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OAKLEY ANKLE FORM CHART CHARTCINCINNATI CINCINNATI 0 September 14 Ninth Day Ciacinnati Cincinnati Jockey Club Pall Meeting Weather clear track fast Presiding Judge Capt Caput James H Bees Starter James F Caldwell FIRST RACE 58 Mile Purse 3uO 2yearolds Allowances 1453 Ind Indo Horses Wt Bt St M Yt A StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L O 13742WACE 106 2 2 i 22 li 1 J Hill S S Brown 4 4 31 4 413182MILLSTREAM 13182MILLSTREAM 106 1 12 12 23 2i Scherrer Sherrie E S GardnerSonS5 85 65 65 1393 WILSON 108 5 41 31 31 35 J Mathews J W Schorr Scorer Son 95 2 952 1354 UARDA GUARDIA 104 3 31 43 43 412 o Reiff Riff Baker Gentry 4 41 4 4 41318SFLOP 1318SFLOP 1081 8 8 7 6 52 Clerico Cleric H W Pitcher 15 15 12 15 1091 GEORGE KRATS RATS 10714 61 53 51 6i W Jones RobinsonMoore Robinson 3 30 20 30 30D1YTON D1YTON STAR 103 6 5 61 7 7 J Jackson R F Meyers Meyer 40 50 40 5J 801 DONNA PAGE 93 7 7888 C Clay Talbot Bros Brows 60 10060 100 100Formerly Formerly Wase Waste Time 234 4i 1 011 011Winner Winner Brc Rc by Troubadour Daylight Post 5 minutes Start very poor Won ridden out second driving Millstre Millstream im got the best of the start and Flop the worst of it Millstream could not retain his advantage Wace Ace smoth smooth ¬ ered erred him when it came to a drive Flop finished strong when clear of the others The pace was ° ° Scratched HiglfAdmiral 98 Rarus Kraus 98 Tidirtes Tidbits 93 Allerton Aileron 101 The Doctor 98 Vem Venn ba 100 100Overweights Overweights Overweighs Flop 31 pounds George Krats Rats 41 SECOND RACE 78 Mile Purse 300 3yearolds and upward Selling 1454 lud laud Horses Wt St J4 Vt fc StrKin Stroking Jockeys Owners O H 13953RAMONA 105 I 3t 1 ° I2 11 1 Scherrer Sherrie J H McAvoy Cavy Co 2 i 8585 1395 AUNT JANE 97 11 11 5t 7 7 2n Huston Houston fJ Davenport 20 30 20 30 1353ELSIE D 106 10 10 2H 2 2t 3t J Mathews H B Durham 3 3t 3 31 1395 MOTILLA AMONTILLADO 9 5t 4t 42 J Hill E F McLean CLean est 4 4t 4 4 1385 KITT1E 10717 61 4 61 51 52 W Jones RHBronaughCoS 544 1395 ROBINSON 104 5 9 8 41 62 6 C Reiff Riff Oots Boots Bros Brows 8868 1317 PARSON 103 9 4 7 8 8 7 Graham B G Thomas 20 23 15 20 1176 HIGH TEST 107 8 8 10 10 9 8 Rowe Rowe Clark son 12 15 10 12 121185A 1185A B C 106 6 51 61 31 31 9 Aker Baker J S Branuon Brandon 10 12 8 10 895 F M B 100 3 21 31 9 10 10 J Jackson J R OBrien O'Brien 60 8J 20 60 1355 ISSIE ISSUE O 97 2 IH Fell Thornton Horton H Varwig Earwig Jr 60 80 60 80 80Time Time 241 491 115 127 127Winner Winner B m 5 by Sir Dixon Nannie Nannies McDowell McDowellPost McDowell Post 10 minutes Start good Won easily next three driving The field shifted like a tricky trickyEolitician Aunt Jane ran the best race Mathews had to take the long route with Elsie D and Eolitician Politician ad nothing left at the finish There was some nasty crowding on the far turn causing Is sio silo O to go down Motillt Motility was cut off at the half mile ground ABC sulked in the stretch Scratched Miss Ross U9 Rampart 99 Overweights Overweighs F M B 3 pounds Kittie Kitties B 2 THIRD RACE 5 12 Furlongs