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ST LOUIS FORM FORMST FORMS ST Louis Mo June 14 The form of Tues ¬ days Fair Grounds field is isFirst misfires First Bace Brace Charlotte M Brightie Brighten B School Girl GirlSecond Girls Second Bace Brace Queen Safio Savior Harrie Harriet Floyd Longtime LongtimeThird Longtime Third Bace Brace Marzolla Mazola Eva Kice Ice Bello Belo of Memphis MemphisFourth Memphis Fourth Bace Brace Ace Hawthorne Helen H Gardner GardnerFifth Gardner Fifth Eace Peace Dorah Dora Wood Tho Theo Kitten Fron Frond ¬ tier tierSixth tiers Sixth Bace Brace Judge Stonffer Stouffer El Alma Yankee Heiress