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AQUEDUCT FORM CHART CHARTNEW CARNE NEW YOBK OK N Y October 11 Seventh day Queens County Jockey Club Fall Meeting Weather clear track good Presiding Judge E W Simmons Starter C H Pettingill Petting 2070 FIB8T HACK 34 Mile 400 added 3yearolds and upward Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt St 3 StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 1983JKINNIKINNICK 116 1 12C248UNUP 23 22111 U W Martin W Laimbeer Limber 451 4545 2C248UNUP 126 5 55 41 2 Simms Sims W M Barrick Baric 2 3 2 21 211H 859 TEN SPOT 108 2 1H 12i 2 35 Penn P Nolan 15 40 15 40 1083 G1TTY 108 4 41932JABABIAN 3 42 5 41 Forbes T D Sullivan 40 60 30 50 1932JABABIAN 116 3 42 3 31 5 VanKuren Anuran W C Daly Dally 4 6 31 5 5BeauchampF 1955 CASTLETON CARLETON 113 Bolted BeauchampF Beach Mathews 40 100 40 80 Time 12 24 351 481 1 151 151Winner FlibbortigibbqtStart Flibbertigibbets Winner B c 3 by Candlemas Candelas Flibbortigibbqt Flibbertigibbet Start good Won easily Einnikinnick was best likes track and is a good sprinter Sunnp Sunup lost at the start and was badly handled the first part He came like a good horse at the end Ten Spot showed speed and hung on gamely Arabian was sore Beauchamp Beach was injured but not seriously seriouslyScratched seriously Scratched Break oDay today 113 Master James Ill Anson Anon L 106 Eobert Robert Bonner Boner 108 Miss Prim 118 Endeavor 1C3 2O71 SECOND EACE ACE 1 Mile 400 added 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St M Yt 5 StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 1999 MYB MB HABKNE8S 109 1 SB IH 12 is INI II Simros Simons J E Madden 6756 20242CBOMWELL 675620242CBOMWELL 212046ALABUM 106 7 2n 41 52 51 2 H Martin A J Joyner Joiner 2 21 2 21 2046ALABUM 110 2 4B 31 41 31 33 Dogett Doge E C Doggett Doge 5856 58561999TANIS 1999TANIS 105 8 7 7 31 2a 4B Coylie Collie H Patterson 6868 2047 W B 111 3 63 62 63 63 53 Penn Higgins 5 6 31 5 1982 WATEEMAN WATERMAN 1011 999886 Hewitt T D Sullivan 6645 2025TAPPAN 95 5 IH 22 21 7 7 Thompson F E Lowe 12 20 12 12 2024 ELEANOE ELEANOR MAC 101 4 8 8 9 9 8 OLeary O'Leary W A Porter 30 50 30 40 20262BASTION 98 6 51 51 7 4 9 OConnor O'Connor W C Daly Dally 12 20 10 15 1955 HUEL HUE 91 10 10 10 10 10 10 Mahor Maher A Decker 20 40 20 30 Time 30Time 26 501 1 16 1 43 43Winner PappooseStart Papooses Winner B f 4 by Strathmore Stratford Pappoose Papoose Start good Won driving Harkness Harness was the best She likes the track and is getting good Cromwell was shut off at the half and came fast at the end He was poorly handled Alarum is growing stale He was bothered on the turn Tanis Anis ran a good race after much jostling on the first turn Tappan was not up to the distance and was badly handled He swerved all over the stretch stretchScratched stretches Scratched Break oDay today 105 Squan Sequa 91 91Overweights Overweights Overweighs Myi Mi tie Harkness Harness 4 pounds Alarum 1 Waterman 21 2O72 THIBD HID KACE ACE 58 Mile 400 added 2yearolds Fillies Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St H BtrFin Brian Jockeys Owners O H L C 2J04UABDLY 109 3 42 46 3 IB Simms Sims M F Dwyer 16511 2004 MAUD ELLIS 105 4 420272FLEETING 31 31 4 22 H Martin D Sloan 6868 20272FLEETING GOLD 105 1 21 22 21 31 Garrigan Arian Sensation Stable 4 4 21 3 1934 JUDA JUDAH 109 5 11 IH 11 H 4 Doggett Doge Kensico Keens Stable 6 6656 6 5 6 2049 BELLE OF EBIN BIN 94 6 6 51 6 5 Ge A H D H Morris 30 60 30 50 1934 JULIANA 99 7 7 7 7 66 Maher M A Healy 10 30 10 25 2049 ALLIE SALLIE BELLE 105 2 5 61 52 76 Hewitt H T Griffin 6 10 5 7 2051 MISS BLEU 108 8 88 8 Penn Peon Mrs A Gray 20 100 20 60 021Winner Time 60Time 12 241 351 481 1 021 PerhapsStart Perhaps Winner Ch f by Candlemas Candelas Perhaps Start good Won driving Hardly was the best and is very game Maud Ellis finished strong and likes a routs Fleeting Gold ana Juda Judah killed each other off by pacemaking peacemaking Both favor the mud The