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FORT ERCE ERE ENTRIES Probabilities Weather clear track fast First Race 58 Mile 3yearolds Allowances Allowances15133Patchogue 15133Patchogue 110 1574Mantle 107 107Missouri Missouri 107 Miss Rose 107 1574 Mist 107 627 Charentus Carets 107 1314 Barometer 107 1574 Sir Tenny Teeny 107 107Tom Tom Hughes 107 George L D 107 1513 SirMoltke Simulate 107 107Second Second Race 1 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds Allowances Allowances13362Geyser 13362Geyser 107 14590ur Johnny 101 1526 Storm King 101 1439Banquo II 101 1011530Evaline 1530Evaline 98 98Third Third Race 34 Mile Mile2yearolds 2yearolds Allowances Allowances1510Fleming 1510Fleming 112 1436Percy F 112 1460 Papa Harry 112 1315 Charles Grace 112 1514 Frisco Bon 102 1577 Troil Roil 102 1528 Abundant 99 1405 Christabel Charitable 99 1053 Julia Flynn 99 99bourth bourth fourth Race 1 14 Miles Miles3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Allowances Allowances14393Lake 14393Lake Shore 6 121 1222TheBcherr4104 1222TheBcherr4104ll461Toota ll461Toota 5 102 1461 Kingstone Kingston 4 102 102Fifth Fifth Race Full Course Steeplechase CourseSteeplechase Handicap 1242 Brother Bob 6 160 1222TheBhePr4160 1222TheBhePr4160l5313amTatoi5155 1484003L l5313amTatoi5155 1406Belva 4 148 4003L Lightfoot5147 1406 Decapod Decapods 7 146 1406 Cumberland 4143 15312Martinet 6 140 E Corrigan entry entrySixth entry Sixth Race 1 Mile 3yearolds Allowances Allowances1573Stray 1573Stray Step 99 15273Kenosha 99 15132B 9915132B 9615303Hnrl of Killarney Killer 96 15732Trayant 96 15303Hnrl 96 1576 Rideau Idea 96 1237 Ponnetta Poinsettia 96 1438 Sister Adele 96