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HIGHLAND PARK ENTRIES Probabilities Weather clear track good goodFirst goofiest First Race34 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Allowances 9113 Glengowrio Glengarries 4 97 92723Cnmberland 4 99 9274 Bender 5 101 9272 Deposit 4 101 10192722Swift 92722Swift 4 102 9189 Muriel T 4 107 9153 Mof Of Honor4107 92742Snsie B 6 109 8951 Ed Danddge4109 9189 Edith6 109 9115 B F Fly Jr 6 Ill 9274 Gns GNPs Straus 5 Ill 8951 Beldivere Delivered 15 114 114Second Second Race 4 12 Furloners Purloiners 2yearolds Selling 9190 Getabont Etalon 103 9297 Jennie Gotta Ota 103 10392732Tennie 92732Tennie 103 9273 Bob Chance 103 10391923LelaB 91923LelaB 103 9300 Ozite Zit 103 9300 Lizzie Tizzies Martin 103 9273 Onette Netted 103 9273 Coralis Corals 103 9166 Black Will 102 9273 Scraps 102 Belle of FayettolC6 9239 Coyne Cone 106 9190 Lord Nugent Nugget 106 9273 Verna Verona J 106 7637 Tenricka Kendrick 106 9273 Pope Leo 106 Ihlrd Milord Race 1 Mile 3yearolds Selling 9214 Naughty Girl 87 92 22HarryLee 92 929243Giveaway 9243Giveaway 96 9242HerExcelloncjrlCO 9165 Wellesbourne Hellebore 100 100Fourth Fourth Race 58 Mile 2yoarolds Allowances 9166Wonlock 105 8825 Rathmore Authored 108 908S Harvey 108 9034Dnoeo 103 9190Slcillman 108 9086 Jim Armstrong 108 92392Papa Harry 103 S5653Camdle Black 108 90372Nicola Teslal08 9168Alice Farley Fairly 110 11092972Katie 92972Katie H 110 110FiftH FiftH Kaoe Kao 34 Mile 3yearolds and upward Selling 9296 Mazoppa Marzipan 3 96 9039 Inca 3 96 96S919Will S919Will Wallace3 99 9244 Croesus Cress 3 99 9277 Merry Chimes399 92443Traveler 3 99 9193 Gioja Goad 3 99 92773Protens 3 101 4692 Buttress 4 105 9039 Alvin W 3 105 9189 Kindness 5 107 9299 Lorrania Loran 4 107 9165 Pete Kelly 5 109 8878 Lucy Belle 5 109 9165 Whiff 5 112 112Sixth Sixth Race 34 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Selling 7823 Priscilla Particular 3 94 9278 Daisy Maree3 96 8326 Afternun Afternoon 3 96 S896Barnato 3 101 9118 Good Order 3 103 9167Goose Liver3105 9278 Bding Ding Cecil4 105 9243 Fay Belle4 105 9277 Everest 3 106 9243 Tit for Tat 5 109 9274LBramble4109 9275Irksome 5 113