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LATONIA ANTONIA FORM FORMCINCINNATI CINCINNATI O June 14 The form of Tuesdays Latonia Antonia fields is First Bace Brace Motilla Amontillado LaWanda Lawman LaGascogne Flagstone Second LaGascogneSecond Bace Brace John Bright AragnolHarapden AragnolHarapdenThird Third Bace Brace Sharon The Planter Banquoll Bankroll LaMooro Clamor dangerousFourth dangerous dangerous Fourth BamiroFifth Baci Acid Ben Holladay Holland Loki Bamiro AmiPro CookBeulahFSixth Fifth Bace Brace Josephine KVirgie Virile CookBeulahF Cooke Sixth Bace Brace DonFulano Confucian Old Center Waldine Walden