others were of little account Scratched Bevelyne Evelyn 105 Fontumka Fontana 99 Moreda Moored 105 Abundant 103 Overweights Overweighs 103Overweights Juda Judah 4 pounds Miss Bleu 3 2O73 FOUETH FOURTH EACE ACE 1 18 Miles 400 added 3yearoJds and upward Selling Inn Hortes Chortles Wt St yt StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 19992YANKEE DOODLE 104 1 IH IH U I2 IH H Martin E W Purser 3323 2050BEN 33232050BEN EONALD RONALD 109 3 2 31 42 2n 23 Simms Sims M F Dwyer 1 65 1 65 19993MABSHALL 6519993MABSHALL 103 5 3n 41 SB 41 30 Doggett Doge J F Quigley 4433 2048 KING T 119 2 41 2n 21 33 4 Penn H Durant 8 12 6 10 1128 MANCHESTEE MANCHESTER 104 6 6 5 6 6 56 Forbes J W Colt 20 50 1C 40 19573PAETEIDGE 4019573PAETEIDGE 94 4 SB 6 51 51 6 Thompson J E Madden 8 12 6 10 Time 10Time 27 521 1 17 1 44 1 561 Winner ManzanitaStart Tanzanians 561Winner B c 4 by Prince Eoyal Royal Manzanita Tanzania Start good Won cleverly It was a false run race Yankee Doodle was allowed to loiter in front at a slow pace He is very good now however Ben Eonald Ronald was handled with bad judg judge ¬ ment meant Throw out his race Marshall was a good horse but outrun in the stretch King T needs a letup Partridge is sore in front frontScratched crosshatched Scratched Maurice 112 Cromwell 105 Timour Timor 93 Premier 116 W B 110 2074 FIFTH EACE ACE 5 1 Furlongs 400 added 2yearolde Maidens Soiling Ind Indo Horses Wt St Yi StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 1956 ISEN RISEN 104 1 11 11 21 12 H Martin John Daly Dally 2323 2051 THE CAD 106 3 2 21 41 2H Doggett Doge J 8 Wadsworth Adsorb 3634 574 LAUEEL LAUREL LEAF 98 9 6 31 H 32 Thompson Sensation Stable 8 30 8 30 20232PINK 3020232PINK CHAMBEAY CHAMBRAY 103 5 41 63 31 4 Hewitt H Harris 21 6 21 5 7553FEED OWEN 110 6 51 42 5 51 Simms Sims CougleCrevelingS 4 3 31 1498 MAY EOSELLE ROSELLE 95 2 31 7 7 61 Forbes J Hamerick Homeric 30 100 30 75 1047 HIS MAJESTY 98 7 8 5 t5 7 OLeary O'Leary W Hayward 10 30 10 25 2001 601644GA8PAED BASIL 103 8 99 9 83 BeauchampG Beaching T Miller 30 75 30 60 1644GA8PAED 102 4 7889 Garrigan Arian A F Walcott Walkout 6 10 5 7 2023 BEVELYNE EVELYN 103 10 10 10 10 10 Maher J Galway 6 10 6 8 Formerly Gasford Gasified Time 121 241 361 491 1 10 VageStart Vaguest Winner 10Winner B f by Ludwig Vage Vague Start straggling Won driving It was a bad lot ISPU LISP was favored at the start and through ¬ out race She likes a route The Cad is a very bad actor but ran a good race considering the fearful use he got at the post Laurel Leaf showed a surprising burst of speed Pink Chambray was off poorly and much used at the post Ferd Fed Owen is a nice looker and will do much better Watch Bevelyne Evelyn She was practically left Scratched Long Acre 110 Artist Love 99 GrrK Gorky SIXTH BACE ACE 1 Mile 400 added All ages Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt St K 5 StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 2043BEN EDEE IEEE 118 4 31 31 3 22 13 Simms Sims M F Dwyer 1953 SLY FOX FOX19532WAEEENTON 90 1 11 U IH IB 2B Maher FEeagan Feign 19532WAEEENTON 19532WAEEENTON200430XNAED 90 5 51 41 4 41 31 Forbes W L ofver over 200430XNAED 90 3 4 52 61 51 48 Thompson J E Madden 1983 ALICE FAELEY FEATLY 87 6 6 6 7 65 53 Henson JOGrav Ogura 2004 AUBUM LABIUM 90 7 7 7 51 7 66 OConnor O'Connor W C Da 1 v 2002 COUETSHIP COURTSHIP II 108 2 21 ISTime Mistimed 21 21 3 7 Penn Maplehnrst Alpenhorns Stbl Stable 30 50 30 IS Time 25 50 1 151 1 421 Winner 421Winner WorkmateStart Workmates B c 4 by F9nso Workmate Start good Won easily Ben Eder Edger likes this track best and is getting good again Sly Fox was badly handled throughout the race He ran a grand race and shows a liking for a route Warrenton Warren finished strong Alice Farley Fairly was choked to death and could not stay Oxnard had chance with Lis Lisa boy Ho was a good horse Courtship showed remarkable speed no Scratched speedScratched speeds Maurice 118 Belle of Killarney Killer 107