St. Louis Entries., Daily Racing Form, 1897-08-31


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T LOUIS ENTRIES r Tobubiluies Tourbillions Weather clear track muddy muddyfirst muddy first Race 34 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Selling 771 Mary Nance Nuance 4 97 686 Papa 8pecht5 99 9 8 Lon Martin 4 99 407 Angnstora Angostura 4 99 733 Legion 4 99 489 Rex Rrgent Argent 5 99 1012 Bigfellow Bridgetown 14 S9 10122Plug 4 T 171 The Sinner 114 99 9353Tim Irven Irvin 4 9 1012 IribhChief 114102 114102siecoiKl siecoiKl Sicily Kace Ace 34 Mile jjyearolds Selling 9432 Dr Paquin Pauline 100 1009922Leonag 993 Pr Bismarck 100 9922Leonag 100 9731 Donalday Donald 100 8549 Bertha Huff 100 773 Slick Trick HO 9121 Forget Not 1 3 807 Gaorge Gorge T Todd103 993Sir Jcs Cs Lister Blister 10 99il3iage lo 99SLord Neville 110 H5iR ft Sack 110 95S K Rutherford110 917 White LeafllU Leally lC173Tewanda 110 1017 Peter Archer 110 1015 Liebe Glebe Rose 110 Tlilrd Laird Race 1 18 Miles 3yearolds and upward Selling 935 Q Flanibeau6 91 1014 Aim 3 9f 9f104tKisny 104tKisny 3 93 91H Courtesy 3 96 9610Jt 10Jt Uucle Uncle Pat i3 ya 9M luilanimatorUi Lusitania Ut 10120ntaway 4 107 7063B McKenzie6106 McKenzie6106Fourth Fourth Rpxa Pa 78 Mile 2yearolds Selling 91 Balance All 101 91H ilonura lour Leo 101 loi loci Bon Marche Marched lul lull 1017 L Ls s and Dowusloi Downslide tUtu Racti Bract 1 Mile and 70 Yards 3yearolds and upward Selling 237 Maddalo Addable 3 97 1041 Peter Hill 105 1043 B Millican Milliamp 5 107 1016 Ransom 5 107 1041 Charles P 8 107 77 J Doctor G 4 118 1073 Royal Choice410rf Iu73 High Noon 4K110 953 Brakemau Brakeman 6J110 1016 AmberGliutsUUlO 1C43 Dick Behan Bean 5 110 110rixtla rixtla Rita Race 34 Mile 3yearolds and upward Selling 1014 Groganette Groaner 3 80 955 Tom Ruttnrt1 89 1070 Hush 6 S9 S99o8 104 Hano Hanoi Belle 4 b7 9o8 Vau Au Brunt 5 9J 1U73 AdBuchann5 92 t9S8Tragedy 4 92 158 Cass 6 92 749 Nellie Bland4 97 989 iddubia indubitable 4 97 802 Hartless Artless 3 100 100lU43Nick 771jShiellboarer5102 lU43Nick Carter3lQ 9913MThouipBon8107

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Local Identifier: drf1897083101_3_3
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