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AQUEDUCT FORM CHART CHARTNEW CARNE NEW MeetingWeather Meeting YORK N Y October 9 Sixth day Queens County Jockey Club Fall Meeting Weather clear track fast Presiding Judge R W Simmons Starter C H Pettingill Petting O k1 C ± FIRST RACE 78 Mile 150 feet short 400 added 3yearolds and upward SUttO Sutton Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St M M StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 20002ALARUM 110 3 2a 22 2a 21 1 Doggett Doge R C Doggett Doge 4433 1999 BREAK ODAY DAY 107 4 5 SB 31 1 2 Thorpe Griffin Simons 4 4 85 85 1982 DALGRETTI 108 5 41 4a 43 4 32 Maher Fleming Black 10 10 6 8 1724 PREMIER 123 1 1 IB IB 3 43 Coylio Collie J A McLaughlln McLaughlin 3433 1954 LAKE V PALACE 106 2 31 5 5 5 5 BeauchampW Beach M Wallace 4434 4434Time Time 241 49 1 02 1 15 1 26 26Winner HanaStart Canasta Winner B g 4 by Torso Hana Hanna Start good Won cleverly Alarum was the best more seasoned likes mud and is good now Break oDay today appeared winning at the sixteenth pole but collapsed suddenly Dalgretti Algarve is im ¬ proving and ran a good race Premier was short His preliminary was also bad Lake View Palace quit after going a half He is probably of no account just now Scratched nowScratched cowcatcher Fireside 117Buckwa 115 Hi Daddy 109 Manassas Mantissas 117 Ben Ronald 117 Water ¬ man 103 103Overweights Overweights Overweighs Break oDay today 2 pounds VOzLT VOLT SEtONI SEtON RACE l Mile 400 added 3yearolds and upward Selling lud laud Horses Wt St y Vt StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 1982ALBERT S 1C6 2 1 31 4H 3 IB Thorpe Rnhy Ranch Stable 2 5 2 4 20032PERSEUS 103 1 22 2 2 22 22 H Martin E W Purser 3 3 2 3 1954 DORIAN 102 3 42 43 IB is 33 Hewitt J J McOafferty Coffer 4 4 2 3 1982 W B 111 6 610 610 53 51 H Doggett Doge D Higgins 10 15 10 12 1219863B 19863B OF KILLARNEY KILLER 8t5 5 53 SB 610 610 56 Gee A H D H Morris 40 60 30 50 1932 BON AMI AI 104 7 7 7 7 7 6 Connolly G F Johnson 40 60 30 50 2028OLD SAUGUS AUGUST 103 4 31 IB 32 41 7 Hirsch J O Gray 3 3 2 3 3Timn24i Timn24i 50 116 143 KentStart Knitter Winner 143Winner Br c 4 by Iroqnois Iroquois Nettie Nettle Kent DorianOld Dorian Start good Won driving Perseus Peruses was the best He was much used and stalled off Dorian Old Saugus August and Albert S in turn Albert S was perfectly handled and likes the track Dorian Dorianquit Dorian quit in the run through the stretch He made his move too soon W B made up a lot of ground Old himScratched hemstitched Saugus August off poorly quit badly His hard race of the day before hurt him Scratched Ben Ronald 109 Tatiis Thais 105 Arabian 4 Hurl 101 Dalgretti Algarve 95 Overweights Overweighs 95Overweights Dorian 2 pounds f VO THIRD RACE l ll G Miles 800 added 3yearolds and upward Handicap Inn Horses Wt St M Vi StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 1984bUCKWA 119 2 3 21 21 1 1U W Martin E W Purser 24 23 2319582BBAW 19582BBAW LAD 108 1 1 1 15 2 2a H Martin H Stall 10 12 10 10 1019S4 19S4 BEN EDER EIDER 123 3 41 4a SB 32 31 Simms Sims M F Dwyer 3534 196 MANASSAS MANTISSAS tlOO tOO 4 6 53 5 43 41 Hewitt LSWPThompsn4 746 19iS 74619iS ULYSSES 108 5 2 32 4 5 0 50 OLeary O'Leary CougleCrevelinglO 12 8 10 2003 KING T 116 6 5 65 66 68 610 Thorpe H Durant 5 10 4 6 1984 MADRICE MARIE 109 7 7 7 7 7 7 Doggett Doge W M Barrick Baric 5 5 2 3 3Time Time 2449 115 l41i l4f Winner l4fWinner B g 6 by Buckra Buckram Wewa Weak WewaStart Wheatear Start good for all but Maurice Won easily Bnckwa Neckwear was the bust but lucky JBe Jibe hada had fast pacemaker 8raw Lad was a speed wonder and hung on very gamely at the end He is keenly good now Ben Eder Edger was a good horse himself and should do his next put Manassas Mantissas ran his race and finished strong Ulysses ran a remarkable race He was running fastest of all except Buckwa Buck speedScratched speeds in the stretch