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WINDSOR FORM CHART CHARTDETROIT CHARTER DETROIT MICH MICAH September 14 Eighth Day Highland Park Jockey Club Fall Meeting Weather clear track fast Presiding JudgeJ Judge A Carter Starter P J Gilman l A4 O FIRST RACE 7x Mile Purse sauu Isuzu 3yearolds and upward Selling lad Horses Wt St V StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 14113KISME 101 2 3 31 2 3 31 N Turner T Bate 4646 464613733G 13733G R LONGHURST LONGHAIRS 98 4 7 7 7 7 41 Cassidy E Moore 6 10 6 8 1168 FRANK JAUBERT JANET 104 6 6 8 8 6 51 J Shields A Shields 10 12 10 10 9044 INGOMAR KINGDOM 107 5 2 2n 31 2 6 D Davis P T Chinn Chin 3 4 3 31 1373 MAJESTA MAJESTY 101 8 51 41 4 51 7 J Morgan L S Williams 6867 686712732SIR 12732SIR ERROL FERRO 101 9 9 9 9 8 8 Campbell J J Merdian Median 15 25 15 20 94021JOHN CONROY CORY 101 3 41 5 6 9 9 Sullivan H McCarren Macabre Jr 20 30 20 25 Time 25Time 251 5C1 1021 1 15i 1 28 28Winner Winner Ch c 4 by Bnckra Buckram Wand WandStart Wands Start good Won easily next two hard driven Double Quick was never extended He out ¬ classed sbortScratched sportscast his field Susie Hawze Haze had a rough journey and raced well Ingomar Kingdom was sbort sort Scratched George Patterson 98 Leoncie Leonie 98 Quaver 101 The Planet 101 Herminia Termini 104 B F Fly Jr 104 Prime Minister 110 Beuzetta Bequest 98 Kolderol Folderol 98 Pommery Pommel Sec 101 Gladioli 104 Stark 104 Plutus Puts 107 1464 SECON ECON D KACE ACE 5 12 Furlongs Purse 00 2yearolds Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt St M V M StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 1410 DUOEO DOE 105 4 41 2 1 13 J Gardner C Leishton Lewiston 2 2 85 85 1303MIDRICA 851303MIDRICA 102 3 3 41 41 2n Clawson Lawson AtkinLottridge 2 31 2 3 1303 FARM LIFE 102 1 1 11 22 32 Campbell G H Hammond 12 15 10 10 13423POPE LEO 105 5 61 52 51 41 Sherland Shetland J W Wilson 10 15 10 12 1213722TATLI 13722TATLI WANDA 102 2 2 32 3 51 Spnncer Spencer J Bauer Co 15 30 15 25 10912LAVERNA 102 9 8 61 61 62 J Morgan Wm Newman 3534 890 MERRY GLEN 102 8 9877 L Smith MorganWmson Morgan 20 40 20 30 1196 BELLE OF CRS1CA102 6 7988 Sullivan J J Sellers 12 20 12 15 1514093FLYING 14093FLYING BESS BESTS 102 7 51 7 9 9 Newcom Newcomer N Dyment Doyen 3 4 3 31 Time 31Time 231 481 1 01i 1 074 074Winner Winner B c by Rayon dOr doer Katrine Katrina KatrineStart Latrines Start good Won easily second driving Duoeo Doe went to the front when ready He is a aspeedy speedy speedy colt Farm Life ran a good race Flying Bess Bests race was far below the notch Midrica Miriam can do better betterScratched butterscotch Scratched Percussion 105 Scraps 102 Kas Keas 102 1 A C ± K THIRD RACE 58 Mile 2yearolds Allowances JLttOO Lotto The Algonac Agonic Stakes 1000 Guaranteed ind bind Horses Wt St otrFm corm Jockeys Owners O H L C 1410TRAVERSER m 1 11 Ul 111 12 J Morgan R Bradley 14 1 11409ASPASIA 1409ASPASIA II 105 4 31 2 21 23 N Turner WLRKLewis4 6 1409 ROYAL FESTIVAL 97 3 21133 3 35 Spencer J Bauer Co 6 12 6 10 1362 MAVOURNEEN 105 2 4444 L Smith Caesar Young 15 30 15 25 Time 25Time 12 241 361 484 1 00i 00iWinner Winner Ch c by Rossington Crossing Betsy Broeck Brock BroeckStart Brocks Start good Won easily second handily Traverser Traverse tiptoed his field He ia the best colt at the track and able to beat better than are here hereScratched hierocracy Scratched Pingree Pongee 105 1 4 ft ft FODRTH FORTH KAOE KAO 4 Mile Purse 300 All Ages Allowances lud laud Horses Wt St k yt M StrFm Sturm Jockeys Owners O H L C 1257 JENNIE JUNE 112 1 22 2H 23 11 Sherland Shetland J W Wilson 6 10 6 8 1340 PETER McCUE McClure 86 3 IH is 12 22 Clawson Lawson C Watkins 45 1 35 710 1412JSKILLMAN 7101412JSKILLMAN 83 5 42 3 SH 3 McCann Mecca H McCarren Macabre Jr 4 6 4 5 1410 MISS GUSSIE GUSSIED 83 4 31 41 41 41 Newcom Newcomer E Fitzgerald 6867 686714103BONADEA 14103BONADEA 83 2 51 51 52 52 Higgins J Bauer Co 5857 1371 SIERRA GORDA GORDIAN 106 6 6 6 6 6 J Morgan RhodesMarders Homesteaders 12 20 12 15 1370 SUSIE B 112 Left at the post J Gardner M L Seddons Speedos 15 40 15 30 Time 30Time 24 49 101 113 113Winner Winner B m 6 by Hyder Hyde All Bagatelle Start straggling Won easily second cleverly third and fourth driving Skillman Skill finished strong The route was too far for Peter McCne McConnell Jennie June is at her best bestScratched Scratched Laura May 81 1467 FIFTH EACE ACE 1 Mile Purse 300 3yearolds and upward Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt St M V 3A StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 12602COGMOOSEY 311341THE 96 2 11 IH U IH IN Uassidy Cassidy Waters Hodges 4 4 3 31 1341THE ELECTOR 99 1 31 33 2 22 3 Campbell Brown Ward 1 65 45 1 11408JTHE 1408JTHE DUCHESS 109 4 21 21 32 32 35 J Morgan N Dyment Doyen 85 2 85 85 1370 SPRINGTIME 102 3 4 41 41 411 42 Sullivan F W Cooper 20 40 20 30 1164 BEAU IDEAL 109 6 52 51 SH 51 51 J Gardner E H Hanna 15 30 15 25 1408 SCANDLAND CANDLED 107 5 6 6 6 6 6 L Smith MC Moore 40 60 40 50 50Time 40iWinner Time 251 51 1 021 1 151 1 40i Winner Ch g 3 by Teuton Teutonic Marion C CStart Start Start fair The first two were driving hard They fought it out for a furlong Cogmoosey Compose was the gamer