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DETROIT ENTRIES Probabilities Weather cloudy track heavy heavyFirst headfirst First Race 34 Mile 3yearolds and upward Allowances Allowances7172Arlington 7172Arlington 3 125 6532Alamo 5 129 613 Cogmoosey Compose 3 122 6MGov Snthlr3122 462 Trade Last 3 12 5i9 Uncle Simon3125 653 Logan 19 132 9167 Robt Robot Latta6129 462 B Browning4127 Browning4127Second Second Race 1 18 Miles Miles3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Allowances Allowances5293Old 5293Old Saugns4107 553The Duchess4105 653 Ramona 5 105 652 Umbrella4 110 1106712Bean 6712Bean Ideal 4 107 443 Hardonburg Harrisburg 4110 4110Third Third Race 34 Mile 3yearolds and upward Selling 650 Hume 108 650 Laura May 103 630 Geo Geol B Cox 108 650 Plantation 108 1086TO 6TO MaAncefinel03 97S5 Wil Wail Laurior Laurie 106 SOlTSSrly Spotlessly Bird 105 650 Ratbrriore Catbrier 106 651 Sifter 106 9J59Ella Rae 107 10767Q2Mordecai 67Q2Mordecai 105 4152onrmount 103 650 Wilson 110 9848 Julia Fiynn Finn 103 103Fourth Fourth Raca Racal 1 316 Miles MilesThe Mildest The Campau Campus Stakes 3yearolds Allowances Allowances671Moncroith 671Moncroith 110 7172ArlingtonllO 7172ArlingtonllO5322Meadowthorpel22 5322Meadowthorpel22 532Ornamout 127 127McGuigan McGuigan Michigan entry entryFifth interfaith Fifth Race 1 14 Miles MilesOver Milestone Over 5 Hurdles Hurdles6742CWeighlmn5149 6742CWeighlmn5149 3123 Pickering5142 212 Lastfellow Playfellow 3J119 653 Downing 6 149 674 Rover II 10 159 5572Rosobery 3J13Q 674Springal 4 132 674Uumberlaud4132 674 Hickory 6 142 G74 Big Joe 4 135 135669Sir 669Sir Andrew 3 123