 6585651310W A Kirwan Iran 6865 8285CELTIC BARD 104 2 1 1 1 21 31 Garner Rowe Clarkson Carson 45 1 7101 7101B 86S93HAWTHORNE 111 5 5 5 52 41 412 Tuberville Tubercle Tuberville8609EARL B Schreiber 8 10 8 10 10JCochran 8609EARL COCHRAN 1U4 3 2 31 3 510 56 Reidy Reid JCochran Cochran HO 40 20 30 30ERRodgers 8668 BLCKING BLACKING BRUSH 1046 6 6 6 6 6 Alaric Balearic ERRodgers Derringers 40 60 40 60 4602 MARTHA GRIFFIN 106 Xeft Deft at the post Dunn DunnTime Runtime H 60H K Uorr Burr 60 100 60 100 Time 25 JO 1 ie 1 42 Winner B g 5 by Fabulous Punnie Punier Continued on 2nd page Post 10 minutes Start good Won cleverly second driving Celtic Bard ran a little short Gardner ran a game race Hawthorne was shut off early and could never get through Ace was the best today todayScratched Scratched Bob Millican Milliamp 108 Joe oSot Soot 108 Nicolini Nicotinic 108 Seabrooko Sherbrooke 107 Jack Bradley 108 Bob Clampott Lamppost 108 A B C 107 8778 SIXTH RACE 7 13 Furlongb Furlong Purse 100 3yearolds Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St 54 Yi 3A StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C t586923RUS3ELLA 86f9AKGONAUT 107 4 31 i 2i U J Mathews H B Durham 65 85 65 t5 86923RUS3ELLA 1358718TIN 102 2 6 5105204121 C SlaughterD Slaughter A Honig Hong 3 4 2 135 8718TIN CUP 102 6 13 15 IS 22 3 T Murphy J W Schorr Scorer Son 2 5 2 5 K692 KRUNA KUNAI 102 3 51 6 6 6 42 W Dean G W Scott 30 40 30 30 8718 ROWLAND DUETT DUET 107 5 4 4 4i 31 53 Garner J E Rodegap Bodega 15 20 15 15 86 55OUR BISHOP 107 1 21 24 3 53 6 E Jones F H Hickok Hick 6 10 6 10 361Winner Time 10Time 24i 50 1 02t 1 16 1 29i 1 361 Winner VesperPost Vesper B c by Bend Or Vesper Post 5 minutes Start fair Won cleverly second driving and coming Tin Cup tired early Our Bishop ran a bad race and Russella Russell a good one The latter was interfered with early

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Local Identifier: drf1897061001_1_3
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