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SHEFFIELD FORM CHART CHARTSHEFFIELD SHEFFIELD 1ND Jnne Jane 26 Third day Sheffield Racing Association Summer Meeting Weather clear track fair Presiding Judge John Keluey Kelley Starter Richard Dwyer 9322 FIRST KACE ACE G 13 Furlongs Purse 250 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Hnrses Nurses Wt St 54 V StrFin Strafing Jockeys tlol tool lol loll JERSEY LAD 101 1 14 12 11 + 1 A Barrett Barrette T D Garter Son 2 21 5 85 5575GREY DOG 104 1 9 52 41 2 Donaldson Donald E H Me Potter 15 50 15 40 90rx CORA HAVILL ADVIL 107 9 9gur 5 24 2 31 Gouin Gouging Geo Geol B Havill Hail 5756 57566H gur gaur sWOSDSMAN swordsman 104 2 6H 33 311 4 Caywood Cawed W A McGounell McConnell 8 8 41 5 9141 TKETA KEITA MAY 109 3 2 44 5 5 O Sloan J F Rohn Rohm 10 30 10 25 9ul9 HENRY CLAY 93 8 10 10 61 63 Colmar Calmar W M Singerly Gingerly 10 25 10 25 89752FREDD1E L T 109 10 10Sl 3 61 7 71 Maguusson Magus Ruddy Bros Brows 8 12 8 10 Sl TONY HONING 101 5 = 81 71 81 82 Clay P M Civill Civilly 4645 8103 M WOODLANDS 109 4 7 8 91 96 Dorsey Dose B J Johnston 8867 973 THE ROOK 109 6 4i 9110 10 L Soden Sodden E F Voos Voss 20 50 20 40 40Time Time 251 511 1 03 1 161 1 23 23Winner Winner Br c 3 by Powhattan Jersey Lass LassPost Lassos Post 4 minutes Start good Won easily It was a loner hard drive for the place Jersey Lad was much the best He is a bad butting tool and is much afraid of the starting gate Grey Gray Dog ran an excellent race Ho was shut off on the first turn but finished strong He was well ridden the last three quarters Donaldson Donald skinning the rail with him Cora Havill Hail was weakly ridden the last sixteenth She should have been second Swordsman ran his race Caywood Cawed punished him all the way too The Rook showed her usual burst of speed and faint heart Marie Woodlands ia a jade Teeta Tetra May was well ridden She is a jade too and wants mud mudOverweights middleweights Overweights Overweighs Swordsman 3 pounds 9323 SECM SEC SECOND RACE 58 Mile Purse 300 2yearolds Selling lad liorses clitorises Wt St V4 M Strlfin Starling Jockeys Owners O H L C 89722OFFIOIAL 104 It 14 111 li 14 T JlcHugh T W Coulter i 2 85 95 959U2HARDLY 9U2HARDLY 100 4 31 42 31 2 A Barrett Barrette H E Leigh 45 45 35 45 9142 THE PROFESSOR 104 2 22 2 2 3H Caywood Cawed D M Hogan 6 10 6 8 S1022DOUSTERSWIVEL 1041 3 5 58 58 43 Bozeman LHEze1 5 15 5 15 15OPHELIA OPHELIA COPELD COPED 95 5 42 31 4 1 W5 C Clay J S Lancaster 50 100 50 100 9216 NEVA EVA SMITH 95 6 6666 WHMartin Wharton W McLatchy McCarthy 50 75 50 60 60Time Time 24i 37 491 1 02 02Winner Winner MarpoPost Apropos B c by Inspector B Marpo Marplot Post 6 minutes Start good Won cleverly next three under full sail Official is a grand colt Ho got off flying though The start helped him a lot too Hardly ran an honest race The boy punished her the last three furlongs Ophelia Copeland ran an excellent race She was crowded a lot and badly ridden The boy turned very wide with her in the stretch The next maiden race is at her mercy The Professor had a lot of speed but was wabbling warbling all over on the end Caywood Cawed held him well together and was lucky to be third Throw this race of Donsterswivels Conservatives out outOverweights Overweights Overweighs Dousterswivel Dusters 21 pounds 9324 THIRD RACE 5 12 Furlongs Purse 300 3yearolds and upward Allowances Jnd Nd Horses Wt St Vt K StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H J 92172ABUSE 117 3 s 33 2 li A Barrett Barrette Foster Bros Brows 45 1 43 910 9108S922LONE 8S922LONE PRINCESS 9t 1 23 11 1H 215 Dorsey Dose 8 Reagan 3 31 2 115 8928 LEW LE HOPPER 107 6H 53 51 51 3 Caywood Cawed L A Legg Leggy 4645 9217 GOLIGHTLY GHOULISHLY 87 4 41041542 4n WHMartin Wharton A Hankins Hawkins 50 60 50 60 6060002KAMSIN 60002KAMSIN 104 91 92 61 61 51 Bozoman Bozeman L H Ezell Bezel 8 15 8 15 15CHARLEY CHARLEY WILSON 105 2 It 2 35 62 T McHugh Chug J B Evors Devoirs 30 60 30 40 823 LIZZIE TIZZIES MILES 105 a r 31 82 82 75 Gouin Gouging C C Harris Co 50 75 50 60 9217 LETTIE LETTER 9810 10 93 95 81 Gilmore Jas Jabs Nolan 75 75 75 75 590 DU rCH arch ARROW 107 51 610 10 910 Murray Frank Park 60 75 60 75 4159 PALKSTRINA PALESTINE 91 11 71 73 71 101 Mulliuan Mulligan W W Clark 60 75 60 75 9105 MARY NOLAN 1021 7 11 11 11 11 RArmstrngT Drawstring E Barrett Barrette 60 75 60 75 75Time 071Winner Time 24i 49 1 014 1 071 Winner B c 4 by Plevna Pena Abukru Laburnum AbukruPost Burps Post 7 minutes Start fair Won with a bit loft on the end after a hard early drive The others were doing their