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HIGHLAND PARK FORM CHART CHARTDETEOIT DETEOIT DETROIT MICH MICAH June 11 Fourth Day Highland Park Jockey Club Summer Meeting Weather clear track heavy Presiding Judge J A Carter Starter P J Oilman QQ1 Q FIRST RACE 12 Mile Purse 250 2yearolds Allowances Vt StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 7679MY MARYLAND 105 2 24 IKI II IN Snell Smell W W Worthingtn3535 12 35 35S3 8560 BAN ASTER 108 3 38765AUNT S3 31 2io Walker Oots Boots Bros Brows 2323 8765AUNT BIRD 105 1 1 22 3 Nixon W O Scully Sully 3322 8787 MASCONOMO MACON 103 4 4 Fell L timith Smith timothy J O Gray 12 15 12 12 Time 13 27 401 551 551Winner Winner Ch f by Bramble Palianthus Ailanthus PalianthusPost Ailanthus Post 5 minutes Start good Won in a hard drive The boy on My Maryland went to sleep allowing Banaster Banister to catch him at the wire Masconomo Macon fell at the head of the stretch stretchScratched stretches Scratched Sister Mamie Mammies 105 Big Staff 108 Madam Gerst Gears 105 O O SECOND BAC3S 34 Mile Purse J250 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St X 3i StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L J 12 12 1 1H Irving Cbas Bas Congle Conge 10 15 8 15 87631GIVEAWAY 99 4 21 2 2 23 Turner H H Stover Stove 1 65 1 65 6584U52WILL 84U52WILL WALLACE 103 5 3 3 32 W Jones Holloway Hollow Bros Brows 4 4 3 4 8478 KALITAN KALIAN 103 6 51 4 4 42 Campbell G H Brown Co 2 3 2 3 37857LUCY 7857LUCY BELLE 105 1 412 51 520 50 Shetland L S Williams 6666 6666803iOLD 803iOLD DOMINION 105 2 6666 Sheedy Seedy R A Smith 6 10 6 8 8Time Time 27 55 1 25i 25iWinner Winner BloodgoodPost Ch c 3 by Order Miss Bloodgood Bloodroot Post 2 minutes Start good Won easily Lucy Belle and Kalitan Kalian stumbled just after the start and were pulled up Good Order made a runaway race of it His was a form reversal reversalScratched reversals Scratched Ragner Ranger 105 QQO THIRD RACE 34 Mile Purse 250 3yearolds Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt S Vt X StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H J 87632PROTEUS 99 1 1S605 42 410 13 Campbell Brown Ward 12 35 12 1 S605 BRAXEY BRAE 99 3 3GLENBOK 12 j4 12 210 T Charles Alex Shields 8 10 8 10 GLENBOK GEMSBOK 100 5 5R786 21 22 380 31 Adams George Miller 8 15 8 12 R786 WELLES WELLS BOURNE 100 4 32 3 4 430 L Smith Miss S P Gray 6868 4002 ROSEBERY ROSEBAY 101 2 5555 Dyment Doyen N Dyment Doyen 5545 5545Time Time 27 55 1 25 25Winner Winner Ch c by The Chevalier Plasir Lair PlasirPost Plastrons Post 2 minutes Start good Won easily Hosebery Houseboy got a miserable ride He was full of speed but the boy was afraid of falling off and pulled him up to a walk Braxey Brae blew up in the stretch Proteus Protest was far the best bestScratched Scratched S C Wagner 101 101Overweiehts Overweiehts Overweighs Proteus Protest 3 pounds Braxny Branny 3 Glenbok Gemsbok 2 Wellesbourne Hellebore 2 QQO1 FOURTfl Fourfold RACE 6 12 Furlongs Purse 250 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St V Vi Si StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 7837 SKY BLUE 109 1 U 12 12 1 Sheedy Seedy R A