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BROOKLYN FORM CHART CHARTGRAVESEND GRAVESEND GRAVES L I June 9 Sixth Day Brooklyn Jockey Club Spring Meeting Weather clear track heavy Presiding Judge R W Simmons Starter C H Pettingill Petting r TR 7 FIRST EAOE ALOE 58 Mile 0 2yearolds Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt St M V StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C HAMBURG 104 2 li H U li Wilhito Twilit JE Madden 10 10 2 2 8641 444486413SWANGO PREVIOUS 115 7 7 5 4 21 Simms Sims M F Dwyer 4444 86413SWANGO 4645SANDERS 104 5 4 21 2 31 Hewitt C W Stanton 4645 SANDERS 104 3 3 61 61 41 H Martin P J Dwyer 21 4 3 4 86442PRINCE LEE 104 1 2 3 3 52 Thorpe Graves Co 31 4 3 4 86453COME QUICK 101 6 6 7 7 61 Powers J R F P Keene 4 5 31 4 86452DOGTOWN 104 4 51 4 51 7 OLoary O'Leary J J OKeefe Pokeweed 7868 8072 ELLA DALY DAY 101 8 20Time 8888 Wapshire Washier W C Daly Dally 15 20 15 20 Time 121 24 361 4 l 1 031 ReelStart Redstart Winner Br c by Hanover Lady Reel Start good Won handily Hamburg was the best by far and won like a real good colt He Hewas Hews was played nearly out of the market Previous ran a tranquil race with a bit of sharp speed at the close Sanders will not do at all Neither will Prince Lee Scratched Mont 1Or 104 Genaro Gear 104 Glorian Gloria 104 8768 SECOND RACE 1 Mile Purse 500 3yearolds Maidens Selling I Lnd Lund Horses y X StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 8352 CONCORD 109 1 H 1 1 2 Simms Sims J Ruppert Rupert Jr 4 5 31 5 854P FALERNIAN ALGERIAN 102 4 41 41 3 33 Hewitt A Belmont 3 4 3 3 3660 SALMAK ALMA 112 9 7 62 51 41 Taral Aral M Byrnes Byres 3 3 21 3 7881 RIGHT CHANCE 90 3 21 51 41 52 Powers R Bradley 25 25 20 25 8071 MAHONEY 90 8 9 7 7 61 OConnor O'Connor Mrs W C Daly Dally 12 15 8 10 8541 HUMORIST 98 2 11 2 61 7 OLeary O'Leary L B J Garside Airside 12 12 12 12 8616 SIMONIAN SIMON 98 lu 8888 Coyle Cole A Clason Carson 10 10 6 8 5407 DIANAS DIANA DTER DATER 93 5 3 9 9 9 Maher Jere Ere Dunn 15 25 15 20 1095 SUSPICION 90 6 10 10 10 10 Mitchell C Littlefleld Littered Jr 20 25 20 20 20Time 45iWinner Time 251 52 1031 1161 1 45i Winner B c 3 by Charaxus Caraculs Ada Adam Belle BelleStart Belles Start good Won driving second and third driving also Concord weakened on the end Humorist had some early speed Salmak Alma ran a good race raceScratched backscratcher Scratched fit Nicholas II 103 X Ray 98 Mt Washington 95 Sir Frederic 103 Musician 95 8r73O THIRD RACE34 Mile 3yearolds and upward Selling O J The Patchogne Pathogen Stakes 2000 Guaranteed 1 Ind Indo H r f Wt St M Vi StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 693 BILLALI BILLABLE 95 1 IH H 11 12 OConnor O'Connor W C Daly Dally 5 6 4 6 861i IKlm Film REEL 108 5 41 SH 31 2 T Sloan FleischmanSon Freshman 45 45 35 45 8727 PROMPT 93 3 31 21 21 SH Hewitt W C Daly Dally 5 6 4 6 861c3 BRISK 111 2 6 6 6 41 Simms Sims 1 Anderson 5 6 41 5 5S S i ETON JACKET 98 6 51 52 41 52 Maher C W fltanton flotation 6866 0 HONAPARTE BONAPARTE 113 4 2 41 51 6 Littlefleld Littered MrsCLittlefieldJr4 5 4 4 pnpled appalled in the betting Time 251 51i 1 161 Winner Br g 3 by Rayon dOr doer She SheStart Shasta Start tood stood All were driving at the finish Billali Billable was the best He was lucky and well