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HARLEM JOCKEY CLUB CLUBM CLUB M Lewis Clark Presiding Judge Jtt Jetty Nathanson Nathan Secretary STAKES TO BE RUN AT THE AUTUMN flEETINQ fleeting 1897 1897ON ON THE HARLEM RACE TRACK CHICAGO Ten Stakes of 1200 Each ENTRIES TO CL05E SEPTEMBER i3th 1897 1 The Petite StakesFor Stakes 2yearold flljies fillies 4 The Proviso Stakes SellingFor Selling 2 which 200 to second and 100 to third Winners carry 7 Ibs Dibs extra Horses that have not won in each nomination intranca entrance 10 additional a to to accompany start The stakes to be 1200 yearolds earls Entrance 5 to accompany each nom ¬ after the closing of the stakes of a race cf the 1597 of a race of the value of 1800 allowed 3 third Win ination inaction 30 additional to start The stakes to ba value of 1200 or of four races other than sell ¬ Iba Ia of 650 if nonwinners nominees of fifteen races this of which 200 to second and 1UO to ¬ of of the value of 160o or of three 1200 of which 200 to second and 100 to third ing King races to carry 7 Ibs Dibs extra 3yearolds and year 7 Ibs Dibs of 500 10 Ibs Dibs of 350 15 Ibs Dibs One ners nears a race 22d to 5 The winner to be sold at auction If for 2000 upward that have not won ten races since July and onesixteenth consistent miles races of any ralne praline since August carry a scale weight 1 Ib allowed for each 100 to 1 or a race of the value of 900 in 1897 allowed 7 bs extra Maidens allowed 6 Ibs Dibs if beaten beatenind battening 9 The Prairie State Stakes Selling Ibs Dibs if such 1000 then 2 Ibs Dibs for each 100 to 500 Those are nonwinners nominees of three races in ind bind noyer Boyer placed 15 Ibs Dibs Five furlongs entered not to be sold to carry 5 Ibs Dibs eztra ezra 1897 14 bs Six Furlongs For 3yearolds and upward Entrance 1 to ac ¬ 2 The Graduate StakesFor Stakes 2yearold company each nomination 40 additional to with bd Starters selling prices to named through ooita coital aail ail aeldiuga balding Entrance 5 to accompany 7 The Illinois Stakes the entry box at the usual hour of closing the SellingFor Selling all start The stakes to be 1200 of which 200 to c h nomination 40 additional to start The Entrance second and 100 to third The winuer winner be sold day before the race and those so named to be ages 5 to accompany each nomina nominal ¬ 10 stakei stake to b 1200 of which 200 to second and liable for starting fee Five furlongs tion ion 40 additional to start The stakes to be at auction If for 2000 weight for age 2 Ibs Dibs al ¬ 100 to third Winners of a race of the value of 200 i f which 10 to second and 100 to third lowed f r each 250 to 1000 then 2 Ibs Dibs for each 11500 to carry 3 Iba Ia of two stake races of any 5 The Harlem StakesFor Stakes 3 yearolds earls The winner to be sold at auction If for 3000 100 to 3 JO Winners of two racea race after Septem Septum ¬ value 5 Ibs Dibs of three stake races 8 ibs dibs extra Entrance 5 to accompany each nomination 15 weight for age if for 100 alowed allowed 5 Ibs Dibs then ber beer 15 to carry 5 Ibs Dibs extra Starters with sel seal ¬ Maidens allowed 6 Ibs Dibs if beaten and additional to start The stakes to be 1200 of never 2 ibs dibs for each 250 to 6JO Horses entered not ling prices to be named through the entry box placed 15 Ibs Dibs Six furlongs which 2uU to second and iOO CIO to third Weight to ba sold to carry 5 jbs jabs above the scale Star ¬ at the usual time of closing the day before the 3 The Youngster StakesFor Stakes 2twoyear 112 Ibs Dibs Winners of a threeyearold stake race and those named be ters tears with selling prices to be named through