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DETROIT ENTRIES ENTRIESProbabilities Probabilities Weather clear track heavy tttrst ivace Vance 34 Mile 2yearolds Allowances Allowances10813Tenricka 10813Tenricka 104 1081 Gypsy Prince 101 101Hof Hof Hoof FrnstmerllS Foretells 968 Guinan Guinean 104 501 Maeconomo Macon 101 837 Prince Hal 105 10599tfSirArlo 99tfSirArlo 109 109Second Second Race 1 Mile 3yearolds and upward Selling 911 Braxey Brae 3 103 961 Stray Step 3 108 10810233L 10233L W 3 105 6028atyr 3 108 1081079SligoII 1079SligoII Unlrd Auld Race 34 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Allowances 763 MmieSllivn5110 1019 Gracie S 5 110 810 Chiquita Circuital 5 110 8113imon W 5 122 122lG7y81igo lG7y81igo II 5J115 5J115Fourth Fourth Race 2 12 Miles MilesSensation Miscegenation Sensation Stakes 1500 added addedU added U earolds earls and upward Handicap Handicap1055TheBachelor4103 1055TheBachelor4103 813 Wightman Dwight 8 96 96Fifth Fifth Race 78 Mile 3yearolds and upward Selling Selling1022White 1022White Oak 4 107 842Sedan 3 100 100K3Leoncie K3Leoncie ci 105 10572Vice Regal 4 107 107942rocus 942rocus 8 103 1U232K Elkwood4107 Elkwood4107lur4 lur4 Alice 3 105 1057 Terrapin 6 110 1157 mkiugBrush4lU7 911 Lastfollow Playfellow 3 100 10542 Harrington 6 119 SlOMajesta Slimiest 3 98 999 Sir Andrew 3 100 1019 K C 3 110 1109642Fay 9642Fay Belle 4 105 105Sixth Sixth Race 78 Mile 3yearolds and upward Selling Selling1C57 1C57 Elsket Else 5 1U2 1054 Indio Indo 3 106 105 Buckeye 5 104 10l9Logan 9 lit 1021 Biightun Bighting 31U i43 A Juhnson Johnson t7lU4 t7lU49073The 9073The Planet 3 100 1057 Ctess Cess Irma 4 105 9993 Bdg Dg Cecil 4 102 9612Viscount 3 100 1019 Bill Ellison 5 104 8102Negoncie 3 95 962 Dixie Lee 4 102 981 GRLonghurst397 1 T Kenosha 9H 1C79 Alamo 5 107 107lo7 lo7 SirErroil Shirker 3 100