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BELL PUNCH MEETS DEFEAT Tom Ryans Ryan Badge Bellegardo Belle colt Bell Punch twice a winner since his arrival at Har Hara ¬ lem ylem deceived his owner and the public yester ester ¬ day He met defeat at the hands of Forbush Forbes in the six and onehalf Neal furlong race for all nges gees ngesMilwaukee Milwaukee was scratched so that Tom Harris 4 oy Tommy Burns could rida ida the Eyan Yean colt The Punch looked enticing and a rush was made or the early odds of 6 to 5 Forbnsh Forbes opened around 2 to 1 and drifted to 2i to 1 Then he was backed and closed about 11 to 5 Schorrs Scorers lightweight Kitley Kirtle a promising youngster rode Forbush Forbes and getting off iu the first flight won with something to spare Bell Punch is a loafer and Burns could not do him justice justiceThe justice The afternoons general racing was less than buoyant The oaly orally close finish came out of the eight and onehalf Neal furlong selling race which Heidelberg won Admetus Adepts the choice was played for a good thing Gaywood Gawped rode him and going to the front early led by daylight to the sixteenth pole There Admetus Adepts began to wabble warble and Heidelbergs Heidelberg rush smothered him Ben Hadad Add seemed to be in clover for the five furlong twoyearold toehold event He got a run ¬ ning Ming start and played with his field Billy Mason finished second but was disqualified for fouling Graziella Grazie GraziellaBrightie Brightie Brighten S had a easy task in the opening five iurlong furlong twoyearold toehold race and Crystalline had no trouble to beat the band in the other two yearold earl race raceFarley traceable Farley Fairly perhaps the best weight carrier at the track was favorite for the closing race and won it as he pleased pleasedCol pleased Col Cool Clark received a telegram from the east yesterday stating that if races for two and threeyearolds could be arranged Ornament and John Maddeus Maddens good twoyearolds toeholds would be shipped to Harlem