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FORT ERIE FORM GHART HART GHARTBUFFALO BUFFALO N Y September 17 Eleventh day Foit Foist Erie Jockey Club Fall Meeting Weatherclear Leatherwear track good Presiding Judge J J Burke Starter W H Fitzpatrick 1 FIRST RACK 58 Mile Purse 300 2yearolds Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt St Yt StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 775 D1NSMORE 112 6 41 3 U 11 Nutt Mutt J J McCafferty 8834 1514 CHECKERS 111 3 1 1 32 2 Ballard Frank Regan Egan 2 3 852 1514 REFIDE REID 109 1 32 21 22 3 Hirsch J Hynes Haynes Co 10 12 10 12 1510 PEGGY R 109 7 9 9 41 4 Songer Sponger E Lewis Jr 6845 loll DAISY F 109 5 52 63 51 51 Piggott Spigot Ed Corrigan 4534 1462 FONTUMKA FONTANA 109 8 8 7 8 63 Irving CougleUreveling20 50 20 40 40BYRON BYRON CROSS 109 9 61 51 7 7 Lawrence A Lakeland 15 60 15 50 1462 HAZtiN Hoatzin 112 4 7898 Wilson W F MacLean Maculae 20 40 20 30 1511 BAKDIiLLA Backfill 109 10 10 10 10 9 Shannon Mackey Mickey McCue McClure 12 20 10 15 1510 DAN ETTE ETTA 10911 11 11 11 10 VanKuren Anuran P J Miles 25 30 20 25 1511 PINKRTON PINKERTON SCUT CUT 112 2 2 45 62 11 H Lewis HigginsMannix Higgins 12 15 10 12 Time 12Time 24i ECi EEC 1 031 031Winner Winner B c by Buchanan Leonora LeonoraPost Leonora Post 8 minutes Start good Won ridden out The next two were driving hard Dinsmore Inshore Dinsmorewas Disorders was the best of the lot Peggy B off badly was closing fast Pinkerton Scout tired and was eased up Byron Cross was messed about Checkers came at the finish Scratched finishScratched finishes Lillie Seals 119 119Overweights Overweights Overweighs Checkers 2 pounds 1573 SECOND RACE 1 Mile Purse 300 3yearolds and upward Allowances Ind Indo riorses roses Wt St Yi StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 143 FREE LANUE LANE 107 5 3B 34 32 U li Powers W J Roche Broche 10 10 6 7 1530 TRAYANT TERMAGANT 100 6 5 SH 54 41 2 Nutt Mutt F L Parker 5 10 5 8 1527 L B 104 1 I K 1 fci foci 32 3 Hirsch A T Brown 15 40 15 30 13S12INDIO 3013S12INDIO 351437ABINGDON 102 3 41 41 41 51 4 Piggott Spigot E Corrigan 45 45 12 35 1437ABINGDON 103 4 2121 IB 2 51 Forbes George Home Jr 4 4 24 3 1168 STRAY STEP 109 2 6 6 6 6 6 H Lewis A Beck 10 10 8 10 Time 10Time 251 104 1 164 1 414 Winner 414Winner B c 3 by Cavalier Lady Alice AliceOff Alice Off first break to a good start Won easily next two were driving hard Free Lance was under a pull to the threequarters treasurers He had plenty left and came away at the finish Trayant Rayon closed fast She got the place in the last jump Abingdon Abandon tired Indio Indo could never get up Overweights Overweighs upOverweights Stray Step 2 Bounds 1574 THIKE THIRD HIKE RACE 34 Mile Purse 3UO 3yearolds Allowances Ind Indo Horses Yt J StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 545 MANTLE 11 ii ib 16 Powers JWJohustonCo 2 2 85 95 145H3THAD 514 414 22 2 Nutt Mutt E M Nise Anise 8845 99983PROTEEN 42 52 51 314 VanKuren Anuran B L Knowlton Kowtow 6 15 6 12 1513 SIR TUNNY TINNY 2H 122H 25 3 41 Hamilton J B Stalement Statement 8867 13142 JEZEBELTHE JEZEBEL 24THE JEZEBEL 107 4 32 3n 44 53 Piggott Spigot Ed Corrigan 3 3 2 24 THE MANTAUN MANTUA 110 7 61 610 6io 615 Waller Wailer J Levi 7867 9677 MIST 107 1 7777 Coylie Collie M Goldblatt Goldbeater 20 40 20 30 Time 30Time 24i 48i 1 15 Winner B c by Maxim louche slouched Pas Off first break Start good Won