best Abuse is a game colt The boy was punishing him at the three eighths pole Lone Princess bumped into and carried Abuse out at head of stretch The filly ran a good race herself She was very legweary ledger though on the end It took Low Hopper a long time to get on his stride bnt bent when he did he came like a whirlwind Charley Wilson showed some of his oldtime oldie speed He was short and outclassed Pay some attention to Kamsin Amassing hereafter Ho was off badly and pocketed often but finished strong Overweights Overweighs Mary Nolan 21 Lizzie Tizzies Miles 3 9325 FOURTH RACE 1 Mile Purse 300 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St fc Yt 3f HtrFin Trine Jockeys Owners O H 9144DR SHEPPARD 104 3 21 2 HI I K 11 A Barrett Barrette Foster Bros Brows 3 3 8595 9105 BEN WADDELL 10 6 62 525 2 V W Gouin Gouging A F Dayton 5 5 3 31 92182 MAN DO LIN LING A 105 11 48 4i 41 32 3 5 Caywood Cawed Walter Gum 45 75 45 65 9079 JOAN 92 3 1H li KH 41 410 Willis J Cochran 20 75 20 75 8219 PITFALL 97 2 34 32 550 525 5 6 Dorsey Dose W K Cleveland 15 30 15 25 7646 DOWNING 97 4 75Time 6 6 6 6 6 WHMartin Wharton G M Miller 50 75 50 75 Time 25 POM02M154 1414 Winner 1414Winner B c 3 by Buchanan Voltine Voltaire VoltinePust Voluminous Pust Puts 1 minute Start good Won with something to spare after a hard early drive second and third were hard at it Dr Shappardrau Sheppard an extremely game race considering the weight he was giving away ioainlaid iodinated away too long with Ho Waddoll Waddell and mid too sudden USD USDA of him when he began his drivs drives Maadolina Madeline s hard racr racer in th iniil initial told ou hor Thor She was nowhern nowhere near hars chars lf today J an raaa good race as 1tr as sU wnm nm She ylt Yalta a iruaning ironing rirt Brit Pitfall took the long route FIFTH RACE 6 12 Furlongs Purse 250 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St V4 S StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C CORDUROY 106 71 6 62 21 HI L Scott Mrs F Odom Sodom 15 20 15 20 92652INCETATUS 101 4 IKK VIKKI 13 1 31 Clay J O Keeno Keno 45 75 45 1 9145 LADY D1XON 102 9 2 5 3 31 RArmstrngJ Drawstring H Kintz Kin 6867 9220 AMANDA 104 8 53 31 61 42 A Barrett Barrette HelfertBros Electros 12 25 12 20 9265 MISS UANAHY JUANA 104 2 = 91 75 4 51 Bozeman P Loftus Lotus 40 60 40 50 889i FR1TZIE 112 31 4 2 5n 6 Butter C P Fink 6 15 6 15 9220 TREEBY TREBLY 9111 10 10 9 711 C Clay Wise Heinsohn Henson 60 75 60 60 2498 GERTRUDE 91 5 71 81 8 82 Willis D Waldo Weald 75 75 60 75 7776 MARTIN K 101 10 11 11 10 91 Donaldson Donald P T Kelly 6 10 6 9146 MRS MURRAY 91 1 31 9211 10 H Brown M Conroy Cory 40 50 40 40 9218 GOLDEN ROD SG 6 81 4 71 11 WHMartin Wharton A Hankins Hawkins 8 12 8 10 Time 10Time 251 514 1 04 1 164 1 234 Winner 234Winner B g 7 by The 111 Used Cordelia Cornelia CordeliaPost Cornelia Post 2 minutes Start good Won hand ridden second third and fourth driving Corduroy simply galloped all the way He pulled up sound too and should be a useful horse Incetatus Dictates is a coward He got away running and seemed to be galloping at the head of the fctrotch facto When he stopped he sprawled all over Miss Danahy Dana was cut off at the start Lady Dixon took a wide stretch turn Fritzie Fritzes could not handle the weight He was jostled too on the stretch turn Scratched turnScratched turncoat Dejure Adjure 104 Hannigau Hannibal 106 Q O O rj SIXTH RACE Short Course about 1 14 Miles Purse 300 Steeplechase Han Ind Indo Horses Wt St 2 5 8 12 StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C1 8930 D CORONADO 1291 31 21 23 110 20 130 160 J Jickson Jackson W A Harper 15 20 15 20 8680 WAR DANCE JR 1281 21 11 12 2 22 22 2 Harper Newman Baker 40 60 40 50 8680 HAMMOND 125 J 5 35 350 350 3100350 Lawless J Molbusch Mollusc 40 60 40 60 4691 INDIFFERENT 128 6444444 Portous Porous Wise Heinsohn Henson 12 20 12 20 906J23T BRANDON 153 ll 31 Fell G fochran Cochran J Brouock Brook 4591071045 UP 4591071045UP TO DATE 1291 7 6 Fell J Kinney J Thornby Thorny 20 30 20 25 9081 PHIL BECKER 140 42 Wont out of course W Kinney C P Uink Ink 2 2 8595 Time 8595Time 251 251Winner Winner B g 4 by The Hook Jennie B BPoit Point Poit Point 4 minutes Start good Won pulled up second and third driving hard Phil Becker went wrong at the third jump St Brandon was running under a double wrap when he fell Up to Date ia insane All but the winner wore staggering at the finish finishScratched finishes Scratched Repeater U3 U3Overweights Overweights Overweighs Indifferent 3 pounds Up to Date 4l War Dance Jr 31 Del Coronado 41