Purse 300 2yearolds Allowances 1455 Ind Indo Horses Wt St V 5 StrFic Strict Jockeys Owners O H L C 1207JMALYOL1O 118 4 412HL1EBER 42 48 410 INI II Bcherrer Abhorrer J J Marklem Marlene Co 12 35 12 35 12HL1EBER KARL 118 2 2a 2n 22 8 C Reiff Riff J W Schorr Scorer Son 3434 1393 H OF FRANSTAMRIOO 5 3H 32 31 32 J Mathews J H McAvoy Cavy Co 8 8 8 8 1393 TENSION 103 1 113762SODND 12 12 1 li 4 Huston Houston J JDesha Jades Desha Des 40 80 30 50 5013762SODND 13762SODND MONEY 103 3 5555 J Hill THBlackbnrnCo2 2 8585 8585Time Time 24 481 1 07i 07iWinner Winner Ch c by Fonso Fonts Flyaway FlyawayPost Flyaway Post 2 minutes Start good Won driving second same Sound Money tried to run out all the way Tension showed a world of early speed but raced himself to pieces Malvolio Alveoli came like a rocket through the stretch He is a good colt FOURTH RACE J Mile Purse 300 3yearolds and upward Selling 1456 Ind Indo Horses Wt St k V 3A StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 1426 DOMINICA 86 2 41 53 3 = 22 13 Dupee Dupe T Hoffman 6666 666613923GALLEY 13923GALLEY WEST 98 3 U H 12 It 22 Stits Tits P Kuykendall Knuckleball 6645 1375 NORDAU NORA 89 1 5 4 63 31 35 C Clay M Goldblatt Goldbeater 15 20 15 20 1392 NANNIE NANNIES D 104 6 63 62 51 42 43 Graham R D McKee 7868 1392 LITTLE WALTER 102 8 7 7 7 61 51 Britton Briton RutledgeStevenslO 12 6 10 1426 JOE MUSSEL 9515 31 SB 4 7 61 Huston Houston JBEarnshawBro 5 545 545TREMONA TREMONA TRENTON 107 4 2 2 2 51 72 J Hill E F McLean CLean est 75 211 1208 CASHBEARER CASHER 100 788888 M Dunn Joplin Grundy Gerund 30 40 20 30 30Time Time 25 49 1 Hf 1 29t 1 42t 42tWinner Winner B g 3 by Spendthrift Miss Olive OlivePost Olive Post 15 minutes Start good YVon Von easily second handily Tremona Trenton ran well for three quarters of a mile She was short Dominica canu can away and won as he pleased Joe Mussel was sore So were his backers Galley West ran a good race Nan nio no Ds was dull dullOverweights Overweights Overweighs Joe Mussel 31 pounds 145 rj FIFTH RACE 1 Mile Purse 300 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St J4 H M StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L U 12g6MADRILENE 1U3 4 31 32 22 IH IK J Mathews T C McDowell 1 1 45 45 1236 CARRIE LYLE 104 1 1 li 111 22 22 Graham H D Brown 5847 1236 FILIBUSTER 89 7 62 4 43 31 35 Dnpee Dane Baker Gentry 6767 1284ROCKWALL 97 5 7 7 51 52 4 i H Williams R Lee Bird 7868 1317 WHITE OAK 102 3 4 61 7 7 SH Schwartz J H McAvoy Cavy Co 7 8 6 8 1392LOYALTY 104 6 5n 5n 62 62 62 Graham J Siebert Sidebar 7867 13922THE SCULPTOR 100 2 21 21 SB 41 7 Aker Baker E S Warner Co 12 15 12 15 131V FUEL K 101 Leit Legit at tne tine post M Unnn K Jlittord Littered 40 60 40 60 60Time Time 241 494 1 rlSt last 1 28t 1 41 41Winner Winner Br f 3 by Fonso Fonts Peg Wofflogton WofflogtonPost Post 10 minutes Start good vVon von driving second ridden out The first three were at it hammer and tongs all the way down the stretch It was a very close finish The Sculptor was asked to go too far Six furlongs is his best distance distanceOverweights distance Overweights Overweighs The Sculptor 4 pounds