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WINDSOR ENTRIES Probabilities Weather threatening track trackfast tackiest fast fastFirst fascist First Race 34 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Allowances AllowancesInd Allowances Ind Indo Horses W Wrt Wart rt Ind Indo Horses Wjrt Writ 1959 Pco Pico Proverb3 97 2029 Graofin Groin 3 97 1666 Aftoruun Astound 3 97 2052 Katie W 3 97 2005 N C Croede Crowed 3J100 20793DdsDghtr4107 2057 Susie B 6 107 1980 Queen Albia4107 2052 Sobriquet 4 107 2033 Dixie Lee 4 107 1259 O Dominion 7 107 2079 Major Tom 10110 10110Second Second Race 58 Mile Mile2yearolds 2yearolds Allowances Allowancesfnd Allowances fnd fend Horses Wet Ind Indo Horses Wat Walt 1978 Sister Mamie Mammies 102 1978 Bertha Nell 102 2056 Belle of Corsical02 1978 Arista Aristae 102 1977 Laura May 102 2006 Marcus Mayer102 Mayer1021S80 1S80 Mavouraeen Maturate 102 19782Earl Fonso Fonts 105 10519772Tally 19772Tally Ho 105 20303Qlney 105 10520S68Jim 20S68Jim Lisle 105 20813Scraps 105 105Third Third Race 1 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds Allowances AllowancesInd Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt 1885 Reformation 104 1980 Leoncie Leonie 104 2057 StevoCiolinil04 20522Qlen Albyn Abby 104 10420572Van 20572Van Kirkman104 1663 Geo Geol Patterson 104 10420292Prima 20292Prima 104 2055 Anger 104 10420523Susie 20523Susie Hawzel04 20783Alvin W 107 2055 Gioja Goad 107 107Fourth Fourth Race 78 Mile 3yearolds and upward Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wet Ind Indo Horses W rt 2029 Gladioli 4 104 20533Cyclone 10 104 20552Tntuilla 5 104 2077 High Tide 114 104 2079 HartfordBoy5104 2031 BrckgBrnsh4104 2032 Midlo Milo 4 104 20332Helen H II 4 104 1979 Irksome 5 104 20543Harrington 6104 1939 Ellsmere Ellesmere 4 104 2009 Kosoio Kookier 4 107 107Fifth Fifth Kace Ace 5 12 furlongs furlongs2yearolds 2yearolds Allowances Allowancesind Allowances ind bind Horses Wgt Wt Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt 2056 Bouquet 92 2030 Beguile 95 1960 Mystic Shriner Shiner 95 2053 Rathmore Authored 95 2081 Lord Farandole Farad 95 19173Lavorna 97 97l l K8Aunt Bird 97 1886 Marg Marge Eastin Easton 97 97177a 177a Jim Armstrong 97