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U A F 1 7 1 V Ixr Ix X7r T1O HARLEn Harlem T1OHARLEn JOCKEY CLUB HARLEM RAGE TRACK TRACKFINEST TACKIEST FINEST AND BEST APPOINTED TRACK IN THE WEST Autumn Meeting Begins Monday September 20th RACING STARTS AT 215 PM GRAND CONCERT BY BANKS CREGIERS CAREGIVERS FULL ORCHESTRA THIRTY PIECES PIECESAT PIECES AT 130 PM DAILY DAILYSpecial Special trains Suburban Kailroad Railroad direct to grand stand leave Grand Central Station Harrison and Fifth Avenue at 1245 110 and 125 pm stopping at Halsted Halted HalstedStreet Hastiest Street and Blue Island Avenue returning immediately after the races Bound trip 25 cents Lake Street Elevated Trains leave station at Wabash ave and Adams st and stop at all stations connecting with Electric Cars at 52nd Street Madison Street cable cablecars calendars cars connect with electric cars at 40th street Electric cars direct to track trackAd tracked Ad mission 75 Cents Ladies Admitted Free Wednesdays M i THOS ETHOS H WILLIAMS PRESIDENT R B MILROY MILO SECRETARY Stakes of Winter and Spring fleetings fleeting 1897 = 98 TO CLOSE NOVEMBER 10TH 1897 21 THE BUENS BENS HANDICAP for all anes Danes ona Mona and onequarter conjecturer miles 10000 26 THE FOLLANSBEE FALKLANDS HANDICAP for all ages seveneighths seventieths ufamile faille 1250 22 THE THORNTON HORTON STAKES for threeyearolds and upward four miles 3000 27 THE Me LIAUQHLIH SELLING STAKES for all age one and onesixteenth consistent miles 1250 23 THE PALAOB PALO HOTEL HANDICAP for all ages one and oneeighth neigh mihs mish 2000 23 THE PACIFICUNION PACIFICATION STAKES for all ages one and onaeighth naught miles 1500 24 TH GONSI GONGS STAKES for UajroB Quarto ona Mona and ouesixteanth coexistent miles ijAii jai IsffiO Sufi 29 THE LIBSAK LISA STAKES for threayearolds treacherous threequarters treasurers of a mile 5250 TTrr Tatar T rjSlJD JSTHfi BXNOHO XENOPHOBE DEL PASOHANDioApforthreeyeardlds onetmileir connectible rfiL refill TO CLOSE IN JANUARY 1898 81 THE ELMWOOD STAKES for foaia foramina of 1898 1000 34 THE WATEUHOUSE WAREHOUSE STAKES for foals of 1896 1360 82 THE FLYING STAKES for foals of 1898 1000 35 THE GENERAL AETHUE ENTHUSE CIGAE CIA STAKES for foals of 1896 1250 33 THE RACING STAKES selling for foals of 1896 1000 36 CANDELARIA CANDELABRA HANDICAP for foals of 1893 1500 Ship All Morsos Morass to Oakland Gal Thoy Toy can b Unloaded at tho thou Track Without Going to San Francisco For Information and Entry Blanks Address R B niLROY nitro SECRETARY 204 Sutter Shutter Street San Francisco Cal PACIFIC COAST JOCKEY CLUB CLUBINGLESIDE CLUBBING INGLESIDE INGLES TRACK SEASON OF 18971898 BEGINNING NOVEMBER 1897 1897Stakes Stakes to be Run During November and December 1897 ANDREW YEARS HANDICAP JANUARY 1 1898 December 1 1897 1 18 Miles 103 to tho thou third horse Entrance 10 each to The University Stakes A sweepstakes for start 1500 weight for aara aaa Ulowaice Loamier lib lib3y34rolds ran Wednesday for each 103 leas to 5n Starters to banamai banana The Rancho Del Paso Stakes V sweep ¬ accompinv accompli the nomination 0 a 1 litioual clitoral to value foals of 1894 Guaranteed the 3y34rolds to five diys diy before start Weights appear of the second and 100 to the d ellia ella pe sV sVedathar Vedanta edathar datary stakes for Jyoarnds Fjords and upwiri umpiring Entrance 1033 which 200 to nv h n M race Winners after publication of wsights sights to the nomination Q ad ¬ third horse Entrance 10 each to t lm ° Tiwl Tail T 9Jn 10 each to accompany accompany November K 6 1397 1 I i 12 mites mitesners moisteners ditional diction to start Guaranted Guaranteed value 1501 of carry 5 Ibs Dibs penalty To be run Saturday the nomination 25 additional to start Win Dacembsr December U 1897 I 14 miles milesThe mildest for which 2iO t second a a 1 15 to the third the The Stakes A sweepstakes of JGOO GOO to Sunnyside Sunny ners nears of two stakes of 1030 or one carry his AllowiucJ Allow The Crocker Stakes A sweepstakes for 2 bOM3 fourth to stve stave stace stance 5 Ibs Dibs of three of value or one of foals of 189 or more any 2yearold colts and geldings this of stake of the value of yoarolds yarrows Oils of It95 Gaaraite Garrote rl