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BROOKLYN ENTRIES Probabilities Weather clear track fast fastFirst fascist First Race 34 Mile MileHigh Mildewing High Weight Handicap Handicap3yearolds 3yearolds and upward upwardInd upward Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt Ind Indo Horses Wsrt West Wsrt83502Hanwell 83502Hanwell 6 138 8501SNick 7 U5 8582 Harrington 6 132 8727Sir Play 4 129 8612 Ed Kearney 6 127 769 Eton Jacket3 127 8727 TheManxmnf Athenian 3 124 876t2Concord 3 123 12387693Prompt 87693Prompt 3 121 5724 All Over 6 121 8640 Imperator 3 120 8C73 Illusion 6 118 118Second Second Race 1 Mile 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt Ind Indo Horses Wrt Wart Wrt8u73Sunup 8u73Sunup 5 113 8697 Lehman 6 111 11186162rieptour 86162rieptour 5 110 8727 Alarum 3 108 8445 Judge Baker 4106 85462Sue Kittie Kitties 5 103 86153 Albanian 3 101 8771 Dolando Orlando 4 101 S694Ulvarado 114101 8728 Jefferson 4 96 8800 Floral Park3 92 8730 Free Lance 3 90 8612 Petrel 3 86 86Third Third Race 58 Mile The Great American Stakes 12500 guaranted guaranteed guaranted2yearolds 2yearolds Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt Ind Indo Horses Wsrt West 8584 Frohman Frogman 118 8tJ9i2Handball 8698Handpress 113 8317 Glorian Gloria 87672Previous 113 86953Murillo 8ai7 Aratoma Saratoga 113 8317 Varus Arums 8611Great Bend 113 8767 Prince Lee Arch Duke 113 8317 Kitefoot Bitterroot 8641 Arquebus Harquebus 110 Dwyer entry Fourth Race 58 Mile Mile2yearolds 2yearolds Allowances AllowancesInd Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt Sen Seen WgtSen Watson Weimanll2 87312Gen Macooll2 Burnap Burma Macooll2Burnap 112 8767 3wango 112 8695 Mr Baiter Biter 112 8644 Siffleur Sniffle 112 8644 The Dipper 112 84692Mirthful 112 Bowling 112Bowling Brook 112 8603 Vigenta Vietnam 112 8795 Atlantha Atlanta 109 8795 Lillie Seals 109 8731 HedGidd Hedged 109 109Fifth Fifth Race 1 118 Miles Miles3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Allowances AllowancesInd Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wet Tnd Tend Morses Morsels W t 8697Hwd t8697Hwd Mann4118 3086 Ben Brush 4 118 869t 118869t Premier 4 118 86132Cromwell 5 113 8109 Semper Simper Ego 4 111 8S43 Declare 6 108 8799 Brandy wine 5 108 8732jWolhurst 3 93 8770Arabian3 91 8730 Caldron 3 91 877C2Parmesan 3 91 8615 Euphemia Euphemism L3 86 86Sixth Sixth Race A8 Mile 2yearolds Maidens Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wet Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt Whistling Coon 112 87313Brentwood 112 8072 Oviatt Obviate 112 The Juggler 112 8767 Sanders 112 Chang 112 8767 Dog Town 112 8797 Midian Indian 112 8645 Babieca Barbican 112 8767 Ella Daly Dally 109 Maximo Maxim 109Maximo Gomez 109 8468 Tinkler Tinker 109 Ctesi Cites 109Ctesi Courisndol09