rid ¬ den Eton Jacket was in her own way The Reel was always outrun Prompt hung at the end Bonaparte was short shortScratched sportscast Scratched St Bartholomew 120 Cleophus Cloths 115 Sunup 111 Agitator 116 Harrington 110 Boldomere Bloomer 106 Hi Daddy 98 QTrfO Toro FOURTH RACE 1 JlCMiles Lucille Purse 600 3yearolde and upward Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt St H StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H 1 8697 ARABIAN 93 1 11 H H Hi U Maher W C Daly Dally 2 2 65 75 7586402PARME3AN 86402PARME3AN 93 2 3 3 3 3 2 Powers Ruby Stable 4543 4543HALMA HALMA ALMA 105 3 21 23 21 21 3 T Sloan FleischmannSon35 1 3545 3545Time Time 261 531 1 181 1 441 1 51 Winner Br c 3 by Galore Abaca AbacaStart Abacas Start good All were driving at the finish It wasnt wasn't a good race Halma Alma pulled up naarly nearly sound The chances are that he will not stand though Arabian outclassed the lot and was as good a betting proposition as ever turned up Scratched Septour Emptor 105 Declare 105 Q rr rr I FIFTH RACE 34 Mile Purse 500 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St M W V StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 110 5 41 13 H IB H Shields W B Sink Sr 8S82 HI DADDY 92 2 21 2 31 21 Powers Mrs L Curtis 15 15 10 12 1284402DOLANDO 84402DOLANDO 105 3 51 61 41 32 Thorpe T Welch 3 31 3 31 8029 FRIENDSHIP 89 8 7 7 62 41 Dean W J OBrien O'Brien 10 10 8 10 8639 MIN ALPHONSE ALPHORNS 87 I IH 32 21 52 Maher S Lottridge Outride 15 25 15 20 8639 TITMOUSE 105 4 3 41 5 61 Scherrer Sherrie A White 20 40 20 40 87278 KAISER LUDWIG 102 6 51 SH 8 7 H Martin D Gideon 4544 8272 MARSIAN MARIAN 102 7 8878 Hewitt P S P Randolph 6 868 868FELICHE FELICHE FLINCHED 112 9 9999 VanKnren Anne J Newman 10 15 10 12 12Time 17iWinner Time 251 52 1 041 1 17i CleopatraStart Cleopatra Winner B c 5 by Faustus Faust Cleopatra Start straggling Won driving second and third aiso iso hard at it Caesarian was a trifle 4 TI n S rJ IT TJJ TAJ i iu i AS ASK K ii gentleman Minnie Alphonso Alphorns had some speed and Marsiun Marin none noneScratched nondescript Scratched Zanone Anyone 107 Cleophus Cloths 107 Discount 105 Nick 107 Amy Wade 87 Q H H O SIXTH RACE 3 Miles Greater New York Hurdle Handicap Over 8 Hurdles O I I A 1500 guaranteed Ind Indo Horses Wt St K 1 1W StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 85873McKEE 152 3 51 53 33 11 12 Dnnlap Dunlop Shields Co 4 4 21 21 83193FORGET 151 8 8 8 70 310 210 English FRTHitchcock4 848 85872 FLUSHING 157 6 31 11 12 23 3 Slack J Wilson 6 64 41 8732 SIR VASSAR 155 2 51 7 8 8 42 Anderson C W Stanton 3 4 3 4 8544 BARONESS 140 7 6 3 4 7 51 Barry C W Wadsworth Adsorb 10 12 10 10 8319 KILKENNY KILLEEN 149 5 4 6 6 51 6 Veitch Vetch MrChamblett Reclaimable 4 4 3 31 7928 WALTZER WALTER 142 4 21 2 22 6 7 Candler Chandler MrChamblett Reclaimable 4 4 3 31 83192BROWN RED 146 1 14548 Mara M Kenney 15 25 15 20 Coupled in the betting Time 355 355Winner Winner SequenceStart Sequences Br g 5 by Tremont Fremont Sequence Start fair Won handily second with a bit to spare McKoe McKee was a good horse today For ¬ get ran a fair race Flushing tired badly when pinched Waltzer Walter fenced well and had a lot of speed speedScratched speeds Scratched Ajax 145 Alakuma Walkman 130