race so to liable for the olds Entrance 5 to accompany each nomina nominal ¬ of the value of 1800 to carry 3 Ibs Dibs of two 3 the entry box at the usual hour of closing the starting fee One and oneeighth neigh miles tion ion 30 additional to start The stakes to be yearold earl stake races of any value or of one before the day and those race so named to be 10 The Libertine Stakes For 3yearolds this track Ibs Dibs of at 5 three sweepstakes 1200 of which 200 to second 100 to third or liable for starting fee One mile and upward Entrance to each more 3yearold stake races 8 Ibs Dibs extra Non j accompany Winners of a stake of the value of 1600 to carry nomination 45 additional to start The stakes winners of a race of the value of HO in 1897 8 The 3 Ibs Dibs of two stakes of any value or of one sweep sweepstakes Chicago Day Stakes For 3year to be 1200 of which 200 to second and 1M to aLowed allowed 5 Ibs Dibs Maidens allowed 15 Ibs Dibs One and stakes at this track ft Ibs Dibs extra Nonwinners Snowiness olds and UDward Edward Entrance oneeighth neigh miles 1 to accompany third Nonwinners Snowiness this year of a race of the of a stake allowed 5 Ibs Dibs or if such have not each nomination 10 additional to start The value of 2000 or of four races other than sell ¬ won three races 8 Ibs Dibs Maidens if never placed 6 The Combination Stakes For all ages stakes to be 1200 of which 200 to second and ing King races after the closing of this stake allowed in a stake allowed 12 Ibs Dibs Five and onehalf Neal Entrance J to accompany each nomination 10 100 to third Weights 5 Ibs Dibs below the scale 10 Ibi Ibid Maidens allowed 15 Ibs Dibs One and one furlongs additional to start The ttakes takes to be 1200 of Winners in 1897 of a race of the value of 3000 to quarter miles Nathanson Nathan Secretary Room 1 130 Adams Street ENRIGHTGO PENLIGHT Yearlings and andHorses endorses BOOKMAKERS BOOKMAKERSCommissions Bookmakers Horses in Training TrainingTO Training Commissions Accepted on all Races Satisfaction Guaranteed TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION AT ATHARIEM CATHARINE PARTICULARS FURNISHED TELEGRAPH ON APPLICATION BY LETTER OR HARIEM HAREM RACE TRACK CHICAGO SEPTEMBER I1J897 ADDRESS IBNRIGNT BENIGN CO COCINCINNATI CINCINNATI o Entire Racing Stable of Mr John Huffman INCLUDING HARRY McCOUCH McCoy DARE II OUR CHANCE TOLE OLE SIMMONS CHAUNCEY CHANCERY FISHER FISHERDR FISHED Leighs Sleighs Portable Stalls StallsCheap Stalls DR COOP FREz FEz FUN BEN FROST IRMA K VALID DEVOIR AND ANDABOUT GADABOUT ABOUT TEN OTHER WINNERS AND HIGHLY TRIED ONES Cheap Safe Sensible Comfortable OWNERS AND TRAINERS Some Good Ones from the Stable of W A flcGuigan flcGuiganINCLUDING When you ship your horeea chorea at INCLUDING MONCREITH NONCREDIT Express Company to stall you car with Leighs Sleighs Patent Portab Portable Stall adjustable to any car thni ethnic securing absolute safety to your horses while in transit without additional cost to the shipper a express companys company furnish them MARPLOT SURMOUNT AND ANGER ANGERProperty free of cost to yon They donj don deface the car when adjusted Property of nr Montgomery Gibson and can be set up in thirty minuter minter for any number of horses to 24 in double door baggage car Expresr Expires companies can procure stalls b applying to The property of Mr James B Clay Mrs J B Prather Rather Faustlana Faustian Stud THOS ETHOS McFADDBN Yearlings Mgr and others Brothers and sisters to Stake Winners 60 ELM ST STCINCINNATI CINCINNATI 0 SALE UNDER THE MANAGEMENT OF HOBSE HOSE STALLS FIT AN CARU CAR WOODARJD WOODWARD SHANKLEST SHAKIEST