value ° lb lbi bi 1 Oth Goth Othr Other horses nonwinners nominees of which 201 to the theof theo nonwinners nominees year a i i2A 2A 2Alb i P9 r Guaranteed value 120J the 15117 Ibs Dibs of a stake of any value 15 Ibs Dibs 120 of which 5233 to the second aid 1 to of 2000 allowed 5 Ibs Dibs of 1000 8 Ibs Dibs Maidens third horse Entrance Entranceallowai Entrance 8ecoud and 100 to the the maidens 4 year olds and upward 23 Ibs Dibs Threa Thread third horse Entrance SVO SO each to accompany allowai allow 15 Ibs Dibs To be Monday November the nominatioa nomination JS ad run 10 each to accompany horses the property of eatirely entirely differ ¬ nomination 33 alditional additional to start vVinners vintners or more 1897 1 mile of the theThe teethe 1 ditional diction to start A winner of a stake ent Kent interests to start or the race may be declared of two stakes of 10 VI or of one of Ji03 to car ¬ The San Francisco Stakes A sweepstakes value of 1500 or two of any value to carry 3 3for off To bs ran Situr Situ lay Dacemb3r 4 1897 1 34 ry 3 Ibs Dibs of two of i 5 t or one of 5030 5 Ibs Dibs for 2yearold allies foals of 189i Guaranteed Ibs Dibs of one of 2500 or three or more of any anyilue anile miles penalty Other h irsas visas nonwinners nominees of 1000 ilue illume 1200 of which 200 to second and 100 to value 5 Ibs Dibs penalty Other horses nonwinners nominees milesThe mildest allowad allowed 3 Ibs Dibs of 500 s Ibs Dibs Maidens allowed 10 third horse Entrance 10 each to accom Tacoma of 500 allowed 5 Ibs Dibs maidens allowed 12 Ibs Dibs Ibsiany Bosnian The Palace Hotel Stakes A handicap 14 Ibs Dibs To ba run Wednesday Dncember December 29 iany any the nomination 25 additional to start Co be run Saturday November 13 1897 78 78A steeplechase tor tore 3yearol U and upvird umpired En 1397 Imile Simile ImileThe Simile tanno annoy 10 each to accompany the iwniai zinnia i in n mile mileof mile A winner of a stake of the value of 1500 or two Gvrirantsed Variants value I The New Year A handicap additional to start Handicap of value 3 Ibs Dibs of of 250 three any one or or The presdjo presidio StakesA Stakes selling sweepstakes sweepstakesmore sweepstakes of which 2J to second and 10 to thi thin t iird bird sweepstakes for tyearolds sterols and upward Guar ¬ 5 Ibs Dibs Other more of any value penalty for 3yearolds foals of US91 Guarantee 1 value valuehorses alehouses horses nonwinners nominees of 500 allowed 5 Ibs Dibs 1000 of which S203 to the second and 100 to the themaidens headmen horse VMsjhtsto looear looker three days urior curio to anteed anted value 15 of which 300 to second and the racs races or m ire hirses horses the property of IOJ CIO to the third horse Entrance 10 each to maidens allowad allowed 12 Ibs Dibs To be run Wednesday taird laird horse Entrance 10 each to accomoany accompany accomoanyNovember accompany November 3 1397 34 mile the nomination r additional to start GO GOThe GOTh entirely di I u it iitirsts bittiest to start or the race accompany the nomination 50 additional to miybi miry declared oil l To bj rua ra Wednesday start to five days before the Weights Allowance 3 Ibs Dibs for each 500 500stakes appear A weight for The Golden West Stakes sollinar collinear sweep age DjcemberS Decembers IS97 Full Course CourseThe Corseted Winners after publication of weights to stakes for 3yearolds and upward Guaranteed to 2003 then 1 Ib for each 100 to 1500 and 2 2value race value 1030 of which 20J to the second and 100 Ibs Dibs for each 100 less to 100 Starters to be beto bettor The Hobart Stakes A handicap sweep ¬ carry 5 Ibs Dibs penalty To ba run Saturday Jan ¬ to the third horse Eatrauca Etruscan 10 each to ac named and sellin selling price stated through the thecompany Ethiopian stakes for 3year Hds Hades ifj if ls of 1891 Guaran Guaranty ¬ uary unary 1 1398 2 miles company the nomination 25 additional to entry box the day preceding the race To be teed value J1500 of which 203 to the second and BOOK FOR THE REMAINING EIGHTEEN STAKES WILL BE ISSUED LATER Entries Close October isth Kist 1897 B H GRKKN SECRKTAJRY SECRETARY SECRKTAJRYPARLORS PINB3T WISTBR WISTER RAwB RAw TRASK TASK IN AMERICA PARLORS A B PALACE HOTEL SAN FRANCISCO CAL