galloping second easily It was only a gallop for Mantle Jezebel tired badly Thad Had finished strong Proteen Preteen was closing fast in the last quarter 1575 FOURTH RACE 34 Mile Purse 300 2yearolds Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt St Yt StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 15283NABOB 122 2 2 23 11 11 H Lewis BangtnGrdurSo Banting 45 12 12 1338 SPANISH PCESS CESS 110 3 33 36 3 22 VanKuren Anuran P J Miles 5857 5857146aVIGENTA 146aVIGENTA 108 1 12 11 2 3 Songer Sponger C F Fox 3 5 3 4 1383 LUCID 112 4 4444 Piggott Spigot R W Walden Son5 655 Time 655Time 241 494 1 lt Winner B c by Florist Evalina Vagina EvalinaOff Evaluator Off first break Start good Won easily second cleverly Nabob was never in trouble He came away when ready Spanish Princess finished strong Piggotts Spigots saddle slipped on Lucid and he could do nothing with the colt 1576 FIFTH RACE 34 Mile Purse 300 3yearolds and upward Allowances tuci etui Horses Wt 81 St Yt 5 StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 111 8 5a 31 32 13 Hirsch G Anderson 3 3 2 2 110 9 2 lH 2i2i Hamilton MurphyBleeker Murphy 4 10 4 10 1437 MARSIAN MARIAN 104 1 1 21 1 33 Coylie Collie P S P Randolph 6 12 6 10 1438 SUMMER SEA 101 7 7 6n 6 4 Songer Sponger AHDHMorris5 634 148 RIDEAU IDEA 103 5 62 514145 Nntt Nanette JCDixou 10 12 8 10 1527 SIDNEY BENDER 100 6 987 62 E Jones D Kinney 8 10 6 8 1311 REFUGEE 104 11 10 10 8 7 Piggott Spigot W B Sink Jr 12 20 10 15 14583NOVER 104 10 11 11 10 8 Lendrum Lender John Hogan 2 3 2 2 1458 KING BON 100 2 33 4 5 9 Hopkins if W Parker 20 30 20 25 1458 DR WORK 107 3 4H 7 9 10 Irving C H Cougle Coulee 10 12 10 10 15123TRAYL1NE 97 4 8 9 11 11 Powers Kensico Keens Stable 12 15 12 12 Time 12Time 24i 494 1 15 Winner 15Winner B c 3 by Masetto Mastoid The Cat CatPost Capos Post 4 minutes Start good Won easily second handily Thomas Cat was much the best Marsian Marian tired in the stretch Dr Work was cut off early Nover Mover was messed about Summer Sea speedScratched speeds finished strong King Bon showed early speed Scratched Trayant Rayon 99 Patchogue Pathogen 107 Hurl 97 97Overweights Overweights Overweighs Thomas Cat 5 pounds King Bon 34 Dr Work 3 1577 S1X SIXTH RACE 58 Mile Purse 3uO 2yearolds Allowances Yt BtrFiu Tri Jockeys Owners O H L C 151U2MONGOLIAN 31 3i 22 14 H Lewis A N Smillie Millie 65 24 65 24 1511 ENNOMIA DENOMINATE 11414 is us Neumeyer Mummery F Borlew Bole 5 533 1S112CHARMEUSE 24 21 31 33 Piggott Spigot AHDHMorris4 433 14ti23NEWBURY 14S23NEWBURY 1215113DOGTOWN 112 8 61 54 414 44 Harrison P J Dwyer 8 15 8 12 15113DOGTOWN 112 7 5 4n 52 5 VanKuren Anuran J J OKeefe Pokeweed 3433 1511 FULANA FULANI 1U 4 7 7 61 6i Ballard L Stuart 12 15 8 10 1462 JAYHAWKER 112 1 4 6 7 7 Hamilton J A Bennett 20 40 20 30 1462 TRO1L TRO1LSE1DENBACK 15SE1DENBACK 112 9 9988 Nutt Mutt C J Kelly 20 20 12 15 SE1DENBACK 109 6 8 8 9 9 E James D Kinney 20 50 20 40 40Time Time 21 491 1 02 Winner 02Winner Blk Balk g by Tremont Fremont Rosa RosaOff Romanoff Off first break Start good Won driving second and third hard at it The first two fought it out the last sixteenth Lewis outrode outride Neumeyer Mummery Jayhawker was cut off early Dogtown Downtown tired It was a three horse race all the way Scratched wayScratched Harrv Harry Crawford 112 Annetburn Gannet 112 Exquisite 109 Overweights Overweighs 109Overweights Mongolian 14 pounds Fulana Fulani 24