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HAttLiEiVL Hattie jJNiVClilS jJNiVClilSProbtoilitiea Probtoilitiea Probabilities Weather clear track fast fastFirst fascist First Race 34 Mne Mme 3yearold and upward Selling 518 OurDomesticl3100 518 Palestrina3100 628 Treoby Trebly 3 100 6S73LittloSinger3100 699 Nonchalance 3105 623 PirtePrinco Preprint 3105 655 Ivory 3 105 699 KingGalong310 621 DadsDghter4107 378 Masque3 107 401 Lillian Wilks3100 5172Qvation 6 107 517 MaryL6 107 30 Character 9 109 621 Tramp 10 109 621 Athenian 4 109 655 Little Tom 6 109 621 Leinad Leonard 5 109 378 Bob Lee 5 109 6992Winslow 5 109 109Second Second Race 5 12 Funones Funnels 2yearolds Selling Selling4833ChinJcapin 4833ChinJcapin 100 656 Merry Glen 100 016 Miss KinbollolOO Kimball 622 Stars Stripes 100 1005212Moriarty 5212Moriarty 103 559 Umante Humane 103 521 Cljftoti Clubfoot B 103 656Gnome 105 656 Hosi Hoi 105 9173 The Professor 103 103I I 6 2 Dagmar Dammar 109 18t Ideal Beau 10S 10SThird Third Race34 Mile Mile3yearolde 3yearolde and upward Selling Sellingind Selling ind bind Horses Wet Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt 462 Glenbok Gemsbok 3 102 558 Faustonic Faustian l3102 1056552Nikita 60 Bolmont Belmont 3 102 405 Sen Seen Quay 3 105 6552Nikita 4 107 435Martha E4107 E41073242LittleSadie4107 3242LittleSadie4107 8212Lottio 4 107 517 Queeu Queue Boss 6 107 484 M Wdlands5107 617 lerranot errant 4 107 7U2 Belville Melville 4 107 657 Santa Cruz 5 109 626 Caufield Coalfield 4 109 657 Al Lone S100 622 CharWil8on8112 875 Spendoliue Spindlier 8 112 933 2Tradition 4 112 1124JW 4JW Rapier 5 112 473 Diggs Digs 5 109 109Fourth Fourth Race 1 116 Miles 8yearolds and upward Selling 642Gr yhnrit synergist 3 90 6592The PlutocratS 93 486H bli blip nnon4 103 103Fifth Fifth Race 58 Mile 2yearolds Fillies Allowances AllowancesiCMTennie Allowances iCMTennie icemen 100AHeviate 95 1942CrystallinP 100 AHeviate Aerate 100 862Cuba Free 100 625Fair 100625Fair Deceiver 103 0162Bonito 103 856 Elsie Bramble 110 110Sixth Sixth Race1 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Selling Marti Martii Martini i K 3 99 t 61 Little Ocoan3 99 7 L I lful foul 4 11 62t Miisa Missal YouugJ107 70 Trilby 1U7 tlDHiNpcedah 51 1U7 1U7I ti LW Hopper 4111 Ju C lark 4K11Z