King T was sore and had no speed Scratched Yankee Doodle 100 Lobengula Globing 106 Fireside 94 94Overweights Overweights Overweighs Maurice 1 pound VOLQ VTOL FOUETH FOURTH BACK 58 Mile 100 added 2yearolds Selling Ind Indo Horbos Hobos Wt St 34 V StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 1934 ATTAINMENT 99 4 1 U 1 H Hewitt LSWPThompsn2 322 986 BRENTWOOD GREENWOOD 102 2 21 22 23 21 BeauchampJeter Walden 8 12 8 10 1675 PERCY F 102 6 8 61 7 3 H Martin F Reagan 5656 1934 ALLIIi Alibi BELLE 105 3 4 4 41 4 Thorpe HT Griffin 10 12 8 10 2004 TOR1I 98 1 SB 3 8 5 Maher E Kelly 40 100 30 75 762 PONTET PONTE CANET CANT 95 9 9 7 6 6 Forbes Frank Schafer Chafer 15 40 15 30 79971 Doggett Doge P J Dwver Waver 65 65 1 65 2004 BELLE OF ERIN 90 5 6 8 51 3 Gee A H D H Morris 20 30 15 25 20U4 ABUNDANT 103 7 51 53 3 9 Eirsch Hirsch R W WaldonSon Alfonso 10 12 8 10 198s3MRS REEVES 95 10 10 10 10 10 OConnor O'Connor W C Daly Dally 30 100 30 75 Time 75Time 121 24 36 49 1 02 02Winner Winner B f by Faverdale Favorable Essayez Essay II IIStart Distort Start good Won easily Attainment was the best Brentwood Greenwood was full of speed and very game Percy F was jostled at the start and had a stormy journey He closed fast at the end Handpress Handless appeared sore and had no speed Throw this race out Pontet Ponte Canet Cant ran well He is a useful colt coltScratched crosshatched Scratched Stone Stop 95 Helmsdale Hillsdale 93 2O5O Fl FIFTH RACE 1 Mile 400 added 3yearolds Selling tuo to Horses Wt fit M tt StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners OH 1 2000 BEN RONALD 115 1 21 ZB 3 1H Simms Sims M F Dwyer 752 752 1982 REY FREY DEL TIERRA 96 2 IB IH 21 2 OConnor O'Connor E W Purser 85856575 20033 FIRESIDE 115 3 31 31 IB 8 Hewitt LSWPThmpsn 5 85 7 19 6 HI DADDY 93 5 5 4B 4 4 Coyhe Cohen Mrs L Curtis 12 50 10 40 1459 AZURE 93 ti 4a 5 58 50 Maher Kensico Keens Stable 6 15 5 12 2026 ROBEUT ROBUST BONNER BONER 93 4 6666 Thompson J E Madden 10 20 10 15 Time 15Time 2Ji 50116 143 143WTinner WTinner Winner Br g by Hindoo Indoor BenMaChree Menarche BenMaChreeStart Start good Won pulled up Ben Ronald was much the best He is a wonderfully improved horse Rey Frey del Tierra had no chance with such a small boy He needs blinkers and stronger handling Fireside overweighted overweighed was a good filly Azure wants a route and mud Hi Daddy wants mud also but a short race raceScratched backscratcher Scratched Dobride Oxbridge 105 Manassas Mantissas 115 2O51 SIXTH UACEo8 Mile 4uO added 2yearolds Allowances Ind Indo Horses VVt Vt St M y StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H I 2004 75193l3WAtiTEFUL HOY HOLY ORATOR VU 5 4 SB 23 l Hewitt LSW SW PThompsnS5 85 65 75 193l3WAtiTEFUL 123 4 51 41 32 2 H Martin D Gideon 2 2 65 85 1981 HELVON1A 119 3 SB 7 5 32 Thorpe Jas Jabs Galway 10 30 10 25 20012T1NKLER 119 1 12 13 1 43 VanKuron Anuran W C Daly Dally 12 15 10 12 1956 DEAL 119 10 7 61 4 f F Martin F T Miller 30 60 30 50 20233THE 5020233THE CAD 122 8 897 6io BeauchampJ Beach S Wadsworth Adsorb 5645 1930 CHARM EUSE USE 119 2 2a 2 6 72 Penn A H D H Morris 20 30 15 20 MISS 20MISS BLEU 119 6 6 SB 8 83 Neumeyer Mummery Mrs A Gray 20 30 10 20 1956 TEN TORE 119 9 10 10 9 9 0 Coylio Collie R Neville 20 30 10 20 2020013DR 20013DR 10STEWARD WITHHOW WITHHOLD 122 7 9 8 10 10 Doggett Doge G Sigler Silver 10 12 6 10 STEWARD 12211 II 11 11 11 Mackey Mickey Sensation Stable a 30 10 20 Time 20Time 12 25 49 1 02J Winner 02JWinner SuspenseStart Suspense B c by Meddler Suspense Start straggling Won pulled up Boy Orator outclassed his field and fulfilled early promise Wasteful ran his race He probably wants a route Belvonia Begonia finished fast and should do his next out The Cad had no chance at the start Tinkler Tinker beat the gate and ran bis bias race Deal ran well Steward ran green and was practically left at the post postScratched PostScript Scratched Raopahannock 122