Smith 3 4 3 4 8748 VICE REGAL 109 6 42 22 2 25 Randall W J Smith Co 6 6 3 3 8087 DISTURBANCE III 112 7 61 62 3 31 Dyment Doyen J Dyment Doyen 4 6 4 6 6924 SISTER 1ONE 109 2 21 3 52 4 F Williams W Payton Patton 8 10 8 10 8766 WHIFF 114 3 51 42 4 5 L Smith J H Lynch 3 8 3 3 8008 GRAEFIN GRAFTING 96 4 3 61 62 6H T Charles Ed Fee 20 25 20 20 8763 PETE KELLY 111 5 7887 Snell Smell M Lynch 15 20 15 20 8259 WAR CLUB 98 8 9 7 7 8 R Wilson W W Darden Arden 30 30 25 30 30NINEDE NINEDE MINED 96 9 8999 Cleaver Waters Hodges 30 40 30 40 7675 SHUFFLEBOARD 98 10 10 10 10 10 Milburn Melbourne H McCarren Macabre Jr 6 6 5 6 6Time Time 271 54 1 20 20Winner Winner Br g 4 by Tristan Dristan Silver Blue BluePost Bleeps Post 3 minutes Start good Won handily Charles pulled Grapfin Grafting up to a walk She had plenty of speed but it was not used Vice Regal ran a good race Siatar Sitar lone was prominent to the stretch stretchScratched stretches Scratched Woodlake Woodlander 112 Terranet Errant 107 Wanea Wane 109 Nannie Nannies Dunn 96 Ind Indo Horses Wt St M V X StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 8762JPEARL 97 1 13 12 it Turner H H Stover Stove 3434 650ALABASTER 103 7 787623NEMO 4 32 22 W Jones S C Wagner 2 2 75 85 87623NEMO 106 2 31 22 32 Irving T P Hayes 85 95 75 95 8762 DTCH DUTCH COMEDIAN 103 6 2 4 43 Walker Hehm Hem Bros Brows 5655 8765 A DA RUSSELL 100 3 3PCESS 7 62 51 Randa Randal 1 Holloway Hollow Bros Brows 6756 PCESS CESS NINETTE NANETTE 97 5 6 5i 6io Henson J O Gray Jr 20 25 20 20 7621 SCRAPS 100 4 51 7 7 Milburn Melbourne H McCarren Macabre Jr 20 30 20 25 8374 DE TROP 100 8 888 Needham Need W C Fessenden Essence 25 40 25 40 7992 HAZEL MARTYN SMARTY 97 9 999 T Charles Ed Fee 30 30 25 25 Time 131 27 41 55 Winner Br f by Blue Eyes Maya MayaStart Mayas Start good Won easily Pearl had the speed of the party came strong at the finish Nemo Memo was outrun all the way It was a poor lot outside the first three threeScratched theocratic Scratched Frosty 97 Esmeralda Emerald 97 Bailey 100 Q Q O Q SIXTH RACE 5 12 Furlongs Purse 250 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St H M StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 8220 MAMIE MAMMIES CALLAN ALLAN 98 4 4 32 12 Turner H H Stover Stove 85 2 85 85 858748ROVER 8748ROVER 114 3 1 420 41 2 H Williams TrevyPemberton6 755 8766 DAISY MAREE MARE 96 5 31 22 2 33 W Bell T P Hayes 12 12 10 12 8328 HER EXCELLENCY 96 6 2n 1 U 4 Snoll Knoll F Kelly 852 852 8528034IFAY 8034IFAY BELLE 107 1 7 6 6 510 Sberland Siberian J W Wilson 5656 565687492TRAVELER 87492TRAVELER 101 7 61 529 54 6 o Cassidy JC Ferris Jr 8 12 8 10 8763 MR DUNLAP DUNLOP 111 2 52 7 7 7 Sheedy Seedy W J Smith Co 12 12 10 12 Time 12Time 27 54J 119 119Winner Winner B f 3 by Aretino Retina Morna Mona MornaStart Monistat Start good Won handily Mamie Mammies Callan Allan stumbled near the half mile pole losing consider ble able ground She was much the best Her Excellency stopped badly at the end She can do better Rover ran a good race and Fay Belle a bad one oneScratched overstretched Scratched Edith 109 Jolly Son 98 Little Bramble 109 R Q Ban 114 Elsie Ferguson 107